Born May 29, 1960 in Kimovsk, the Tula region.
In 1982 he graduated from the Tula Polytechnic Institute, specializing in "mining engineering". He He presented a thesis, held PhD in Technical Sciences.
In 1987 he started working on mine "Raspadskaya" (in the Kemerovo region): at first as mine foreman, since 1989 – the section chief, acting Chief Technologist.
In 1990 he was appointed deputy director on commerce and foreign trade of mine "Raspadskaya".
In October, 1993 became the director of Central concentrating mill (CCM) "Kuzbass".
In 1994 he founded company "Uglemet". In three years "Uglemet" at federal investment competition became the owner of a controlling interest of the company "Southern Kuzbass".
In 1997 he was elected as the chairman of board of directors of OAO “Mezhdurechenskugol”, and in May, 1999 became the chairman of board of directors of OAO "Coal Company Southern Kuzbass". In this position in 2000 he became a member of Business Council under the chairman of RF Government Mikhail Kasyanov. In June, 2001 became the member of board of directors of OAO "Mechel" (Chelyabinsk Electric Factory).
In the summer of 2002 the coal company "Southern Kuzbass" received control over the factory and soon declared the merge of "Southern Kuzbass" and "Mechel" to “Steel group Mechel".
In January, 2004 Zyuzin was elected the chairman of board of directors of OAO "Steel group Mechel".
In September, 2008 in Aktyubinsk region of Kazakhstan new mining and concentrating complex "Mechel" was opened.
In February, 2009 "Vedomosti" informed that "Mechel" bought coal active in the USA - company Bluestone Coal.
In June, 2009 Zyuzin opened the structure of possession of the package of "Mechel" for the American Commission on securities and stock exchanges (SEC). It became known that in March, 2009 his share in the company decreased for three percent - to 66.76 percent. "Vedomosti" noticed that Zyuzin directly supervised only 0.05 percent of the package belonging to him; the rest is controlled through the Cyprian companies.
Zyuzin is married, has two children.
Source: lenta.ru (by data on 6/23/2009)
According to Forbes, in the list of 100 richest businessmen of Russia-2009 Zyuzin is on 30th place. His fortune is estimated in $1000 million, last year - $13 000 million
Source: forbesrussia.ru
As the press informed, in 2003 Steel group "Mechel" appeared in the conflict around Korshunov mining-concentrating industrial complex (MCC).
The Korshunov MCC (Zheleznogorsk-Ylym, Irkutsk region) since 1998 was under external management. One of its creditors was Chelyabinsk metallurgical complex (holding «Steel group Mechel"). In the end of May, 2003 there was a possibility to deduce MCC from bankruptcy procedure. But the industrial complex had debts for the state budget in 1,8 billion rubles which "Mechel" did not recognize. The Federal Agency of financial improvement (FSFO) demanded to pay debts, having threatened with introduction of competitive manufacture at the enterprise. Representatives of "Mechel" accused FSFO of operating in interests of structure of Roman Abramovich who was one of applicants for property of MCC. As the press informed, representatives of "Mechel" declared readiness to pay debts. But FSFO demanded to admit the arbitration managing director to the enterprise. Its occurrence in MCC was regarded as “capture” and "Mechel” organized "mass resistance».
Source: «Kommersant» № 133 (2736), 7/30/2003, Compromat.ru from 7/25/2003
In September, 2003 in the case of bankruptcy of MCC the point was put: "Mechel" and FSFO concluded the agreement of lawsuit.
Newspaper "Kommersant" № 177 (2780), 9/30/2003
The holding "Steel group Mechel" became new owner of MCC.
Source: «Kommersant» № 182 (2785), 10/7/2003
In the end of 2004 "Mechel" appeared in the centre of the scandal connected with complaints of minority shareholders.
As the press wrote, the conflict began in October, 2004 when minorities complained to Federal Agency of the financial markets (FSFR) of infringement of their rights from emitters’ side: OAO "Steel group Mechel", OAO "Chelyabinsk metallurgical industrial complex" and OAO "Beloretsky metallurgical industrial complex". The essence of complaints was that minorities were not given full information. As the press wrote, analysts noticed that despite all aspirations of top management of "Mechel" to create an image of an open company it was not possible for the group. They informed that international rating agency «Standart & Poors» estimated holding by this indicator at less than 30 points while indicators of leaders exceeded 80 points.
Source: news.rusmet.ru, 20.01.05 referring to RBC
At that time "Mechel" just was going to place the shares at the New York stock exchange and complaints of minorities could affect it negatively.
