rutelegraf.com continues to publish an investigation about the" thief in law " Aslan Usoyan - one of the most significant and controversial figures in the criminal world over the past 15-20 years. In the last part of the publication we talked about how the "war" began and unfolded Aslan Usoyan (Grandfather Hassan) with another "godfather" Rudolf Oganov (Rudik Baku). In the beginning the advantage in battle was on the side of rudica. Moreover, Grandfather Hassan almost died at the hands of killers. In this publication we will tell how Usoyan "pulled out" a victory in this fight, having sent Oganov to heaven.
With the help of intrigues and behind-the-scenes games, Grandfather Hassan managed to win over a large number of influential "thieves in law" and he went on a decisive offensive. On 20 November 1998, three Mercedes Cars were fired at the village of Vlasovo, near Naro-Fominsk near Moscow. Killers first fired on the car a few volleys from the grenade launcher, and then opened heavy fire from machine guns. Two were in foreign cars private security guards were killed and another was seriously injured.
The only car that disappeared from the battlefield without loss was an armored Mercedes, which was Rudolf Oganov. He went to his cottage, located in the village of Vlasovo. The retaliation was not long in coming. Grandpa Hassan was for the killers is not available, but his henchmen were easy prey.
26 Oct Khashirov and about ten "lawyers" and "authority" of the clan of Usoyan going to the meeting in the restaurant "Bristol" in Essentuki. The feast was interrupted by two masked men who opened fire on visitors with machine guns. Khashir himself," thief in law " Dmitry Movchan and gangster Abdurakhman nugayev was killed on the spot.
According to sources rutelegraf.com, on the same evening, one of the participants of the meeting, a young "thief in law" Julien Apakia (Julien), told about what happened to his father - an influential Moscow "criminal General" Boris Apakia (Husky). The latter, having consulted a very close companion of Ded Hassan, immediately flew in Yessentuki. On October the 29th Throaty gathered the most support Usoyan mafia at a gathering in the village of VIN Gardens. It was decided to completely destroy the entire clan Oganova.
Rudik long time holed up in Pyatigorsk, where he is in the cottage was guarded by about a dozen militants. And then the unexpected happened. In February 1999, someone called Rudik from Moscow and called for an urgent meeting. And, took off "thief in law" without protection. In the capital he was met by the only "authority" Yury Fedosov. On the way to the city they stopped at a cafe located on 51 km. MKAD. And further events developed in the spirit of the movie "the Godfather". Two people in long coats and with the machine guns lowered down entered an institution. They loudly asked: "Who's Rudy?". Oganov, already knowing that this was his last seconds, he stood up from the table with the words: "I am Rudy". After that, it released two horns. Bullets hooked and Fedoseyev. After that, for several years, the people of Grandfather Hassan consistently shot all the henchmen of Oganov and related businessmen. Including was killed and the brother of Rudy, too, "thief in law" Vladimir Oganov (Hcicos the six-fingered man - a nickname he received because one of the hands had six fingers). Thus, the decision of the gathering in the Wine Gardens was fully implemented. Most of the "thieves in law" tried not to pay attention to the actions of Hassan – the winners are not judged.
Having dealt with Rudik and his clan, Grandfather Hassan cleared his way to the throne of the boss of all bosses. However, it took him a lot of time.
To be continued
Taras Brains
Tim Malcolm.