How they robbed Kosmos. Part two.
06.06.2018 17:21

In Poland, in the near future, the process of extradition of the head of the largest Russian enterprise NPO Kosmos, Andrei Chernyakova, will begin. He is under extradition arrest on request of the Russian Federation. From the once-headed "Space", nothing remained. continues to publish an investigation of how the property of an NGO worth billions was taken apart. All the way from the huge fraud leads to the top managers of VTB Bank of Moscow.

"Acting in an orderly manner to inflict material damage on an especially large scale, abusing the authority in a commercial organization in defiance of the legitimate interests of this organization for the purpose of deriving benefits for itself and others, they refused on behalf of the Bank of Moscow to properly register in the Unified State the real estate registry and the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, a pledge of the property of the Cosmos and the Companies of the Cosmos Group, including pledge of immovable property and pledge of shares in the authorized capital of the Companies of the Cosmos Group, despite the fact that the Bank of Moscow had every right to do so in accordance with the terms of the Loan Agreement No. 38-177-3079 / 15 / 272-12-KR dated 08.08.2012, the Credit Agreement (line of credit) No. 38-177 / 15 / 184-13-KR dated 11.06.2013 and the Credit Agreement (credit line) No. 38-177 / 15 / 284-13-KR dated 05.09.2013, concluded between the Space and the Bank of Moscow.

These actions "Bank of Moscow" caused material damage in an especially large amount, since the latter, as a result of these criminal acts, is no longer a secured creditor in the affairs of the bankruptcy of the Cosmos and the Companies of the Cosmos group with respect to this property. These criminal actions also caused material damage to AV Chernyakov. in a particularly large amount, from which the Bank of Moscow now requires in full, as from a surety under the Surety Contracts No. 38-177 / 17546-13-P / 184 of 27.11.2013, No. 38-177 / 17547-13-P / 284 of 27.11.2013 and No. 65-165 / 17 / 327-14-P of 20.03.2014, not returned to the Bank of Moscow due to the bankruptcy of the Cosmos, credit facilities under the Loan Agreement No. 38-177-3079 / 15 / 272- 12-KR of 08.08.2012, the Loan Agreement (line of credit) No. 38-177 / 15 / 184-13-KR dated 11.06.2013 and the Loan Agreement (line of credit) No. 38-177 / 15 / 284-13-КР of 09/05/2013.

At the same time, the Bank of Moscow, if it became a pledge creditor for this property, could apply for the sale of collateral in repayment of the debt under the above-mentioned loan agreements, which would lead to a full or at least partial repayment of these debts and, accordingly Chernyakova AV would reduce obligations. before the "Bank of Moscow" under the Surety Contracts No. 38-177 / 17546-13-P / 184 of 27.11.2013, No. 38-177 / 17547-13-P / 284 of 27.11.2013 and No. 65-165 / 17/327 -14-П of 20.03.2014.


§3. Refusal to use the security assignment of the right to claim money under State contracts and the failure of the Moscow Construction Department to meet the requirements for payment for additional work under these government contracts.

Acting intentionally for the purpose of theft and infliction of material damage on an especially large scale, abusing the powers in the commercial organization in defiance of the legitimate interests of this organization in order to derive benefits for themselves and other persons, the organized group of persons did not use on behalf of the Bank of Moscow an interim cession of the rights of claiming money funds under State contracts No. UKS / 8-11-11d of 09/04/2008, No. UKS / 8-11-324d of December 22, 2008, No. 017320000141100657 of 01.08.2011 and No. 0173200001413000076 of 12/04/2013, provided for in the Agreement on Credit No. 38 -177-3079 / 15/2 72-12-KR of 08.08.2012 and the Credit agreement (credit line) No. 38-177 / 15 / 184-13-KR dated 11.06.2013, and did not show to the Department of Construction of Moscow the requirements for payment of additional works performed by the Cosmos on these State contracts, for the amount of at least 5.607.228.726.96 rubles.

These criminal actions to the Bank of Moscow caused material damage in a particularly large amount, as the latter, owing to these criminal actions, lost a significant amount that would have gone to the account of repayment of loan funds provided by the Bank of Moscow to the Space under the Credit Agreement No. 38-177 -3079 / 15 / 272-12-КР dated 08.08.2012 and the Loan Agreement (line of credit) No. 38-177 / 15 / 184-13-КР dated 11.06.2013.

