Born June 28, 1958 in Grozny, the capital of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Republic.
After Grozny school № 17, in 1973 Umar went to Moscow where he entered the fur College. From 1977 to 1979 he served in the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) in Korosten Zhytomyr region. During the service in 1977 Dzhabrailov joined the Communist Party until 1989.
After the army Dzhabrailov returned to Moscow. Joined the faculty of economics MGIMO specializing in international economic relations "and graduated with honors in 1985. Dzhabrailov got a free distribution, but could not find a job because of the fact that he did not have a Moscow registration.
In 1986 Dzhabrailov started working as lab assistant in one of the departments of MGIMO, and he worked there until 1988. In 1989 Dzhabrailov began working as representative of a number of foreign companies in Moscow.
In December 1992, Dzhabrailov founded his own company “Danako”, which owned a chain of petrol stations in Moscow and in the Moscow region, and also a contract to supply petroleum products to state enterprises. The younger brother of Umar - Hussein was appointed Deputy Head of the company. In 1993 Dzhabrailov together with Gochey Arevadze, a colleague from the gasoline business, the owner of the company "Arsi", became owner of the French fashion shop "Danata" in the hotel "Slavic". In 1994 he met an American businessman Paul Tatum, the head of the joint venture "Intourist-RedAmer Hotel and Business Center. Umar transferred Danako business to his brother, and in July 1994 became first deputy general director of Intourist RedAmer ", in this position he was able to defend hotel "Slavic" from Moskomimuschestvo (Moscow communal property)
He was acting adviser first and then adviser of general director of “Intourist RedAmer”. He became deputy general director and director of marketing and leasing of JSC "Manege Square”. Then he managed to bring complex "Radisson-Slavyanskaya" out of it control, and in 1997 created a holding group "Plaza" and became its CEO. The group included the company Danako, advertising firm “Quiet Harbor”, trading companies “Smolensky Passage”and “Okhotniy Ryad"
In 2000, Dzhabrailov was nominated for the election of President of Russia by the initiative group he headed "Power of the mind." He obtained the last, eleventh place with 0.08 percent of the vote.
In the beginning of 2000 Dzhabrailov was a board member of the bank "Russian capital” and in April 2001 he was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of “First OVK" after its major stake acquisition.
By early 2004 the group "Plaza" lost its major assets. in January 2004 Dzhabrailov resigned position of the President, when he was appointed representative of the executive organ of state power of the Chechen Republic in the Federation Council. In the upper house of parliament he became deputy chairman of the Federation Council committee on international affairs. Dzhabrailov's powers in the Federation Council were extended in July 2007 until 2011. But in late 2009 Dzhabrailov announced his resigning the post of member of the Federation Council.
Dzhabrailov is a trustee of a public movement "Russia's Islamic heritage”, and academician of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS).
He was married twice, but both times divorced. He has two daughters from his second marriage - Danata and Alvin, who currently live with their mother in Monte Carlo.
Dzhabrailov speaks English, German and Italian languages, he can understand some French, Spanish, Czech and Hungarian.
http://www.peoples.ru/state/politics/dzabrailov/index1.html, 18.10.2008
According to media reports, Dzhabrailov successfully graduated from MGIMO because he attracted the attention of KGB General Philip Bobkov, who was known as "the godfather of the Moscow business. It was reported that the assistance Philip Bobkov who was the Chief of the Fifth Main Directorate of the KGB, the Office for Suppression of ideological deviation, (and soon became the first deputy chairman of the KGB, while under Yeltsin headed the Security Service of the Most-Bank and Association of Former employees GB) allowed Umar to overcome the difficulties of entering the most prestigious university of the country (for example, it required characteristics, certified by the KGB), and also to complete the Institute successfully. Umar Dzhabrailov received a residence permit in Moscow. They wrote that the Chechen protege of Bobkov first performed routine tasks to find way into the "Moscow Chechen community." In the late 80's the KGB started to implement the program of capturing the most important economic levers of the future "free" Russia, Dzhabrailov was among those people who had been prepared to take up the seats of the new Russian oligarchs. But Dzhabrailov failed to become an oligarch in the full sense of the word like Vladimir Potanin or others. The media attributed this to the fact that he did not have enough patience, and decided to make himself. However, it is believed in the press that Dzhabrailov never managed to break in the circle of Berezovsky, Gusinsky and Abramovich.
