One of the biggest scandals in Russia this month was the arrest of a member of the board of Inter RAO Karina Turcan. It turned out that she not only hid her Romanian civilian, but gave secret information to the intelligence services of Bucharest and the United States. This story has forced a new look at a number of Russian functionaries, who may be lodged by other states. According to rutelegraf.com, the deputy chairman of the Central Bank Vasily Pozdyshev deserves special attention. In this regard, we publish the continuation of a large-scale investigation of this banker. It follows from him that Pozdyshev has French citizenship. In the last part of the article rutelegraf.com spoke in detail about the close cooperation of Vasily with the structures closely connected with the Western special services.
From 2000 to 2003 Pozdyshev works as vice-president of the Athens branch of the bank Cetelem. Then he becomes a member of the directorate, curator of the work of major partnerships of the central office of Cetelem SA in France.
And in 2005 Pozdyshev goes to Russia with a new mission, as the head of the Tacis team of experts on "Banking Supervision and Reporting" of the EU Delegation to Russia. The second visit of Pozdyshev to Moscow ends with the fact that he suddenly forsakes his Western career and becomes executive director of the investment fund EcoLive SA and CEO of the management company EcoLive Ltd. Both these structures were controlled by three businessmen - Dmitry Kotenko, Anatoly Goncharov and Alexander Rudik. Rudik is a former vice-governor of the Irkutsk region, who, having come together with Moscow businessmen Kotenko and Goncharov, helped all to get assets in the Irkutsk region - the "Russian Forest Group" and "Usoliekhimprom." Kotenko and Goncharov classmates at the Bauman Moscow Technical University, then worked together at the Rossiyskiy Kredit bank, and then engaged in seizure of enterprises through bankruptcy proceedings. All of their structures were certainly connected with Finprombank, and behind Goncharov's back was the figure of the owner of the group "Alliance" Musa Bazhayev. It was the latter who was considered the real owner of Finprombank, although at some point his shares were copied to Goncharov.
With the arrival of Pozdyshev in this glorious team, according to rutelegraf.com, one of the most grandiose scams with state funds was, perhaps, scrolled.
"Ecolive" controlled "Usol'khimprom" through the company "Nitol", which also belonged to the stopped plant "Usolie-Siberian Silicone". As a result, soon after Pozdyshev headed the companies that ran these enterprises, it was announced that Usolkhimprom was a hopeless enterprise. And this despite the fact that there worked 4 thousand people and it was profitable. As a result, Usolkhimprom first reduced the working week, then the working day, and so on. Until, at last, all employees were not fired, leaving them without means of subsistence. The plant itself was bankrupt and abandoned. In return, the friendly team, which included Pozdyshev, announced that it will make a world-class enterprise from the Usolie-Siberian Silicone plant, which will manufacture the material for solar batteries - polycrystalline silicon. In early 2009, Rosnano invested 7.5 billion rubles in this project (in 2011, in cooperation with Sberbank Capital, it invested about 16 billion rubles), but the company still does not work. Moreover, several years ago the project was suspended. It is noteworthy that immediately after the budget revenues totaled 7.5 billion rubles, Pozdyshev left the positions in Ecolive and returned to work in the bank Cetelem.
Another interesting fact is also interesting. According to rutelegraf.com, the arrival of Pozdyshev in Ecolive, coincided with the fact that in France the company STRATEGORUS appeared. Her beneficiary was his then-wife Lyubov Pozdysheva, and Vasily himself an employee. At the same time, in his documents (consciously or not) his name was changed from Pozdyshev to Pozyshev. Already in the first months of its existence, the firm, consisting of two spouse employees, received revenues of almost a quarter million euros (profit for other periods is not disclosed). This money was received for some consulting services.
When preparing the documents it was clearly stated that Vasily and Lyubov Pozdyshev are citizens of France. It is noteworthy that absolutely in all French documents, Vasily Pozdyshev is still considered to have been submitted to this country. This is evidenced by documents from England, from which it follows that in 2009-2010 Vasily lived in London at 10 Sprimont Place, Chelsea, SW3 3HU in a mansion worth more than 3 million pounds sterling. It is noteworthy that all the current British official bases also continue to persistently insist- After pestering a French citizen.
It is worth noting that despite the divorce from Love (again took a maiden name), the former spouses kept a warm relationship. It is on children and ex-wife Vasily "writes down" real estate in Paris, Nice and London. Sophie and Marie spend a lot of time with their father. He also helps Lyubov in building a foreign career. So, at one time she was the project manager in France, Gazprom Marketing & Trading. Now Love, under the patronage of the ex-spouse, got a job at Indicta. This is a very strange structure with a staff of 15 people and without its own website. It is known only that officially Indicta is engaged in consulting, strategies in the defense sector and is closely connected with the French special services.
To be continued