Source: nr2.ru, 15.10.04
In October 2004, OAO “Mechel” was the first large Russian metallurgical companies which placed IPO in the West. As a whole, analysts named it successful.
Source: inosmi.ru, 11/24/2006
In the beginning of 2005 the mass-media informed that FSFR recognized correctness of minority shareholders and directed to Open Society Steel group "Mechel" instruction about a non-admission of similar infringements in future.
Source: news.rusmet.ru, 20.01.05 referring to RBC
As mass-media informed, in the autumn of 2004 "Mechel" and its structures appeared consistently in the attention centre of: Offices of Public Prosecutor of Kalmykia, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Federal Agency of economic and tax crimes, State Office of Public Prosecutor. Thus, as it was written in a press, the company was discharged of Magnitogorsk metallurgical industrial complex (ММК).
At first the Office of Public Prosecutor of Kalmykia brought accusation to general director of Trade House "Mechel" Ilya Blagodarov. He was imposed evasion from profit tax payment for 405 million rubles when in 2000 he was the chief executive of OOO "Arshan". According to check, executed in February, 2004 by the Ministry on taxes and collections "Arshan" was the intermediary in marketing operations between the coal company "Southern Kuzbass" and buyers of its coal – Magnitogorsk (ММК) and Chelyabinsk metallurgical industrial complexes. Under the version of inspectors, buying coked coal from «Southern Kuzbass» on an overcharge the firm participated in understating of taxable base of SK. According to mass-media, charge was shown to Blagodarov by Kalmyk Office of Public Prosecutor only in October. It was not possible to arrest Blagodarov – he disappeared and was put on the wanted list. In a press criminal case was connected to attempt to prevent "Mechel" successfully to place shares at the New York stock exchange. Company needed loans to participate in the auctions appointed to December on purchase of a state block of shares of Magnitogorsk metallurgical industrial complex (ММК). At that period "Mechel" structures owned 17 % of shares of industrial complex. Management of ММК led by general director Victor Rashnikov supervising 58 % of voting shares was considered as the basic applicant for a state block of shares.
Source: "Kommersant ", 10/25/2004, Compromat.ru, 11/19/2004
In December 2004, the press informed that the Ministry of Internal Affairs tried to find in structures of "Mechel" the proof of evasion from payment of taxes. It was informed that at the offices of "Mechel" companies in Moscow and in regions seizures of documents were made. Requirement to provide the documents concerning work of these companies with counterparts were received by “Southern Kuzbass” and TH "Mechel". According to the press, these events confirmed "Mechel" was interfered to come on the auctions for ММК. And holding checks suited the structures close to management of ММК competing to "Mechel" for a state block of shares.
Source: "Vedomosti", 12/8/2004
As the press informed, before the auctions the State Office of Public Prosecutor published the press release about proceeding investigation of criminal case on the facts of evasion by OOO “Arshan” from payment of taxes. Thus in Kalmyk Office of Public Prosecutor it was asserted that they sent in capital all "invoice" for two months before. In the State Office of Public Prosecutor they assured that the publication of the out-of-date information was not connected to the auctions at all.
Source: "Vedomosti", 12/22/2004
As it was informed, "Mechel" made an application on participation in auction for ММК. But on December, 22 in the auction day it sold the share in industrial complex to a consortium of investors which were represented by firm U.F.G.I.S. Trading Ltd, under the informal data, representing interests of management of ММК. "Mechel" refused any claims to shareholders of ММК and received $870 million. The press did not inform about the end of Blagodarov’s case.
Source: "AK&M", 12/22/2004
According to mass-media after Rashnikov’s victory Vladimir Putin expressed satisfaction with the fact that the state block of shares of ММК did not get to «another's, unfair hands». "Mechel’s" name was not sounded but the hint as journalists wrote was more than transparent.
Source: "Time of news", 7/25/2008
The conflict between Igor Zyuzin and the governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleev is described in the press. As the press wrote, the conflict came to an open stage in the beginning of 2008. At first «Southern Kuzbass» was accused that it kind of "bribed" deputies of council of the Myski city (in which the cut "Sibirginsky" belonging to it operated), received land tax the lowest in region, therefore in 2007 the local budget lost 30 million rubles. Then Aman Tuleev demanded from Igor Zyuzin to rise up wages to workers of a cut "Sibirginsky" not less than to 20 %. At last, the department of natural resources and ecology of Kuzbass brought an action to proprietors of the company «Southern Kuzbass» for 372 million rubles regarding compensation of the damage put to water objects of the region by working out of coal deposits.
