Born November 18, 1973 in the village Tlyustenkhabl of the Republic of Adygea.
Higher education. He graduated from the Krasnodar Higher Military School behalf of General of the Army Shtemenko and Moscow State Law Academy.
From 1994 to 1996 he worked as deputy chief of regime service of the garrison Chkalovsky (Air Division Special Task).
From 1996 to 1999 he worked as a legal adviser in the company "TV-6 Moscow".
From 1999 to 2000 - Legal adviser, "Alfa-Bank".
From 2001 to 2002 - Head of Legal Department, CB "Uniastrum Bank".
From 2002 to 2003 - Director of the Legal Department, CB "Uniastrum Bank".
From 2003 to 2006 - General Director of LLC "Uniastrum Consulting."
Since 2005 - Member of the Presidium of the All-Russian public organization of small and medium business "OPORA RUSSIA", the head of the regional branch of the Krasnodar Territory.
From 2006 to 2011 - President, Management Unit of "VBO Consulting."
Since 2008 - Vice-President of All-Russian public organization of small and medium business "OPORA RUSSIA".
Since 2009 - Founder of the media holding "OPORA CREDIT", which provides an information on the measures to support small and medium-sized businesses, and conducting the All-Russian competition for entrepreneurs, "Business Success".
From 2011 to 2013 - President, "VBO Consult".
Since 2012 - President of the All-Russian public organization of small and medium business "OPORA RUSSIA".
Since 2013 - Member of the Public Chamber, Moscow.
Since 2013 - Member of the Central Staff of the All-Russia People's Front.
Since 2013 - Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC "EXIAR".
Since 2013 - Co-chairman of the Central Headquarters of the All-Russia People's Front.
From 2013 to 2014 - President of the All-Russian public organization of small and medium business "OPORA RUSSIA".
From 2014 to the present. - First Vice-President of All-Russian public organization of small and medium business "OPORA RUSSIA".
From 2014 - Member of the Board of Directors of the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VCIOM).
From 2014 - Secretary of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.
From 2014 - First Vice-President of All-Russian public organization of small and medium business "OPORA RUSSIA".
From 2015 - Member of the Presidential Council of the Russian Federation for countering corruption.
In 2015, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation under the leadership of Brechalov launched a project "Perspective" to search for and support of the leaders of public and active citizens in the regions. With this purpose, in all federal districts of RF were held active citizens forums "Community".
At the end of 2015 Secretary of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, co-chairman of the Central Headquarters of the ONF Alexander Brechalov won first place in the ranking of ISEPI-2016 of promising political figures.
He is married and has two children.
Wife: Brechalova Elena Nikolaevna, born 06.09.1973. She is the founder of a number of commercial structures and two educational centers of additional professional education - "Law and Practice" and "Law and Business".
Son: Brechalov Artem Aleksandrovich, 19.01.2000, is studying in Moscow elite school.
Daughter: Anastasia Aleksandrovna Brechalova, 19.01.2000, studying in the same class as his brother Artem.
According to the Uniform State Register of Legal Entities Brechalov Alexander a founder of the following commercial entities.
1. Limited Liability Company Consulting Company "Corporate Solutions", INN 7707658118. Main activity: Advice on business and management.
Vladimir Vanin acted as a General Director.
Authorized capital - 10 000 rubles.
The founders were three individuals:
- Mindrin Yury Evgenievich, the share in the authorized capital - 2450 rubles;
- Vladimir Vanin, the share in the authorized capital - 2450 rubles;
- Brechalov Alexander, the share in the authorized capital - 5100 rubles.
2. Limited Liability Company "OPORA-CREDIT", INN 7707701772. Main activity: Activities of news agencies.
Kuznetsov Andrey Anatolievich acted as a General Director.
The authorized capital - 31.5 million rubles.
The founders are two legal entities and one individual:
- All-Russian public organization of small and medium business "OPORA RUSSIA", the share in the authorized capital - 375 000 rubles;
- Limited Liability Company Commercial Bank "Union", the share in the authorized capital - 30 million rubles;
- Brechalov Alexander, the share in the authorized capital - 1.125 million rudders.
According to the Uniform State Register of Legal Entities wife of Brechalov Alexander Vladimirovich Brechalova Elena Nikolaevna is a founder of the following commercial entities.
1. Limited Liability Company "Business Territory", INN 7706419607. Main activity: Provision of other services.
The General Director is Suntsova Daria.
Authorized capital - 10 000 rubles.
