Biography: (Was born April 10, 1971, in the city of Gorky, Gorky Region, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian state and political figure. Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (since 2011), member of the State Duma Committee for Security and Anti-Corruption, a member of the "Communist" faction.
1988 - He graduated with honors from the Leningrad Suvorov Military School;
1995 - He graduated with honors and a gold medal from the Military University of the Russian Defense Ministry;
1999 - He defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of legal sciences on the topic "Legal nihilism and legal idealism (theoretical and legal research)" in the Moscow Academy of the MIA of Russia;
2002 - Ministry of Education of Russian Federation has assigned Voronenkov an academic rank of associate professor;
2009 - Defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Legal Sciences on the topic "Theoretical and regulatory basis of judicial control in the mechanism of separation of powers" in the Russian Legal Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.
Work Experience:
From 1995 to 1999, served a military service in various positions in the Russian Military Prosecutor's Office.
Since 2000, the senior reviewer of the faction apparatus in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
In 2001 he worked as advisor to the General Director of the Judicial Department of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.
From 2001 through 2006 he was the Deputy Mayor of the city of Naryan-Mar Nenets Autonomous District of the Russian Federation, then Deputy Head of Administration of the NAO Russian Subsoil Use, First Deputy Head of the Administration of the NAO RF on the work with the Government and the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
Since 2011, the deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, member of the State Duma Committee for Security and Anti-Corruption.
Voronenkov is a co-author of about 20 different bills.
He has two children from a previous marriage with Julia. Daughter Xenia in January 2015 won the championship of Moscow Dance Championships among juniors.
In March 2015 Voronenkov registered marriage with an opera singer, a State Duma deputy from the "United Russia" Maria Maksakova-Igenbergs.
The medal "For Distinguished Service in the drug control authorities» III degree (2006)
Premium Weapon (Order of the Director of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia of 14.02.08).
In December 2014 the Moscow Department of the Investigative Committee of the RF sent materials to State Duma on deprivation Voronenkov of parliamentary immunity in connection with criminal case on the raider seizure of the building in central Moscow. According to the case file, Voronenkov found a buyer for the mansion, for which he received the advance fee in the amount of 100 thousand dollars.
April 6, 2015 the IC RF has sent documents to the General Prosecutor's Office for a decision on the introduction to the State Duma representation of deprivation Denis Voronenkov immunity and consent to bringing him in as a defendant.
A scandal is unfolding around the famous Moscow construction company "Yuniformstroy". Interior Affairs Department of the Western District of Moscow initiated a criminal case against its general director Vladimir Litovchenko: he is suspected of embezzling 18 million rubles. Mr. Litovchenko says that the scandal is inspired by a rival company - the construction firm "Semontek". ..
As it became known to Kommersant, Vladimir Litovchenko suspected of embezzling 18 million rubles, which allegedly paid customers of "Yuniformstroy" for apartments in Green House. At the end of September 2002 Kuntsevo Moscow court accepted the claim of Denis Voronenkov and Gleb Zolotov, accusing the company "Yuniformstroy" of cheating. According to them, on April 29, 2002, they entered into contracts with the company on share participation in construction of the Green House. However, as Voronenkov and Zolotov claim, when the house was built, they didn't get in there apartments, and therefore required to collect paid money from the company "Yuniformstroy" and to seize its bank accounts. In support of the claim court seized 18 million rubles on the accounts of the company.
But this seemed not enough to gentlemen Voronenkov and Zolotov, and they have filed a statement in the Western District police department, demanding to initiate a criminal investigation. October 19 this year, a criminal case was opened in the police department against the general director of "Yuniformstroy" Litovchenko under Part. 3 art. 159 of the Criminal Code («Fraud in a large scale"). Employees of the DAEC of WAD raided his apartment and office, during which the company's printing and computer equipment were seized.
