Biography: Born on August 5, 1986 in the city of Biysk Altai Region. He studied at the Lyceum of Biysk on natural science department. Then he entered the Moscow Medical Academy behalf of I. M. Sechenov and finished it on a specialty "Pharmacy".
December 4, 2011 Alexander Prokopyev elected to the State Duma of the Altai Territory. Parallel to his work in the Duma, the deputy continued his studies and in 2015 graduated from the Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.
In the State Duma Alexander Prokopyev is in the Committee on Health. He is a co-author of the law on the establishment of a new memorable date December 3 in Russia - the Day of the Unknown Soldier.
He held a vigorous activity in the Altai Territory. The deputy is a member of the Supervisory Council of the Russian Federation on the development of the Biysk science city of RF. He is a member of the scientific council of the Altai State Medical University. He is a member of boards of trustees KGBOU "Biisk boarding school of the Altai Territory," GUCH KGUZ "specialized orphanage, Biysk" and KGBUSO "Regional Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities "Rodnik".
He is married and has a daughter.
Mother - Larisa Prokopyeva, founder of CJSC "Evalar", one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Russia.
According to official data, Prokopyev income for 2011 amounted to 234.4 million rubles. Prokopyev - is the owner of the land plot, residential building area of 1100 square meters, 5 apartments, and two commercial premises. In the ranking Russian officials’ revenues, compiled by the magazine of Forbes, Prokopyev takes 37-th place. In the rating of revenues of the State Duma deputies in 2011 - 11th place.
Income of Prokopyev was 229.2 million rubles in 2010. He also owned a stake in LLC "Pharma-West", LLC "Pharmacy Network" Evalar "(a network of pharmacies in Moscow), OJSC" Trade house "Evalar."
In conducting the campaign in the region were ordered to collect EUR 2-10 million - an average of € 5 million - from a sponsor. The most affluent region in these elections - is KhMAD. According to RBC daily, in Ugra for the elections were collected from 1.5 billion to 2 billion rubles. The region on the pass place of the list is the general director of LLC "Tyumentransgaz" Zavalny Pavel, whose company provides, as listed on its website, transporting of more than 80% of natural gas (1.4 billion cubic meters per day), produced in the Tyumen North.
The potential "sponsors" can be calculated not only by occupation, but also on the discrepancies in the list of winners of the primaries with the final list of candidates. So, in the Stavropol region, the President of the Chamber of Commerce Andrew Murga finished seventh in the primaries, but was third, checkpoint, position in the regional list. Also, Alexander Prokopyev, the director for strategic development pharmaceutical company "Evalar" intends to get in the State Duma on the Altai list.
Ruspres, 03.10.2011
The State Duma in heavy dispute finally approved the bill of the first reading on advertising of dietary supplements. Prokopyev, a shareholder of "Evalar" didn't protect it; the other deputies did it...
A. Belyakov spoke in favor of the prohibition of advertising of supplements. Even vitamins can be used as needed and how it is needed. Only 10% in the world goes without a prescription, we have - 85%. Answering the question of Nicholay Kolomeytsev, Kashevarov said about the absence of mortality statistics.
N. Kolomeytsev noted the lack of analytics, promised to support the bill, but warned that it is insufficient. He compared the creation of gray schemes with the construction of the pyramids. The pharmaceutical market of Russia was defeated. Mass media are interested in bad money. Tax service too. A non-stop advertising of things that not exists brings great harm.
Ivan Nikitchuk stated that Evalar is fraudulent company, just go around the corner - Turboslim tea, coffee Turboslim. Who is their roof? Belyakov proposed to ask the shareholder, who is the roof of Evalar; Alexander Prokopyev is sitting in the hall. A week before the session of the Duma Evalar web site has been tweaked, still good that the deputy Belyakov made screenshots with the notarization. Drugs for weight loss have a diuretic effect. They are registered not as a cure, but the packaging and insert says that each granule cures almost all diseases. By the way, we do not say that we have not considered packaging as an advertising space.
A. Belyakov offered not to catch unfair advertising in their question, but to check the advertising for compliance with the law for five days before publication. Kashevarov equated such a rule to censorship and said that it is premature. Now, if the law does not work, then we can go back.
Leo-mosk.livejournal.com. 05/14/2013
State Duma deputy from the faction "Fair Russia" Anton Belyakov will explain his accusations against the United Russia-colleague Alexander Prokopyev in possession of assets, owned by his mother Altai Company, producing dietary supplements "Evalar", and reports Regions.ru.
Suffered for the truth?