The founders were four individuals:
- Brechalova Elena Nikolaevna, the share in the authorized capital - 4000 rubles;
- Suntsova Daria Yurievna, the share in the authorized capital - 2 000 rubles;
- Luzhkova Olesya Leonidovna, the share in the authorized capital - 2 000 rubles;
- Scherbatkina Maria Alexandrovna, the share in the authorized capital - 2 000 rubles.
2. Closed Joint Stock Company "Consulting Group "Pelican", INN 7703546621. Main activity: Advice on business and management.
The General Director is Shebek Sergey Vladimirovich.
The authorized capital - 300 000 rubles.
The founders were three individuals:
- Brechalova Elena, the share in the authorized capital - 100 000 rubles;
- Shebek Sergey Vladimirovich, the share in the authorized capital - 100 000 rubles;
- Leonov Alexei Mikhailovich, the share in the authorized capital - 100 000 rubles.
3. Limited Liability Company "Sem-Ya", INN 2308028281. Main activity:
General Director is Nikolai Vladimirovich Reznikov.
Authorized capital - 10 000 rubles.
The founders were three individuals:
- Reznikov Nikolay Vladimirovich, the share in the authorized capital - 3 400 rubles;
- Murray Natalia Nikolaevna, the share in the authorized capital - 3 300 rubles;
- Brechalova Elena Nikolaevna, the share in the authorized capital - 3 300 rubles.
People's Control Committee
Interview of Vice President of "OPORA RUSSIA" Alexander Brechalov:
- And yet, small businesses will cope with the crisis?
- Cope - or not ... Someone will die, and the number of these will be huge, someone will be born anew. No one cares about it. When the "MiG" is crumbling, or "GAS" or "VAZ" - it is a brand. And what is a small company that makes high-quality locks and already safely rested in peace? Someone's heart skipped a beat? Of course not. Well, people go bankrupt, well, will start something again.
"Novye Izvestiya", 08.05.2009
Uniastrum Bank Board of Directors on 2/3 consists of representatives of the top managers of the Public Joint Stock Company Bank of Cyprus, which owns 80% of BOC RUSSIA (HOLDINGS) LIMITED.
The Board of Directors also includes George Piskov and Gagik Zakaryan, who are the founders of the Bank and jointly own 20% stake in the Bank participant, as well as one independent director - Alexander Brechalov.
None of the members of the Board of Directors of the Bank directly owns shares in the authorized capital of the Bank.
Alexander Brechalov - Member of the Board of Directors (independent director).
• President of "VBO Consulting";
• Vice-President of All-Russian public organization of small and medium business "OPORA POSSIA".
Reporting "Uniastrum Bank" in 2010.
A banker was shot in the center of Moscow. The victim of criminals became a member of the Board of Directors of Uniastrum Bank, vice president of public organization "OPORA RUSSIA" Alexander Brechalov. He is in the hospital. He was also robbed in the attack, told "Kommersant FM" the duty officer of the Moscow police Anatoliy Lastavetsky.
"Today, presumably at 12.50 at the entrance to the mall in the Theater Travel three masked men attacked a member of the board of a commercial bank. Shot in a man from a traumatic weapon, they took a man's bag, and then fled the scene on an Audi car. At present, introduced the plan-interception, attackers are sought, "- he says.
Kommersant, 01.06.2012
Alexander Brechalov started his first business since 17 years when he studied at the Military School of the city of Krasnodar: he was trying to make the stun rod. He is currently the first vice-president of public organization business "OPORA RUSSIA", a member of the Board of Directors of "Uniastrum Bank".
You have built a financial relationship in the organization of the gray schemes: monthly contributions from regional offices, from large "small businesses" and from the members of the governing bodies are collected in envelopes. Amounts range from five to fifty thousand dollars and sent to you directly or through your authorized representative - the Vice-President, Head of the Krasnodar regional department Brechalov. Everyone knows that the amount of the monthly contributions in good times to reach half a million dollars. I wonder why you, Sergey Renatovich, are still not in the ranking of the Russian Forbes, for example, as president of LLC "Genova".
Limited Liability Company "Genova", INN 7724272925, BIN 1037724026944, OKPO 14225458 Address: 115409, Moscow, Kashirskoye Highway, d.70, building 3...
