Investigative Department of the MIA of the Russian Federation finishes investigation concerning the large shadow of the banker Ivan Myazina. He is accused of embezzling 3.3 billion rubles from the "Preservance". A close associate of myazin, ex-Chairman of Promsberbank Boris Fomin, made a deal with the investigation. He told everything he knew in the underground banking Empire, where myazin was man # 2. And its undisputed leader was Yevgeny Dvoskin. Hundreds of billions of rubles and dollars were laundered through this man. rutelegraf.com begins to publish an investigation about this man.
Eugene was born in 1966 in Odessa and at birth received the name of his mother Slusker. In the 70s, Zhenya's mother, along with another wave of Jewish emigration, left the USSR for the USA, where she changed her son's name to the American style of Eugene.The family lived in Brighton beach, where Eugene-Eugene as a teenager began to communicate with Russian-speaking bandits. Basically, this was a small-time punks who were related to groups Marat Balagula (Big Man) and Boris Nayfeld (Biba) as a result of Cluster repeatedly detained by the police for disorderly conduct, theft etc. But every time he didn't get a real term. Source rutelegraf.com in law enforcement, claims that such a favor to Slusker was due to the fact that he began to provide the FBI with information about the Russian mafia.
As soon as the police have chubby dossier on Eugene, he one after another changed name. For 16 years, the young man visited Altman, Kozin, Slushke until he stopped at Shuster.
Eugene Schuster continued to be an ordinary member of the group Biba. Its main business at that time, in addition to racketeering, were scams with fuel. Under U.S. law, if fuel is used to heat homes, it is subject to a reduced tax rate. Russian Mafiosi took advantage of this and began to indicate in the documents that the fuel is used to create heat in the apartments, but in fact sold it through the gas stations controlled by them, without paying huge sums to the local Treasury. In addition, the documents also understated the amount of fuel sold. In the 80s, Schuster was actively involved in these scams, being on the "pickup" of bandits of different levels. In 1991, he was arrested for similar fraud in California and sentenced to a minor term and a fine. It seems, that in exchange for such a loyalty, Schuester soon had to exert police service. In 1992, he became one of the participants in the operation to detain Moni Elson (Monya Kishenevsky) - one of the leaders of the Russian mafia in the United States and the main rival of Biba. Eugene "ran" to the store in Brighton, which was under the control of Moni. Elson personally arrived to deal with the offender, dragged him out on the street, and promised "to tear off the head". The parties scored the "arrow", and when Kishenevsky arrived at it, he was captured by the FBI. He was accused of kidnapping Eugene Schuster and threatening him.The enterprising young man continued to be actively engaged in illegal business with fuel, gradually learning how to launder the proceeds. In 1994, Eugene again went to jail in Ohio. He was accused of tax evasion from the sale of diesel fuel and released on bail. The verdict in the cases had to announce in 1995, but Eugene simply did not show up. As a result, he was detained in new York, he was given 27 months in prison. And then Slusker-Schuster held a landmark meeting. He was in the same prison with" thief in law " Vyacheslav Ivankov, nicknamed jap, arrested for extorting money from businessmen associated with Chara-Bank. Russian-speaking prisoners got to talking and it turned out that Eugene's mother is a relative of his wife Ivankova. "The thief in law" liked the newly-made member of the family, he jokingly began to call him his nephew. Yaponchik interested and knowledge of Eugene in financial crime and money laundering. Free Cluster-Schuster came out with "recommendation letter" from the mighty jap.
As a result, he joined the team of "thief in law" Alexander Bohr (timokh), who was responsible for all business projects Ivankov, while he is in prison. In 1996-1997 Alexander Bohr and the representatives of the mafia families Gambino and Granieri to crank out a series of large-scale fraud. They agreed with their people on the stock exchange that they will artificially inflate the prices of shares of small firms owned by bandits. When the value of securities reached the top marks, the mafia sold them, earning tens of millions of dollars. Buyers of shares and investors were left with nothing. Throughout the United States swept a series of such frauds in which Slusker-Schuster was directly involved. And soon these scams became interested in the FBI. In one of the cases initiated in 1999, mass arrests began and Bohr was forced to flee the United States to Germany, where he was arrested on suspicion of killing the "authority" of Efim Laskin. Then he was replaced by the shadow accountant "thieves in law" dzhumber elbakidze (Juba). He represented the interests of Georgian "criminal generals" and Abkhazia back in Soviet times, then took part in military operations in this Republic on the side of Georgia. In the end, he returned to the former business - to ensure the financial interests of "thieves in law", including Aslan Usoyan (Grandfather Hassan) and Vyacheslav Ivankov.
However, the American cooperation between Juba and Eugene was short-lived. Apparently, Slusker-Schuster finally got out of control of the FBI. As a result, in 2000, Eugene was detained in Brooklyn with a fake canadian passport and was expelled from the country to Ukraine for violation of migration legislation (Slusker-Schuster was never able to obtain American citizenship). Being in Odessa, the failed American managed to issue a Russian passport, in which he was already listed by Yevgeny Dvoskin (this is the name of his grandmother). Later, the Federal migration service of Russia has recognized this document is not valid.
To be continued
Rustam Konoplev
Mark Gordon