Vladimir Litovchenko told Kommersant that he considers the incident a provocation. According to him, in May of this year Voronenkov and Zolotov came into the office of "Yuniformstroy" and, posing as employees of GUBOP, reported that law enforcement agencies have the materials, compromising Mr. Litovchenko, and they can ensure, that the criminal case would not be prosecuted against him. For the "settlement of issues with the Ministry of Interior" Voronenkov and Zolotov offered to pay them $ 800 thousand. However, Vladimir Litovchenko, knowing that he is clean before the law, did not pay. After that claims and statements to the police appeared.
"Kommersant". 30.20.2002
Yesterday the Moscow City Court has sentenced four policemen: employees of Central Regional Directorate for Combating an Organized Crime (CRDCOC) Mikhail Ignatov, Vitaly Anisov, and Sergei Zolotovskii and also to "murovec" Mikhail Mikaelyan. All of them were found guilty of abuse of office powers. However, one of the main charges - receiving bribes by Ignatov from a famous figure skating coach Elena Tchaikovskaya - was withdrawn.
The last and perhaps the most famous episode is dated April 2001. CRDCOC received a complaint from a businessman Trostentsov, that some Voronenkov Denis and Igor Novikov extort money from him. The next meeting of the businessman and extortionists was videotaped by investigators. At the end of the meeting Trostentsov presented them with 10 thousand dollars.
At this point Voronenkov and Novikov were detained by the employees of CRDCOC. As it turned out, Voronenkov was a lawyer of the "Unity" faction, and the son of the famous Russian figure skating coach Elena Tchaikovskaya, Igor Novikov, was engaged in their own business. According to investigators, they promised the help of "Unity" to Trostentsov, as well as personal acquaintance with Franz Klintsevich and Boris Gryzlov. According to Trostentsov, in total, he gave them about 60 thousand dollars, but didn't receive a real help in the exchange.
According to investigators, after the arrest Ignatov explained Voronenkov and Novikov that they have to pay 250 thousand dollars: 150 - directly to Trostentsov and 100 to CRDCOC. Only then instituted against them criminal proceedings for extortion will be closed. Elena Tchaikovskaya came to help her son. She has collected 150 thousand during the day and gave them to Trostentsov through a friend of the family. Then she collected another 21.9 thousands of dollars that have been transferred through intermediaries to Ignatov. After that Tchaikovskaya addressed a statement to the prosecutor's office of Moscow. During the transfer of eight thousand dollars the mediator was detained through whom the police took to Ignatov. They tried to detain him around the CRDOCO building, but the guards repulsed him. In May 2001, Ignatov was still caught.
"Novye Izvestiya". 19.08.2003
As "Gazeta" told, the son of Helena Tchaikovskaya, Igor Novikov was detained by the employees of CRDCOC on suspicion of extortion in April 2001. He and his friend Denis Voronenkov demanded 10 thousand dollars from Trostentsov for the patronage of the leaders of the "Unity" faction, calling names of Boris Gryzlov and Franz Klintsevich. They negotiate with the entrepreneur as well as the fact of receiving the money, marked by operatives were recorded on audio and videotape. During the search, in addition to money, identity of deputy’s assistants, emergency workers, and the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office and other documents were found at Novikov and Voronenkov. Later, when the information about the arrest of Novikov and Voronenkov, including the transcript of audio recordings, appeared in the mass media, representatives of the "Unity" faction called these people fraudsters and stated about their exclusion from their ranks. Two months later, the Internal Security Department employees tried to detain Ignatov directly at the entrance of CRDCOC. One of the witnesses in the case of Novikov claimed Ignatov there and tried to foist him a package with 8 thousand dollars. Ignatov immediately reported it to their superiors, and those contacted to the City Prosecutor's Office. Ignatov was offered to drive up to the investigator and to give some explanation there. He was arrested there.