In 2011, the organization announced a large-scale all-Russian contest "Business Success" for the best entrepreneur. The format of the competition - exit conference (travel), inviting them to local entrepreneurs, regional and municipal officials. Permanent chairman of the jury is you. Operator of the project - the same Brechalov Alexander, vice president of OPORA and president of media holding "OPORA-CREDIT" (???). Media Holding in the mode of online communication in the conference hall organizes all kinds of support to regional entrepreneurs in their dialogue with the authorities. You provide this dialog, behave yourself threateningly, quoting the supreme power, protect small and medium entrepreneurs. Not everyone, of course, but one that appealed beforehand, went and not just in the "free cash" of media holding, has handed there something according to the price list. And without any corruption. And in the evening is the same dating.
Such major events in 2011 have already been held in Stavropol (?), Perm (?), Ufa (Inga), Krasnodar (Tamara +1), Lipetsk (?), Ulyanovsk (?), and Novosibirsk (?). Visits to Samara, Kazan, Penza, Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don, St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk and Barnaul are planned in 2012.
Actual results of your activities as president of the organization "OPORA RUSSIA" are on the face - a dip in the activity of the Sberbank on SME lending, dispersal of the presidium and the support apparatus. Collective management of the public part of the activities is replaced by establishment of the post of the first three Vice-Presidents in the person of Paul Segal, Vyacheslav Korochkin and all the same "cashier" Alexander Brechalov.
Open Letter to the President "OPORA RUSSIA" Borisov Sergey Renatovich, 31.08.2012
All-Russian People's Front (ONF) in September will launch an Internet portal, which will collect information on corruption in public procurement, and the mechanism of social control will be implemented for this area, said "Interfax” on Wednesday, referring to the co-chairman of the central headquarters of ONF Alexander Galushka.
Kommersant, 08.14.2013
In February 2013 due to the fall of the meteorite Chelyabinsk region has become famous throughout the world. Immediately after the incident began to be spoken of proposals that this event may be used for the development of tourism potential. The head of public organization of small and medium business "Opora Russia" Alexander Brechalov advised to turn this incident into a source of income; "It is possible in this situation to make money and for the citizens and for entrepreneurs. It starts immediately, within three working days the brainstorm creative people of the area is held, which are spread out the message "Welcome: meteorite," all over the world and so on, any images, photographs, "- suggested Alexander Brechalov.
Kommersant, 10.16.2013
Shortly before the arrest of participants of fraud MIA investigative department has teamed up a dozen criminal cases in the regions on the facts of "fraud with the maternal capital" (P. 4, Art. 159 of the Criminal Code). On Monday, the Interior Ministry task force flew in nine subjects of the Russian Federation, where operations were to conduct. The most representative group, according to "Kommersant", worked in Kazan. Someone, obviously, warned vice-president of “Opora Russia”, about a possible arrest, and he decided to escape from the city. Mr. Segal changed the machine twice, but was caught on the exit from Kazan anyway. Thereafter GUEBiPK officers and investigators brought Paul Segal in his country house, where a search was conducted. Police also searched and Avtogradbank he owns, through which were carried out all financial operations on the maternal capital. At the same time were passed the detention of directors and managers of LLC "Center for Microfinance" in Perm and Stavropol Territories, Ivanovo, Lipetsk, Samara, Smolensk, Tambov and Tomsk regions.
Perhaps it is worth recalling that the president of "Opora Russia" - Alexander Brechalov.
Rospres, 20/11/2013
November 18 operatives held in Kazan a powerful operation to arrest Pavel Segal - the first vice-president of "Opora", the president of the Microfinance Centre. The arrest of a large "bumps" - is the crown of a two-year labor: more than 800 investigators were involved, 135 searches, questioning of 200 witnesses. Result: 80 cases of illegal, according to the Interior Ministry opinion, encashment of MC in 2010-2012 in the amount of 29 million rubles. This corresponds to 80 MCs (in 2011 - 365 700 rubles), assuming that all the MCs were spent for other purposes.
Along with Segal were arrested eight organizers of the "regional schemes" in other regions. Soon the number of detainees increased to 17. As a result, expects an investigation, the number of episodes in the case will be in the hundreds. A few people will stood up for Segal; the most active - the president of "Opora" Alexander Brechalov and businessmen from Tatarstan.
Forbes, 05.12.2013
Brechalov Alexander, president of "OPORA Russia". Coming in 1996 in reserve, he was trading in the market in his native Krasnodar so he knows businesses problems. Since 2007, he is the member of the board of directors of Uniastrum Bank. The initiator of the creation of the portal "Opora Credit", which contains information about finances and the measures of state support for small businesses. In 2011, under the leadership of Brechalov launched the All-Russian Competition of entrepreneurs "Business Success", which takes place in all regions of Russia.