http://www.peoples.ru/state/politics/dzabrailov/index1.html, 18.10.2008, "Sluxi.ru", 25.10.2002
They wrote in the media that Dzhabrailov earned the initial capital on so-called Chechen advice through receiving money from the central bank under non-existent bank warrants. Such scams were common in the early 90's when a telegram with password was sufficient to transfer funds. Due to the impropriety of the Soviet banking system in new conditions, in Moscow non-cash money could be moving from one bank to another for weeks or even months, while inter-city transfer could last even longer. In 1991 - 92 years there were several banking crises, in which money could not go from bank to bank within three months. In order to prevent the economy death the Central Bank of Russia made the following: to transfer funds to the accounts of firms the receiving bank had to provide a bank order - aviso which was drawn up and signed in accordance with the requirements of the sending bank. The sending bank was assumed to have money deducted only in case it provided aviso. In Chechnya some aviso stationery were stolen, while signatures and seals were forged. Taking advantage of the confusion there were a few months when one could receive money under non-existing orders. This scam was called "Chechen aviso”. In the press a view was expressed that in fact there should have not been called Chechen, but Moscow aviso, since the cash had been withdrawn from the Moscow State Bank. But the "business" itself was quickly brought under control of the Chechens, in particular, by Umar Dzhabrailov. Probably that was why they called the aviso Chechen. In interviews given Dzhabrailov denied his involvement in that story. In 1997 he said to the correspondent of "Arguments and Facts" that the aviso had not been created by Chechens, but by those who had been in the top of the banking system. He declared he did not receive a penny of those aviso, but on the contrary, he suffered: the oil realizing company of him received payment obligation with non-existent money. So the company went bankrupt. Dzhabrailov argued that the money for seed capital had been earned legally: he took loans from banks because loans in the early 90's were profitable: the ruble went on a collapse, and the dollar's value was increasing. In his words, he earned money on the difference of the course. Media reported that it was because of the "Chechen aviso" Dzhabrailov had the first disagreement with his new friend - a member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Boris Berezovsky. They wrote that, according to eyewitnesses, the oligarch yelled at Dzhabrailov: "We gave you and the Chechens a milch cow, and you killed her!". Media interpreted the statement in the sense that, according to Berezovsky, the operation was performed too rudely, and attracted too much attention, and did not bring more profits. Therefore, as reported, the new friends parted for a long time.
http://www.peoples.ru/state/politics/dzabrailov/index1.html, 18.10.2008, "Sluxi.ru", 25.10.2002
At first Umar Dzhabrailov became widely known in Russia in 1996, when the American co-owner of a joint venture (JV) “Intourist RadAmer - hotel and business center" (created for managing the hotel "Radisson-Slavyanskaya"), Paul Teytum publicly suspected Dzhabrailov who was director general of the JV that time, in intention to kill him. It happened at the backdrop of a serious conflict between them. The American believed that under the statutory authority of the joint venture the post of general director was supposed to be obtained by American representative. Teytum said that Dzhabrailov threatened him to withdraw him from the founders of the joint venture. However, it was reported that the real threat was seen from the Moscow authorities side, who wanted to "throw away" the unwanted alien from the joint venture. Dzhabrailov denied everything. But according to press reports, the Moscow authorities (and especially Moskomimuschestvo (MCP), had indeed a reason to dislike the American: according to information from the Moscow officials, it was Tatum's fault that JV “Intourist RadAmer” had owed $ 80 million to the city authorities for hotel rental and severally profit. On November 3, 1996 someone called to Paul Tatum and made an appointment. American along with a bodyguard went down in the subway "Kievskaya", where he was killed by machine shots. The killer had been hiding behind one of the columns. Dzhabrailov was suspected in the crime involvement for a long time. Prior to the murder of Paul Tatum people pasted leaflets in the "Slavic" with accusations of Umar Dzhabrailov's relations with mafia. Dzhabrailov was interrogated several times in connection with the murder of Paul Tatum, but no charge was filed to him. The scandal led to the fact that Umar was forbidden to entry into the United States. Teytum's murder investigation did not hurt him in any other respect: he continued his hotel, real estate, and oil businesses in Moscow together with his brother Khusain, while being a constant character in metropolitan newspaper gossip columns.