As follows from the criminal case and the testimony of Helena Tchaikovskaya at the court, she really gave money to release her son. First 150 thousand dollars from her hands received a former employee, the driver of the "Alpha" Group Georgy Asyunin. He told the coach that he handed the money to Trostentsov, that he took back his statement. Later Asyunin took another 20 thousand dollars from Tchaikovskaya - allegedly to bribe witnesses in the case of Novikov. By the way, the case against Novikov and Voronenkov after the Ignatov arrest repeatedly shut and re-instituted.
"Gazeta". 20.01.2004
Lieutenant Colonel Mikhail Ignatov came on freedom, about which our newspaper wrote several times. The story is very revealing. Man spent in captivity for almost three years for nothing. The officer of CRDCOC told to "RK", what he had to endure during this time.
Your history, as we all know, began with the fact that in April 2001 a businessman Yevgeny Trostentsov came to the Central Regional Directorate for Combating Organized Crime. He told that some Igor Novikov and Denis Voronenkov, acting on behalf of the faction "Unity", extort money from him for providing "a roof" and lobbying interests through the power structures.
- It was.
- Could you then imagine that all this will be over by the "Matrosskaya Tishina"? Besides, for you...
- Of course not. Trostentsov, as it should be, wrote a statement. We have set means wiretapping and recording in his office, supplied merchant with labeled cuts totaling 10 thousand dollars. I supervised the detention personally. Novikov and Voronenkov were caught red-handed. The detainees were taken to the police department "Begovaya", where the investigation team of prosecutors arrived. We asked the prosecutor of the Northern Administrative District Belikov to issue an arrest warrant. But we were refused.
- How do you explain this?
- Probably, the detainees had unlimited capabilities. And the prosecutor was instructed from above (the mother of Igor Novikov Elena Tchaikovskaya is a renowned figure skating coach and uncle Boris Pastukhov is the former first secretary of the Central Committee VLKSM - Note "RK".).
... - The prosecutor asked for you to 12 years in prison at the court. Whom do you crossed the road still?
- I can only guess. It was profitable to Novikov, Voronenkov and Tchaikovskaya in the first place...
- And what is the result?
- If my actions are considered illegal, then the evidence, gathered in the case of Novikov-Voronenkov are unacceptable. Consequently, they will go from liability.
Russkiy Kyrier, of 23.01.2004
A resident of Moscow Elena Strapko trying to force the State Duma deputy from the Communist Party Denis Voronenkov to undergo the examination to establish a paternity of her five year old daughter through the court.
- We started with Denis as at all: flowers, gifts, - told Life News Elena Strapko. - But when Sophie was born, he began to say that he has his own family and the official position does not allow him to have an illegitimate child.
Despite the fact that in the birth certificate of little Sophia patronymic "Denisovna" is indicated, the column, where the name of the father is prescribed, is blank.
- I think he didn't even tell his wife about my existence, - continues Elena with bitterness. - We were meeting with Dennis in a rented apartment on Novocheremushkinskaya Street, carrying nights there. He promised me to leave his wife.
34-year-old Elena Strapko doesn't impose any substantive requirements in her lawsuit. According to the young woman, she can grow the daughter up, give her a decent life and pay for the education for herself.
«Life news". 06/14/2013
Former FSS officer Andrei Murzikov was hospitalized with a concussion after a fight in "Courchevel" restaurant with the deputy Denis Voronenkov. Wherein Murzikov filed to the police a counter-statement, in which he accused the deputy that he has provoked the conflict and began the fight.
Earlier it was reported that the CPRF Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov was beaten at night of December 7 at the restaurant "Courchevel" in the center of Moscow.
- The incident occurred at Petrovka Street, in a restaurant "Courchevel". Applicant Denis Voronenkov said that he was attacked by his friend Andrew Murzikov. The men sat together at one table, a quarrel had occurred during the communication, - said a source in law enforcement.
After police arrived, Voronenkov went to the hospital to fix the caused damage. He also wrote a statement, demanding to attract Murzikov to criminal liability. He also outlined his vision of a conflict in it.