At a recent meeting of the State Duma at the first reading of a bill to tighten advertising of dietary supplements Belyakov repeatedly called Prokopyev a shareholder of this company.
It is necessary to clarify here that Mr. Prokopyev is the son of the general director of "Evalar" - Larisa Prokopyeva. A business activity is prohibited by law to people's choices.
In particular, discussing the restriction of dietary supplements advertising, deputy Belyakov cited the example of the Altai "Evalar" and added:
"By the way, I ask to love and favor: Alexander, the largest shareholder of "Evalar", now in the hall, listening to me, and, I think, he may even has the answer." And although the SR himself didn't call the surname of his colleagues, "not to get personal," later party members of Prokopyev have confirmed themselves that we are talking exactly about him.
"Regions.ru". 06/28/2013
The introduction of criminal responsibility for the import of medicines, unregistered in RF, in Russia, actually puts into question the right to live of people, suffering from various serious diseases. For the unauthorized importation of the drug in Russia, which is not produced in our country, brokers and "shuttles" will soon have to go to jail, and patients will only have to die slowly...
The authors of the bill in the State Duma acted 10 members of the "United Russia", including the chairman of the State Duma Security Committee and the Anti-Corruption Irina Yarovaya, her deputy Ernest Valeev, members of the State Duma Committee on Health, Alexander Prokopyev and Salia Murzabaeva and 6 more of United Russia.
Deputy Prokopyev, the son of the owner of a major producer of dietary supplements (dietary supplements) - the company "Evalar" of Larissa Prokopyeva, stands out in this list. Forbes magazine called him one of the wealthiest of the authorities in 2012, with a family income of 234.36 million rubles. The interest of parliamentarians in the protection of dietary supplements on the market from counterfeit and various cheap generic additives is obvious.
The initiative to establish such a bill, in which, along with the tightening of penalties for counterfeit dietary supplements were included fake and unregistered drugs in the Russian Federation, may belong exactly to him. Perhaps drugs that are not registered in Russia were prescribed in the document, to divert attention from BAA and give a greater significance to the legislative initiative.
I sometimes think that the Duma deputies are not cannibals, vampires or demons at all. It's just people who want to look respectable, but completely rustic. Wanted to close the market for dietary supplements - attributed medication to BAA at all.
"Philanthropist". 09/01/2014
The project, which was developed by the deputies Yarovaya, Alexander Prokopyev and Ernest Valeev, was adopted in the first reading the July 1, 2014. It involves criminal liability for the import into Russia of counterfeit, substandard and unregistered medicines. According to this version, such violations are punishable by hard labor for a period of 3 to 5 years, or imprisonment for a term of 3 to 5 years and a fine of 500 thousand up to 2 million rubles. At the same time, the bill specifies the amount of a large party: it is about a value, exceeding 100 thousand rubles.
In particular, it states that "illegal production, sale, importation into the territory of the Russian Federation of unregistered medicinal products or medical devices" is forbidden.
RBC, 16.10.2014
The richest of the State Duma deputies from the Siberian regions in 2014 was the 28-year-old from the United Russia from Altai Region Alexander Prokopyev, follows from declarations, published on the website of the Russian parliament.
Prokopyev earned more than 92.7 million rubles. The company for the production of natural medicines and dietary supplements "Evalar" belongs to his family. Over the past five years Prokopyev income fell by almost 2.5 times to 229 million rubles in 2010. He had nearly 50 acres of land, building area of 1100 square meters, three apartments - 165, 163 and 144 square meters of unfinished housing to 508 square meters of non-residential premises in a total of more than 400 square meters in property.
Vedomosti, 04.18.15
If someone doesn't know yet, Alexander Prokopyev - is Member of the State Duma 28-year-old United Russian from the Altai Territory, which occupies the 37-th row of the rank of the richest Russian officials by Forbes magazine.
In the State Duma Prokopyev was a candidate of the All-Russia People's Front. He is now a member of the faction «United Russia», a part of the health guard committee. A young multi-millionaire, which did not take part in the political life previously, after his election to the State Duma refused to give way to the Kremlin appointee, which followed him in the electoral list Alexey Romanov - the Hero of Russia, the former deputy chief of the center of special operations of the unit "Vympel" of FSS of RF.
Alexander Prokopyev declared income for 2011 of $ 234,360,000 rubles, 10 houses and a car. Just in case, let me remind you that the deputy Alexander Prokopyev - is a son of Prokopyeva Larisa, the owner of the company "Evalar" - a major producer of dietary supplements. Before his election to the State Duma in 2011, he worked as the director for strategic development of "Evalar."