Kommersant № 038 dated 02.03.2001, "Time News", 08.10.2009, http://www.peoples.ru/state/politics/dzabrailov/index1.html, 18.10.2008, newspaper" Kommersant " number 223 (1181) on 26.12.1996, http://www.rosbalt.ru/2008/10/13/532139.html, 2008-10-13
After the incident with the murder of Paul Tatum, European law enforcement agencies began to distrust Dzhabrailov. There is evidence in the press that he was detained in Monaco, where his ex-wife and his daughters lived. The detention took place on a yacht of known thief in law named Petrik, where Dzhabrailov had been spending his time. Umar was detained for identity verification and got imprisoned for three days. According to media reports, investigators suspected that Dzhabrailov discussed with Petrik the deal with yet alive Tatum. But Dzhabrailov refuted the investigator's assumption, saying that he had heard about Petrick a lot, but they had never met. He declared that he knew only his wife Bella. In the press there are indications that there was hardly anything serious behind the relationship of Dzhabrailov and Petrik. "Mazutkinskaya" organized criminal group, headed by Petrik, was controlled by the deceased Otari Kvantarishvili and Vyacheslav Ivankov (Japanese), and according to the authors, they were not very fond of the Chechens.
According to the media, the persistent interest in Umar Dzhabrailov by Interpol was quite understandable. Besides Petrik his name was associated with such Chechen criminal group members as Lechi Islamov (Lechi Beard, one of the leaders of the Chechen organized crime group in Moscow), and Malik Saydulaev. But there were also doubts expressed about the strength of those connections: Umar hardly needed the Beard to resolve his cases. He could do that himself as well. It was reported that Dzhabrailov had business ties with Ricardo Fanchini, who was wanted by Interpol on a bouquet of criminal offenses.
"Sluxi.ru", 25.10.2002, www.ari.ru, lujkov.com, Fall 1999
There are media reports that Dzhabrailov supplied weapons to the Chechen militants on the money realized in business. There is data about possible relationship between Dzhabrailov and Chechen militants. In 1994-96, according to the staff of the Moscow law enforcement bodies, all Chechen businessmen were taxed by the authorities of Ichkeria. There was speculation that Dzhabrailo had also paid it then. Such a conclusion was made on the grounds that he was still alive. It was rumored that two brothers of Vakha Arsanov, the then vice-president of Chechnya, worked in.one of the banks, which office was located on the territory subordinated by Dzhabrailov's structures. Supposedly, the struggle for Chechnya independence worried Umar not too much because it was not included in his business plans. He would more likely bothered about - a bad relationship with a staunch supporter of the federal government, the former Mayor of Grozny, Beslan Gantamirov. The latter believed that Dzhabrailov was a "huckster", and they disliked each other. When Gantamirov was imprisoned (either for embezzlement, or simply to make him disappear at the time of the arena), Dzhabrailov made several conciliatory steps towards his opponent. When Beslan was released from prison, Umar even spoke as the personal envoy of Beslan at some meetings of the Moscow Chechens. Then their paths diverged: Beslan left to Chechnya to lead it, and Umar stayed in Moscow. Since then, as written in the media, Umar Dzhabrailov demonstrated a complete disinterest in his homeland. Ithere was a criminal case was initiated for weapons supply by "Dzhabrailov and the company"to warring Chechnya . But it was closed.
lujkov.com, Autumn 1999, http://www.peoples.ru/state/politics/dzabrailov/index1.html, 18.10.2008, "Sluxi.ru", 25.10.2002
According to media reports, in late 1990 - early 2000 Dzhabrailov actively participated in social life, he was called a "Moscow dandy and a heartthrob." One of his girlfriends was Ksenia Sobchak. Press savored the story about the jewelry theft from the TV presenter which Dzhabrailov donated her. They wrote that the stolen carcanet, necklace of black pearls, and so on cost at 200, or 600 thousand dollars. It was also reported that, Dzhabrailov did not avoid the typical bohemian hobby - cocaine consume.