Source: «Expert Online», March, 3rd 2008
The conflict drew to a head in the end of April, 2008 when the governor declared that «Southern Kuzbass» conducted an illegal coal mining on a site «Urengoisky New» near to a cut "Sibirginsky". At that time «Urengoisky New» was exposed on the auctions and «Southern Kuzbass» intended to participate.
Kommersant (Novosibirsk) № 91 (3908), 5/29/2008
In May, 2008 it became known about initiation of criminal case upon illegal extraction of 1.12 million tons of coal at «Urengoisky New» for amount of 700 million rubles.
Source: «Expert Online», 26.06. 2008
Analysts noticed that with attack to structure of "Mechel" the management of Kuzbass tried to force Igor Zyuzin to sign the agreement favorable to the authorities on social and economic partnership.
Source: «Expert Online», 2/26/2009
According to the press, scandalous auction on the right of use of a coal site «Urengoisky New» was won by the cut "Sereulsky" belonging to "Novosibirskenergy" (Mikhail Abyzov).
Source: «Expert Online», 26.06.2008
As it was informed, as a result of the negotiations which took place already after the end of the auctions on "Uregolsky New" mutual understanding between Zyuzin and Tuleev was found.
Source: metcoal.ru, 10/26/2008
Igor Zyuzin appeared in the press in a description of circumstances of failures on «Lenin Mine » in Mezhdurechensk city of the Kemerovo region (in 2006 the mine became a part of OAO "Coal company Southern Kuzbass” of "Mechel" group). The first failure happened on May 30, 2008. During carrying out of repair work in mine the roof fell off. Five persons died.
Source: newsru.com, 4.06. 2008
A month later after the first failure on Lenin Mine there was methane flash. 17 miners were burnt. The press wrote that after May failure on mine complex check by Rostekhnadzor was arranged. As it was informed, inspectors stopped works on mine three times but as a result gave out the permission to continue extraction. The governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleev declared that check was done superficially, as observe formality.
Source: «Kommersant» № 132 (3949), 7/30/2008
As the press wrote, Aman Tuleev declared that activity of employees of Rostekhnadzor «smelt slightly of bribes»: the permission to extraction was given out in spite of the fact that near to this cut there was fire and it was necessary to execute special actions for safe working off of coal.
Source: «Kommersant» № 133 (3950), 7/31/2008
According to the mass-media, the deputy director on manufacture of technical service of branch of OAO «Southern Kuzbas» Andrey Korovin was recognized as guilty of failure on Lenin Mine in which 5 persons died. He was condemned for 3 years and 8 months of imprisonment for infringement of safety rules at conducting the mining works entailed on imprudence death of five persons.
Source: kuzpress.ru, 11/25/2009
The press wrote about Igor Zyuzin in connection with the scandal caused by criticism to "Mechel" by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.
On July, 24th at meeting in Nizhniy Novgorod the prime minister showed discontent with a marketing policy of the company. He specified that in the first quarter of 2008 "Mechel" sold raw materials abroad under the prices in 2 times below internal, and took an interest: «And where is a gross margin as tax for the state?" Putin asked FAS and Investigatory committee at the State Office of Public Prosecutor to check up company activity. And having learnt that Zyuzin was absent at meeting in connection with illness he told: "Igor Vladimirovich should recover as soon as possible; otherwise we’ll have to send him a doctor and clear up all these issues".
Source: newsru.com, 24.07. 2008
After criticism from premiere, OAO "Mechel" quotations at the New York stock exchange failed for more than 30 percent, and company capitalization decreased almost on 5 billion dollars.
Source: Gazeta.Ru, 7/24/2008
In the Russian share market stocks of "Mechel" fell down to more than to third.
Source: newsru.com, 7/25/2008
As it was informed, even before Putin’s criticism FAS brought action for the structures of "Mechel" having suspected them of abusing a leading position in the market. In particular, under the version of inspectors, the companies unreasonably stopped deliveries to OAO "Novolipetsk metallurgical industrial complex", and also established exclusively high price for a coal concentrate.
Source: newsru.com, 7/28/2008
On July, 28 Putin at session of presidium of the government continued to criticize "Mechel" having declared that the steelmaking group exported raw materials through the offshore companies in Switzerland under the price in 4 times more low than in domestic market. The prime minister named such actions as decrease in taxable base in the country, avoiding of taxes payment, deficiency creation in internal market and the reason of a rise in prices for metallurgical production.
As mass-media informed, this very day the representative of Investigatory committee at Office of Public Prosecutor Vladimir Markin declared that inspectors of this department studied signs of crimes in actions of company "Mechel".