Maxpark.com. 19/10/2015
As you know, in December 2011, the owner of the Duma's mandate from the Altai Territory became a 26-year-old citizen of Biysk Alexander Prokopyev, quite unexpectedly for many.
However, any more or less sane person well aware of the fact that the personal merit of youthful boy - to put it mildly, is zero. In fact, he owes his position to beloved mother Larisa Prokopyeva, being the owner, as she puts it herself, of a pharmaceutical company number 1 in Russia - CJSC "Evalar".
But at the expense of the pharmaceutical company, and even the number 1, Ms. Prokopyeva obviously got excited. In fact, "Evalar" got up and unwound due to dietary supplements, that become extremely popular at the same time, from a medical point of view does not represent any benefit for the needy, but, what is important, doesn't not harming them.
But it is not about that now, yes, but about the fact that the Capital is able to "disrupt the tower" to more mature and composed people, in contrast to the Junior-Prokopyev. What can we say about Alexander, who in the first year of residence in the State Duma by the parent financial donations, forgot all about the history of his entering into politics, and imagined himself so great and sophisticated statesman, for whom the limits of the lower house are already tight. In conversations with new metropolitan acquaintances Alexander Prokopyev issues such verbal opus that takes aback. "On a secret around the world," he confides about his plans to become neither more nor less, but the governor of had a small homeland, that nurtured him - the Altai Region.
Most likely, such rhetoric can be attributed to youthful maximalism of the deputy and the blizzard, that has not yet disappeared from his mind, where only the baleen cockroaches feel themselves cozy with the exception. But oddly enough, more mature and unworldly mother doesn't only prevent the son's plans, but even welcomes them in some cases. Perhaps, preparing for "Sashenka-Milashenka" a first springboard on conquering life's heights, Larisa decided that in these issues there are no limits on desire also on the money, combined on the boundless maternal love, she can buy for a little son not only a cushy place in the State Duma, but also the whole region .
"Free Forum". 25/10/2015
However, the hostess of "Evalar" has not only the developed pharmaceutical business. Previously, the pharmaceutical company "Evalar" owned through the "Siberian Media Group" (SMG) a variety interests in the Gorno-Altaisk weekly "Postscript" and TV Company "Planet-service", but in June 2015 the company of Larissa Prokopyeva began to get rid of their media assets.
Journalists wrote that the 30-percent stake in the "Postscript" will pass under the control of Senator Vladimir Poletaev, and 51% of "Planet-Service" will return to the founder and co-owner of the television Yuri Ilyin.
At the same time allegedly with a member of the Federation Council Vladimir Poletaev about the acquisition by Altai Senator of a SMG share in the "Postscript" negotiated a State Duma deputy Alexander Prokopyev (Larisa Prokopyeva son, ex-director of strategic development of CJSC "Evalar") ....
The fact that Alexander Prokopyev, being the deputy of the State Duma, was directly involved in the purchase and sale of media assets, clearly demonstrates the fact of his participation in the management of the business.
It would seem that the leadership of "United Russia" has long had to deprive him of a mandate for the combination of deputy and commercial activities, but United Russia "for some reason" did not notice that the son of the mistress of "Evalar" is involved in commercial transactions. But why did the party of power "turn a blind eye" on it?
As it turned out, the pharmaceutical company "Evalar" in 2012 has become one of the largest sponsors of the party "United Russia" (indicated by a financial report, laid out on the CEC website - Ed.). ...
The experts have a version that the leadership of the faction "United Russia" in the State Duma "serves" the interests of the "Evalar" in exchange for a generous "financial contributions". In fact, we are talking here about the bribery of deputies of the State Duma, and then - about the wide scale corruption conspiracy, in which a deputy Alexander Prokopyev and his mother (mistress of "Evalar") Larisa Prokopyeva are involved....
Obviously, that there is no credibility of "Evalar" no longer at any professional doctors nor their patients. Of course, Larissa Prokopyeva can spend fabulous money on advertising of their dietary supplements, but soon no one will by them, because no one wants to "poison" their body. And if the security forces will prove the story of bribing the leadership of the faction "United Russia" in the State Duma by members of "Evalar", then Larissa and Alexander Prokopyev could face a criminal liability.
“Rumafia.com”. 03/30/2016
So the son of the main owner of Evalar 29-year-old Alexander Prokopyev, after the group has become a strategic sponsor of the local United Russia in the controversial 2011 elections (experts estimated the Evalar contribution to the election funds of more than $ 10 million that time) received a deputy mandate of State Duma from the Altai United Russia and intends to extend it on the elections in September 2016, taking part in the primaries of UR now.
"Chto Delat". 04/15/2016