"Sluxi.ru", 25.10.2002, http://www.peoples.ru/state/politics/dzabrailov/index1.html, 18.10.2008
In 2000 Dzhabrailov participated in the presidential elections in Russia. A scandal burst during the election campaign. In February, DCEC (Directorate for Combating Economic Crimes) of Northern District of Moscow discovered firm on the territory of the Moscow Academy of Agriculture which was forging signatures in favor of presidential candidate Umar Dzhabrailov, Konstantin Titov, Yevgeny Savostyanov and Ismail Taghi-Zadeh. It was found out that students who worked in the firm stamped about 300 thousand signatures in favor of Dzhabrailov, and received about 700 thousand rubles for the work. The capital Prosecutors filed a criminal case under article "Falsification of election documents”. The suspects were assistant to vice-rector of the Academy Igor Konyshev, and Acting Director of the Bureau of Employment and Social Information, Igor Nadezhkin. According to investigators, Konyshev was suggested to "collect" signatures in favor of Dzhabrailova. As assistant, he drew a 5-course student Nadezhkin, who hired the students. In August 2000 the case was closed: The law allowed to prosecute only members of election commissions or initiative groups of candidates. They failed to prove the falsifiers' implication to the candidates' staffs. As they stated in the campaign headquarters of Dzhabrailov, they had nothing in common with the exposed company. Umar Dzhabrailov won the last (the eleventh) a place with 0.08 percent of the vote. In the press there are assumptions that he participated in the election he for the sake of self-promotion.
http://www.peoples.ru/state/politics/dzabrailov/index1.html, 18.10.2008, "Kommersant", 03.03.2000, "Kommersant» № 8 (3825) from 23.01.2008
In 2000, as written in the press, Umar's brother Hussein Dzhabrailov (the first deputy general director of hotel "Russia") appeared in the field of view of the police. It was reported that a whole arsenal was found in one of the rooms of the hotel by GUBOP staff: a sniper rifle with a silencer and two shops, AKS-74U, four TT pistols, two DMs, a homemade sub-machine gun, a device for firing small-caliber ammunition, 17 stores for machines and pistols, two optical sights and more than 300 rounds of ammunition of various calibers. Valentin Stepanov, a senior adviser of Hussein Dzhabrailov said the weapons belonged to him, and he assumed he found the bag with weapons in front of the room door and entered it inside thinking that it his master forgot it. This version looked unconvincing, but the rest investigation of "Chechen trace" led to nothing.
"Gazeta", 23.06.2002
In the media there is information about the relation between Umar Dzhabrailov and attacks on the former deputy prime minister of the Moscow government Joseph Ordzhonikidze. Ordzhonikidze was in charge of foreign economic activities of the Government of Moscow, and, in the first place – of the hotel's activity. As the press was writing, originally Ordzhonikidze and Dzhabrailov were best friends. Dzhabrailov earned money on relations with Ordzhonikidze: according to the standard Moscow scheme, the City property was given in trust of the group "Plaza", the management company of Dzhabrailov. Everyone made his money and was satisfied. Dzhabrailov's problems began when the time of Moscow hotels privatization came. Umar wanted to get his "share" - his company tried to participate in the privatization of the hotel "Belgrad". And then, as reported in the media, Ordzhonikidze considered Dzhabrailov to be superfluous. In Umar's words, their relationship ended in the early 2000. Then there was the first attempt on Joseph Ordzhonikidze.
On February 19, 2000 two gunmen armed with assault rifles shot the car "Nissan Maxima"in Leontief Lane, 500 meters from the Moscow mayor's office . The driver Ivan Petrin died on the spot, and Joseph Ordzhonikidze was seriously wounded. According to media reports, the attempt was due to economic problems of Ordzhonikidze, associated with a complex "Moscow - City". Personalities of killers could not be determined. Dzhabrailov's name was mentioned in some versions, but only as a rumor.