Forbes, 2013
The former president of "Opora" of Russia Alexander Brechalov resigned, as he decided to focus on the Secretary of the Public Chamber and co-chair of the ONF.
Vedomosti, 10.29.2014
He remembered of his old love for fishing and engaged in questionable business of selling stun rods. In the future will unfold a struggle of honest fishermen and environmentalists to ban this mean of fishing, and people, who use electric rods, will be called not otherwise than poachers. But in those days there was a possibility to quietly engage in similar business, and Brechalov opened a company with the beautiful name "Venice".
... Cases of Alexander Vladimirovich were going uphill, when in 2008 the global economic crisis broke out, because of which ran into problems and "Uniastrum Bank", in which board of directors at that time Brechalov already was. But the bank has managed to get out of a difficult situation by means of an extremely profitable deal with Cypriot bank of Cyprus, which has acquired 80% stake of Yuniastrium for 576 million dollars, the authorized capital increased by $ 50 million at the same time. But then, when Bank of Cyprus came under the control of the Central Bank of Cyprus, after a serious audit this transaction has caused big questions. It turned out that the bank's top managers have bought "Uniastrum Bank" twice as much as was its real value, and then, in compensation, have asked the Central Bank of Cyprus more than 500 million dollars. As a result, in 2015 at the request of the President of Cyprus has begun an investigation of the scam.
In Uniastrum there were extremely pleased with this deal, and could afford to write good prize during the crisis. For example, in June 2009, Piskov and Zakaryan appointed themselves for 18 million rubles reward; however, Brechalov was satisfied with only 3 million rubles then.
... In those days there were a lot of talks about the support of small and medium business in the country, and Alexander was able to quickly fit into this agenda. Thus, 965 million rubles have been allocated only for the Krasnodar Region for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Naturally, the head of the regional branch Brechalov was in the forefront of those, who began to develop this money. Various conferences began to be held in Krasnodar, organized by the Vice-President of "Opora Russia" with their colleagues. Although the benefits of these measures were few, but the above-mentioned budget has been involved in full.
With all the resource capabilities, Alexander Vladimirovich was able to lobby for the creation of media holding "Opora-credit", which he himself had headed in 2009. The essence of the project was to help small businesses in obtaining financing, and provision of comprehensive information on existing support programs.
People's Control Committee, 01.01.2015
Brechalov went up the ladder as into the bank, as in "Opora". He was earning a good money - for example, received an award in Uniastrum up the good work in 2009 - even if it is 6 times less than a number of other leaders, but still considerable - 3 million rubles.
In the same 2009 Brechalov worked closely with "Rosnano" of Anatoly Chubais (Chubais, by the way, was a co-chairs of the Round Table of EU-Russia Industrialists of Russia, so that the contacts on that plane were natural to Brechalov).
But in 2010 it was reported that Brechalov, they say, "got on a good budget”...
Under the phrase "got on a good budget" I understand the attraction of funds on the development of small and medium enterprises in the Krasnodar Region, in the amount of 965 million rubles. Moreover, as it is noted by mass media, after the approval of the original limit there were repeatedly made increase (and so the development) of the allocated amounts.
Further more. In 2011 Brechalov is involved in some kind of competition, which aims - to show what wonderful small business entrepreneurs do we have. Everything, as they say, is "cool and expensive": the best-the best entrepreneur had to go to New York ... Brechalov noted as "a talented representative of small business" so, we can say, "an innovative nanotechnology" as a ... mobile bath....
If you flick through the biography of Alexander Brechalov, an ONF co-chair, you will certainly come across the scene, which is perceived as heroic: June 1, 2012 killers attempted on Alexander Brechalov ... The first version. Brechalov might have been a "black cashier" in the "Opora" or in the bank and drove a large sum of money on the meeting. He was waylaid and robbed (variant: he staged a robbery himself to get hold of the money). ...
The appearance of Alexander Brechalov in the public field is very unusual. Brechalov first appearance in the major mass media, which I saw, was associated ... with the shooting. The company of top managers of Uniastrum Bank was resting in the restaurant. A skirmish occurred with the visitors at the next table, which ended with the shooting and wounding in the head of one of colleagues of Brechalov.
Note this: prompting Integrum database for the period from 1996 Brechalov first appeared in mass media in 2002, in connection with the shooting in the restaurant. ...
cogniter.livejournal.com. 08/01/2015
Today we will look at the third stage in the professional biographies of Alexander Vladimirovich Brechalov, the main result of which, in my opinion, became the development of 36,000,000,000 (thirty six billion) rubles, with a slurred result.