Chernyakov A.V. These actions caused material damage in an especially large amount, as the Bank of Moscow now requires of it in full, as a surety under the Surety Agreement No. 65-165 / 17 / 327-14-P of 20.03.2014 , unpaid to the "Bank of Moscow" due to the bankruptcy of Kosmos-M, the value of rights under the Contract of Assignment of Rights (Requirements) No. 65-165 / 53 / 326-14-UP of March 19, 2014 in the amount of 10,912,630,742.75 rubles, and, as with under the Surety Agreement No. 38-177 / 17546-13-P / 184 of 27.11.2013, not returned to the Bank of Moscow due to the bankruptcy of the Cosmos Credit e means for Credit agreement (credit line) № 38-177 / 15 / KR-184-13 from 06.11.2013.

 At the same time, the Bank of Moscow had the full right to demand from the Moscow Construction Department the payment of the debt under the above-mentioned State contracts to pay off the debt of the Space under the Credit Agreement No. 38-177-3079 / 15 / 272-12-K from 08.08.2012 and the Loan Agreement (credit line) No. 38-177 / 15 / 184-13-KR as of 11.06.2013, which would lead to a full (under the Loan Agreement No. 38-177 / 15 / 184-13-KR of 11.06.2013) and partial (under the Agreement on crediting No. 38-177-3079 / 15 / 272-12-KR dated 08.08.2012) repayment of these debts and, accordingly, would significantly reduce the obligations of AV Chernyakov. before the "Bank of Moscow" under the Surety Contracts No. 38-177 / 17546-13-P / 184 of 27.11.2013 and No. 65-165 / 17 / 327-14-P of 20.03.2014.


§4. Introduction Chernyakova A.V. Misleading about the motives of their actions when signing the Surety Agreement No. 38-177 / 17546-13-P / 184 of 27.11.2013

Acting in an organized manner to steal property on an especially large scale, by fraud and abuse of trust Chernyakov AV, abusing authority in a commercial organization in defiance of the legitimate interests of this organization for the purpose of extracting benefits for himself and others, deliberately misled Chernyakov A. AT. on the motives of their actions when signed by AV Chernyakov. Surety agreement No. 38-177 / 17546-13-P / 184 of 27.11.2013, according to which Chernyakov AV agreed to fully answer to the "Bank of Moscow" for the performance of obligations of the Limited Liability Company "Scientific-Production Association" Kosmos "under the Credit Agreement No. 38-177 / 15 / 184-13-KR dated 11.06.2013 between the Cosmos and the Bank of Moscow, deliberately giving him reason to believe that after signing this guarantee agreement, the Bank of Moscow will continue to fund construction projects for Cosmos and the Cosmos Companies.

In conjunction with the actions to deliberately bring the Cosmos and the Companies of the Cosmos Group to bankruptcy, to dispose of the basic assets of the Cosmos and the Companies of the Cosmos Group and to misuse the property of the Cosmos and the Companies of the Cosmos group, the members of the organized group actually forced Chernyakov AV. to bear personal responsibility under the Suretyship Agreement with all its property in full amounting to more than 1.5 billion rubles, despite the fact that at the time of signing this Surety Agreement the participants of the criminal group from among the employees of the Bank of Moscow were firmly determined to stop financing construction projects and , thereby bankrupting the Cosmos and the Cosmos Company companies, withdraw all major assets in favor of affiliated companies and other third parties in order to obtain personal material gain, theft of someone else's property EU ETS and the use of the property of the Cosmos and Cosmos Group Company improperly for personal material gain and unjust enrichment.

§ 7. The misleading of the temporary / competitive manager of the Cosmos Loginova OA, as well as the judges of the Moscow Arbitration Court Kravchenko EV

Participants of the organized criminal group deliberately drove the Cosmos and the Cosmos Company companies to bankruptcy by deliberately misleading the temporary / competitive administrator of the Cosmos Loginov OA, as well as the judge of the Moscow Arbitration Court Kravchenko EV, artificially inflating by one third or approximately 10 billion rubles the size of the debt of the Cosmos to creditors and, thereby, creating the appearance of an inability to cover the debts of the Cosmos and the Companies of the Cosmos group, for example, by imposing the Federal Law of 26 December 12, 2002 No. 127-FZ "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)" of measures to prevent the bankruptcy and liquidation of the Cosmos and the Companies of the Cosmos Group, namely financial recovery and / or external management, whose purpose is to preserve the debtor as a legal entity and its business, restoration of his solvency and repayment of his debts to creditors.


To be continued