And yet, in order to maintain good relations with the Moscow government Dzhabrailov had to withdraw from two capital projects: to refuse managing of the shopping complex 'Okhotniy Ryad' and the elite residential complex 'Kuntsevo'.
As it was written in the media, Ordzhonikidze started to put "sand in the wheels" in the business empire of Dzhabrailov by cutting Plaza off the Moscow real estate management and by turning Yuri Luzhkov against Umar.
On June 20, 2002 under the railway bridge the armored Volvo of Ordzhonikidze who was driving to work from his suburban home in Barvikha was cropped by BMW 525 with flasher and blue militia numbers (which turned out to be false). As soon as the foreign cars stopped, three men in black hats, masks with slits for eyes jumped out of the BMW, and opened heavy fire. Each on them was firing with two hands: five PM and sub-machine gun Stechkin. Deputy Mayor and the driver did not suffer because they were in an armored car. Guard Andrei Golikov fireв in return and got injured, but he managed to get into one of the attackers. Soon the law enforcement officers found a burning car of the killers, and a body behind it with documents in the name of Salavat Dzhabrailov, a cousin of Umar Dzhabrailov.
Media reported that immediately after the second attempt the Deputy Prime Ordzhonikidze said: behind the assassination attempt the head of the group Plaza was standing. Dzhabrailov, in turn, announced that he was not a customer of the crime (although officially no one accused him of this). He called the happening on Rublevskoe highway a provocation in order to oust him from the hotel business. Dzhabrailov argued that in was a pretence and accused Ordzhonikidze of murdering his cousin Salavat. Umar expressed the opinion that Salavat was killed by people of Ordzhonikidze, and then flipped to the place of faked assassination attempt. Dzhabrailov's lawyers asked to bring a criminal case on the fact, but they got refused.
Meanwhile, as the press was writing, investigators checked the version of Umar Dzhabrailov's involvement in the crime. On this reason the businessman hastily left Moscow and flew to Italy. Before departure he called a correspondent of the “Kommersant" and hinted that he feared not only for his live, but also for the safety of his relatives, he was afraid of arrest as well. However, in a couple of days at a press conference he "edited" his "information" to the journalist, saying that he had been misunderstood, he was nowhere to hide, and went to Italy for a long planned business trip.
After the second attempt on Ordzhonikidze the Moscow mayor promised that the city government would terminate all contracts with companies under the businessman's control. And in late June “Slavyanskaya Hotel and Business Center"LLC- a company owned by the Moscow government, and AFK “System” - owner of the hotel complex "Radisson-Slavyanskaya” sent a letter to the 'Group Plaza' on the termination of the hotel management contract. Umar Dzhabrailov lost one of hiss most profitable businesses. Journalists called this fact the signal for redistribution of influence spheres in the capital hospitality business.
In autumn 2002, the company by Umar Dzhabrailov “Plaza Group” was removed from the management of the "Sokolniki" hotel construction. Apparently, as the press was writing, city authorities decided to keep their word to oust Dzhabrailova of the hotel business.
Despite the statements by the prosecutor of Moscow that an attempt on Ordzhonikidze was "almost solved", and the killer were copped (who allegedly came from a group of Chechen killers), the names of customers did not become known like it happened with all other contract murders, that Dzhabrailov was associated with.
"Komsomolskaya Pravda", 21.06.2002, "Izvestia", 15/09/2003, "Izvestia", 15.09.2003, "Sluxi.ru", 25.10.2002, http://www.peoples.ru/state/politics/ dzabrailov/index1.html, 18.10.2008, "Izvestia, 15.09.2003, Kommersant, 21.06.2002," Gazeta ", 26.11.2002, Kommersant, 24.06.2002, Strigner", 08/07/2002, "Izvestia", 25/06/2002, "Company", 01.07.2002, "Gazeta", 23.06.2002
The name of Umar Dzhabrailov was also associated with assassination of a 43-year-old Vice-President of the Bank “First OVK ", Lyudmila Krasnoger. Krasnoger worked as accountant in the “Plaza Group”of Umar Dzhabrailov for a long time. In April 2001 Dzhabrailov headed the “First OVK”, and Mrs. Krasnoger became Vice President of Finance and a member of the Board of Directors of the bank. In November the same year she went on vacation, after which she never appeared at again. An investigative work was initiated. In December 2002 Dzhabrailov dismissed Lyudmila Krasnoger on the basis of the document testifying she went missing. The body of Krasnoger was found in February 2005. It was imbedded in the concrete floor of a garage near the metro station "Rizhskaya".