As we have seen, when he was the head of "OPORA" in the Krasnodar Region, Brechalov mastered budgets of about one billion per year (to be exact - figured number is 965 million).
... It follows directly from Brechalov words, that the billion, when the "best project" was a traveling bath, and 16 billion in 2011, and those 20 billion that are allocated for 2012, are spent to no purpose if not entirely, but something close to that. Anyway, for the most part, these billions, according to the confession of Brechalov himself, do not reach real business. But - they are mastered.
Then, it is inevitably turns out that Brechalov frankly admitted in the development, with the vague result, of 36,000,000,000 (thirty six billion) rubles for two years ... Or, if you prefer - an average of 50 000 000 (fifty million) per day.
... We have to ignore the statement of the General Prosecutor's Office of Cyprus in 2013, which suggests that in the acquisition of the Russian Uniastrum Bank by the Bank of Cyprus in 2008 very likely exists a corruption component. According to the General Prosecutor of Cyprus, kickbacks under the deal could go up to 50 million euros.
Why do I mention this? Because Alexander Brechalov was the General Counsel of Uniastrum Bank, and even so important that joined the Board of Directors, although, according to mass media reports, he was not engaged in the operating activities. I am confident that this level of trade in such circumstances, which became the subject of the President and the General Prosecutor of Cyprus worries, could not pass Brechalov - and thus, Brechalov must be very relevant to it.
cogniter.livejournal.com. 08/10/2015
Another vertical of power may appear in Russia - apparently, specially formed at the All-Russian People's Front (ONF). Principles of the organization of the Public Chamber (OP) of Russia will be spread to the regional level. This will enable the Centre to entirely take away from local authorities and elite control over civil society in the country.
... And yesterday Secretary of OP and co-chair of the ONF Brechalov Alexander decided to force issues: he said that he expects the early adoption of these initiatives by deputies. According to him, earlier regional chambers were formed as follows: "Everyone forms as he wants." That is, the heads of the RF subjects and local elites played the main role, and it does not correspond to the current needs of civil society. And, apparently, to most of the federal authorities.
At first the idea seems to be simple: the Public Chamber of Russian Federation kind of going to give freedom to the regionals, and even provides them with the necessary financial sources. However, the figure of Brechalov himself and other factors indicate that the real purpose of senators may be totally different.
... Thus, the composition of the first third, apparently, will be simply imposed by the governors. At least because that the largest and most powerful public organization in Russia is only one - it is ONF. By the way, for performances of Brechalov now is not always clear whose view is it - the People's Front or the OP? So we can assume that the leading role in the regional chambers will take representatives, affiliated with the 'war veterans' of organizations. In case of disagreement of governors there is always a possibility to press financially.
Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 29.01.2016
The movement the People's Front, which is founded and headed by Vladimir Putin, did not disclose their income and spending...
But the president's movement, acting for open government agencies and honest purchases, do not tell, how much is its work. "Some will say that the amount is too small, and for some it will seem large", - explained the co-chairman of the central headquarters of the ONF, the Secretary of the Public Chamber. Alexander Brechalov through a representative refuses to disclose financial statements. The movement does not publish it and, according to the response of the Ministry of Justice, it is not obliged to do this. The front reported the Ministry of Justice only that has no foreign funding.
... Co-Chairman of the Central Staff Brechalov assures that Front spends no more than 5-6 million rubles on one event, as many sites do great discounts, and participants lodge with friends and relatives, and rent a hotel booking for individual delegates only if it is necessary.
Rospres, 10/03/2016
The head of one of the most important and fashion for the All-Russia People's Front (ONF) project "For Fair procurement" Anton Guetta removed from his position, told "Vedomosti" an interlocutor, close to the movement, and confirmed one of the "veterans".
The reason for the removal of Guetta - is a conflict with Brechalov. "Guetta has shown himself as an overbearing man" - says the source. Another source said: "Anton Guetta left or has been left. They say that he has overestimated his value." Guetta himself told "Vedomosti" that he is on vacation and he doesn't give any comments. The head of the executive committee of the ONF Alexei Anisimov and Brechalov have not responded on the calls of "Vedomosti".
... The new head of the project is likely to become the deputy of Guetta - 31-year-old Anastasia Mutalenko. Both of them - are "the people of Brechalov".
Vedomosti, 03.17.2016