Source: newsru.com, 29.07. 2008
In the press they noticed that statements in similar tone from Putin to large business did not sound since YUKOS case. The reason of attack to "Mechel" experts saw in discontent with Zyuzin by his «colleagues on branch». Under some data as it was written in a press referring to confidential sources, these "colleagues" drew personal attention of the prime minister to Igor Zyuzin. It was informed that the basic claims to "Mechel" were at the owner of Novolipetsk metallurgical industrial complex (NLMC) Vladimir Lisin under which complaint FAS brought actions against the basic companies of "Mechel" group. Under informal information of mass-media, complaints came also from Magnitogorsk metallurgical industrial complex.
Source: newsru.com, 25.07. 2008
As it was informed, "Mechel" position became better after Igor Zyuzin met Igor Sechin.
Source: novayagazeta.ru № 07, 26.01. 2009
On August 19, 2008 FAS informed about the end of legal investigation in the market of coked coal. Taking into account that the management of "Mechel" co-operated with FAS, the penalty which was shown by the companies made 5 percent from a turnover - 790 million roubles.
Source: RIA Novosti news agency, 8/19/2008
In September, 2008 as press wrote, the president of Russia Dmitry Medvedev and the president of Republic Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev opened new mining-concentrating industrial complex "Mechel" on a deposit of chromic ores "Rising" in Aktyubinsk region of Kazakhstan. Mass-media informed that industrial complex opening ceremony became the next certificate that Mechel "case" is stopped.
Source: Newspaper.Ru, 9/23/2008
According to the mass-media, Vladimir Putin's "dislike" for Igor Zyuzin could be explained with the following circumstances. It was reported that as from the date of critics from Premiere Zyuzin supported political life of former Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov. Besides, the head of "Mechel" rather actively co-operated with the old friend on the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Kaha Bendukidze, the former owner of "Uralmash" and then the main Georgian official on economy and manufacture development. And earlier, as the press wrote, Igor Zyuzin protected disgraced Mikhail Khodorkovsky.
Source: nr2.ru, 4.08. 2008
In April, 2009, according to the mass-media, "Mechel" had a conflict to the minority shareholder from the USA Din Frederick. It was informed that he accused the company management of infringement of the legislation on securities and demanded for compensation. Minority declared that "Mechel" purposefully hid the negative information regarding problems with Federal antimonopoly service (FAS), misleading shareholders. As the press wrote, Frederick meant the problems which rose at Zyuzin after critics in his address from rime minister Vladimir Putin after which financial situation of the company became pitiable.
In court of Southern district of New York Frederick accused "Mechel" management of "distribution of the incorrect and misleading information and hiding the important facts" because of which the market price for company papers was artificially whipped up.
As the press wrote, Din Frederick offered also to other investors who bought papers of "Mechel" from October, 3rd, till July, 25th, 2008, to join the claim.
Source: «Kommersant» № 64 (4119), 4/10/2009
As it was informed, the economic crisis corrected plans of "Mechel".
In the summer of 2009 press informed that "Mechel" postponed indefinitely prospecting works in cost of 120 million rubles on the largest Uvatsky deposit of quartzite in Irkutsk region the license on which the company won in 2008. The geological prospecting of the deposit should begin in 2009.
Source: Kommersant (Khabarovsk) № 127 (4182), 7/16/2009
In the autumn of 2009 Korshunov MCC which is a part of "Mechel" declared that it postponed indefinitely working out Krasnoyarsk iron-ore deposit necessary for replenishment of resource base of the enterprise. The press wrote that under conditions of the license, KorMCC is obliged to start Krasnoyarsk till 2015. Experts consider that it’s possible for “Mechel” to start up the project not earlier than in a year or two when demand for steel will be leveled.
Source: Kommersant (Irkutsk) № 186 (4241), 10/7/2009
In March, 2010 at enterprise "Mechel-coke" (branch of the Chelyabinsk metallurgical plant of Mechel) in Chelyabinsk region there was a gas explosion. Mechel informed that failure happened at performance of planned works on a gas pipeline in coke shop. As a result 46-year-old employee of coke shop died, three more persons got different traumas.
Source: forbesrussia.ru, 11.03. 2010
The press wrote that upon explosion on "Mechel-coke" criminal case was raised. The enterprise can be punished for "infringement of the labor safety rules, entailed on imprudence death of the person". In investigation of circumstances of explosion there were engaged the State Office of Public Prosecutor and Rostekhnadzor.
Source: chelyabinsk.rfn.ru, 3/15/2010