The murder of Lyudmila Krasnoger was attributed to the so-called Kingisepp criminal group, which active participants were brothers Ivanov and a former submarine officer Alexander Pumane, who died after interrogation by the police. Brothers Ivanov (arrested as accomplices of Alexander Pumane) testified that in November 2001 they kidnapped Krasnoger on the street, packed her into a car and took to the garage. There they shot her and hid the body by plugging it with concrete. The media noted that Alexander Pumane was involved in the crime. He was driving a car, which drove the kidnapped women. There is no data in the media on official claims of law enforcement agencies to Dzhabrailov in connection with the murder of Krasnoger. The press wrote that Krasnoger allegedly became aware of Dzhabrailov's “Plaza Group"Ltd “ involvement into “shams with shares of a number of Moscow banks, which caused their bankruptcy." Being reasonably afraid of prosecution, Krasnoger repeatedly expressed to Dzhabrailov her extreme concern over the situation. This could cause a direct conflict between them, which could cause the death of the accountant, according to some versions. According to the media reports, the name of the customer of Krasnoger's murder never became known.
http://www.peoples.ru/state/politics/dzabrailov/index1.html, 18.10.2008, "Kommersant", 21.02.2005, "Moskovsky Komsomolets, 21.02.2005, newspaper Kommersant» № 198 / P (3529) of 23.10.2006
In the summer of 2002 Umar Dzhabrailov appeared in media reports as the chief suspect in the murder of his business colleague - a head of advertising agency "Ator" and advertising holding "Quiet Harbor", Vladimir Kanevsky. In February, 2002 Kanevsky was shot in Moscow. The media called him a man who made Dzhabrailov's business of outdoor advertising. The firm "Ator" he directed, was one of the largest metropolitan advertising companies, controlled the one-fifth part of outdoor advertising in Moscow with annual revenue of almost $ 20 million. "Ator" was in the group Plaza by Umar Dzhabrailov.
There is no information in press on Dzhabrailov turned from the suspect into the accused party in Kanevsky murder case. The only data it has is on possible background of the conflict between them. In 2001 information appeared that Umar Dzhabrailov passed " Quiet Harbor", "Ator" and "Millennium" to their top managers Vladimir Kanevsky and Michael Lerner. But later the press office of the "Plaza" denied it. After the murder of Kanevsky they rumored among advertisers that the murder had been connected with an attempt of the deceased to bring the business out of the "Plaza". Dzhabrailov publicly expressed his indignation at the fact that they kept trying to associate his name with high-profile murders. In his interview given to the newspaper “Izvestia” he put it in the sense that his involvement in the murder of Kanevsky was absurd: "They want to hang on me everything. Strangely Paul Tatum is not glued to my person. All cold cases of Moscow are going for me ... "
http://www.peoples.ru/state/politics/dzabrailov/index1.html, 18.10.2008, "Sluxi.ru", 25.10.2002, "Kommersant", 21.06.2002, "Gazeta", 23.06.2002 "Izvestia", 25.06.2002
In publications about Umar Dzhabrailov a separate place is given to his relationship with the presidents of Chechnya - Akhmat and Ramzan Kadyrov. Elected in 2004 in the Federation Council, Dzhabrailov became deputy chairman of the Federation Council committee on international affairs. Dzhabrailov represented in the Senate the interests of Ahmad-Haji Kadyrov - at first just a head, and then the president of the postwar Chechnya. In November 2006 he was the first official in the government of Chechnya who offered Alu Alkhanov to resign the post of president of the republic. Alkhanov voluntary resigned in February 2007 and his place was obtained by Ramzan Kadyrov. After Ramzan's coming to power in Chechnya, a son of Akhmad Kadyrov, there were preconditions that his relationship with brothers Dzhabrailov would go well, at least, no worse than they had with his father. In October 2006 Umar Dzhabrailov's brother Hussain was promoted to vice-premier in the government of Chechnya. But he remained in the government for a few months, then he represented the republic in Moscow for some time. The journalists expressed the view that the presence of a permanent establishment under the President of Chechnya then headed by Ziyad Sabsabi it was clear that the appointment was entirely symbolic. Therefore the short-term walking of Hussain Dzhabrailov to the Chechen government was an end of a brief period of mutual goodwill between the brothers and the young Chechen president. In autumn 2009 Umar Dzhabrailov announced the voluntary resignation of a member of the Federation Council. He explained it so that he had successfully completed all the tasks set before him as the senator of Chechnya.