"On 7 December at the restaurant" Courchevel "I was beaten by previously familiar to me Murzikov Andrei Vasilyevich, who was intoxicated. He struck me to the head and the face at least five blows for reasons, unknown to me, shouting that he was in jail because of me. Murzikov lives in the village of Odintsovo district, Moscow region. Next to me was my friend Igor Davydka, who saw happening to me. Also, the security of the restaurant saw everything. I please to attract Murzikov to a criminal liability, "- wrote the deputy in a statement.
"Izvestiya". 07/12/2013
Anna Etkina, a partner of a murdered businessman Andrei Burlakov, said that State Duma deputy and former FSS officer Andrei Murzikov were behind the assassination attempt on her and her companion
Fighting in the capital's restaurant "Courchevel" between the former FSS officer Andrei Murzikov and State Duma Deputy Denis Voronenkov turns into criminal shootouts from domestic conflict. Anna Etkina, partner of a deputy director of the Financial Leasing Company (FLC) Andrei Burlakov, shot September 29, 2011 in Moscow restaurant "Hutorok", identified in fighters the organizers of the murder. Etkina herself was also seriously wounded by a killer then. Etkina wrote about her suspicions against Murzikov and Voronenkov in an appeal to the General Prosecutor Yuri Chaika and in Israeli special services.
Etkina, currently residing in Israel, learned about the incident at the restaurant "Courchevel" from mass media. According to her, she was struck, identified in the photographs people, who were witnesses in the case of the theft of 3.3 billion rubles from the Financial Leasing Company.
- I do not even know how to comment it all - Etkina shared with "Izvestiya". - I have irrefutable evidences of the involvement of Denis Voronenkov and Andrei Murzikov in the assassination attempt on my life, as I reported to law enforcement agencies....
Voronenkov was aware of the progress of the case, he showed me the documents in the investigation, and said that he can either remove them from the case and put there necessary, - says Etkina....
After that, according to Etkina, took place another conversation of Burlakov with Voronenkov in a fairly rigid form with the requirement to return the money. As Etkina says, on her phone came SMS with threats from Voronenkov: "You and Burlakov will sit in jail."
Izvestiya, 9.12. 2013
As in became known to "Kommersant", in the production of the Russian Investigative Committee (RIC) is loud criminal case on the raider seizure of the building in the central of Moscow, worth $ 5 million. In its framework a prominent businessman Vitaly Kachur and well-known metropolitan lawyer Vitaly Chaban are arrested. A number of former officers of the FSS and the Interior Ministry and State Duma deputy from the Communist Party faction are also defendants of the case.
Meanwhile, the sources of "Kommersant" in the intelligence services have explained that the August arrests are relating to a large-scale fraud, carried out in 2011. The aim of the group of swindlers became a raider seizure of the office and industrial building in the center of Moscow (Mezhdunarodnaya Street, 38) - 1.5 thousand sq. M. evaluated then in nearly 130 million rubles. The areas were belonging to the businessman Otari Kobakhidze, founder and actual owner of "Tom" LLC - a confectionery company, operating in Moscow and other Russian cities. ..
Meanwhile, in the case of raider attacks appeared first accused. They were Vladimirskaya Marina herself, a lawyer Oleg Krylov, the new CEO of the company Ilya Shcherbak, as well as two former senior officers of the FSS - the lieutenant colonel of the Directorate for Moscow and the Moscow region Sergey Shishakov and Colonel of the anti-corruption unit of the central apparatus Andrew Murzikov.
Note that the name of the latter has repeatedly appeared in mass media in connection with various scandals. So, in December 2013 in the capital's restaurant "Courchevel" he had a fight with a State Duma deputy from the Communist Party Voronenkov Denis, with whom they were acquainted earlier. And soon from Israel to the address of the General Prosecutor Yury Chaika came a letter from a previously convicted in absentia in Russia, businesswoman Anne Etkina. She claimed that it was allegedly Murzikov Andrei and Denis Voronenkov are the organizers of the murder of her business partner Andrei Burlakov, one of the leaders of the Financial Leasing Company (FLC). In September 2011, in a Moscow cafe "Hutorok" killer murdered Andrei Burlakov and seriously wounded Anna Etkina. According to her, she met Andrei Murzikov and Denis Voronenkov in the late 1990s, and they positioned themselves as people with high connections, ready to solve any problem. Later, they allegedly wanted to help Andrey Burlakov and Anne Etkina for a large sum, when those were accused of large-scale fraud, related with FLC.