http://www.peoples.ru/state/politics/dzabrailov/index1.html, 18.10.2008, "Time News", 08.10.2009
In the summer of 2006, according to press reports, the Moscow City Prosecutor's office announced the completion of the criminal cases investigations, initiated against general director of "Netservice-2000” LLC Sergei Tulenev and the general director of “Scheme DU” Boris Mukhtarov. Both were accused of evading taxes by more than 21 million rubles. Their firms were engaged in service of business and commercial complex (LST) "Smolensky Passage" and were included in the "Plaza Group”, which president was Umar Dzhabrailov until January 2004 (before leaving for Senate post).
The criminal cases of tax evasion were filed in March 2006 by the Moscow Central District Prosecutor's Office. According to the information available in the media, it happened in a fame of tcriminal investigation initiated on the second assassination attempt on Deputy Prime Minister of Moscow, Joseph Ordzhonikidze (incidentally, the press wrote that the gap between Dzhabrailov and Ordzhonikidze could happen due to the fact that Dzhabrailov's firms and organizations had been underpaying to the city budget).
According to media reports, the operatives extensively seized documents in subdivisions of the Moscow government relating to financial and economic activities of subsidiary and affiliated companies of "Plaza Group” , as well as the serving banks. As reported, the investigation found that administration of the enterprise "Group Plaza received large sums of money for the management and maintenance of "TDK "Smolensky Passage"LLC, "Slavic Hotel' LLC and “Business Center", as weel as JSC "Russia" which transferred money to its subsidiaries, in particular, "Netservice-2000" LLC and "Scheme DU”LLC. According to investigators, the money received by the management of the “Plaza Group” was aimed at management of the above-stated companies, and it had never been used in the Group's production activities, and all the contract with the actual operating companies had been duplicated.
The media described a schema under which the "Plaza Group” supposedly received funds from the managed institutions. Under this scheme each time TDK "Smolensky Passage" received money from their tenants, it concluded a management contract with the "Plaza Group” and transferred part of the funds for that. In turn, the Plaza sent the money to firms incorporated into it. For example, "Netservice-2000" and "Scheme DUl" in "Smolensky Passage" were to serve the heating systems, air conditioning, ventilation and fire safety, for doing that they received funds. according to the investigation, the works were carried out by other structures at a much lower price.
Financial-economic analysis showed that within two years (2001-2002) "Netservice-2000" and "Scheme DU" underestimated the charge base for profit tax and VAT for more than 21 million rubles. In addition, the investigation found out that the money received for the management of the company had been cashed though short-lived firms. For example, it was found out that 1 billion 614 million rubles was withdrawn in the “Tembr” bank under passport of a stevedore of JSC RVVK (Russian wine spirits company), Mikhail Kuznetsov only to “business trip expenses”. The investigation revealed that the stevedore Kuznetsov lost his passport, under which a short-lived company was registered in 1999, and he had no relation to the "Plaza Group”.
There is no information in the open sources about any closure of the judicial inquiry on the case against Sergei Tulenev and Boris Mukhtarov.
According to media reports, similar criminal cases on tax evasion were opened for other four companies that formerly had been controlled by Umar Dzhabrailov: "Plaza Group”, “Plaza Development", "Capital Plaza”, as well as TDK"Smolensky Passage ". TDK compensated the damage defined by the investigators in amount to 100 million rubles. The media misses any information about results of those cases investigation.
"Kommersant", 20.07.2006, http://www.rosbalt.ru/2008/10/13/532139.html, 2008-10-13