Whatever it was, Colonel Murzikov, as well as four other defendants, was charged in a fraud on a large scale (ch. 4, Art. 159 of the Criminal Code) ... In addition, according to "Kommersant", the name of old friend of Colonel Murzikov - Deputy Denis Voronenkov, is also referred in it. Allegedly, he could also be related to the scam with the building, and the investigation is going to send the collected materials to the General Prosecutor's Office, so that it addressed to the State Duma with the idea of depriving him of his parliamentary immunity for the further criminal prosecution.
"Kommersant". 09/29/2014
As it became known to "Kommersant", Russian Investigative Committee has initiated the procedure of deprivation of immunity of a member of the State Duma Committee for Security and Anti-Corruption Denis Voronenkov, who is involved, according to investigators, in a raider seizure of the building cost of $ 5 million in 2011 in the center of Moscow. In addition to the Deputy from the Communist Party faction, several businessmen are also figurants of the criminal case, as well as former and current security forces.
MID RIC in Moscow sent to the Chairman of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin materials in relation to a State Duma deputy, Denis Voronenkov, whom investigative agency expects to raise as a defendant in the case of raider attacks in 2011 of the two-store building area of 1.5 thousand sq. m. at the Mezhdunarodnaya Street, 38.
... If Mr. Bastrykin will agree with suspicions of his subordinates to address of the deputy Voronenkov, he will send the materials to the General Prosecutor's Office, which, checking them, may apply to the State Duma to deprive the communist of immunity.
"Kommersant", 11.12.2014
Denis Voronenkov is famous for
... In 1995-1999 he served in the Military Prosecutor's Office. Since 2000 he worked as senior consultant in the State Duma. August 15, 2001 the newspaper "Sobesednik" reported that in April of that year, Mr. Voronenkov was detained upon receipt of $ 10 thousand from merchant Evgeniy Trostentsov for lobbying his interests in the Duma, but on July 30 the case was closed.
... December 8, 2013, Mr. Voronenkov was hospitalized after a fight in a restaurant with an ex-FSS officer Andrei Murzikov. Later it became known about the letter of convicted in absentia in Russia, businesswoman Anna Etkina to General Prosecutor Yuri Chaika. She accused Messrs. Voronenkov and Murzikov in the murder of her business partner Andrei Burlakov.
According to the income statement, he earned about 2.5 million rubles in 2013, his wife - 0.8 million rubles.
"Kommersant", 11.12.2014
The main political wedding and a solemn banquet took place in the south-west of Moscow, in the newly opened "Philharmonic-2." Newlyweds celebrated - the State Duma Deputies Maria Maksakova (UR) and Denis Voronenkov (CPRF). However, in the morning in Kutuzovsky registry office the star of the Mariinsky Theatre, Gnesinka teacher and member of the Culture Committee changed her last name to Voronenkov. ... Culture Minister Vladimir Medina called "Philharmonic-2" an "area of the level of a new stage of the Mariinsky Theatre", hundreds of millions of rubles were left on its equipment, it was opened in November last year. ...
Tables were laden with plentiful snacks. Guests were served quail and a salad of arugula and crab, roast beef and Peking duck, shrimp with caviar and tuna in sesame. There were different cheeses (“more French”, - said the waiter), passion fruit, strawberries and grapes. Connoisseurs of Japanese cuisine waited a separate table with the sushi. The young commissioned the food to the wedding in the "Nabi" restaurant, where the average check is 4 thousand rubles. ...
The newlyweds danced with the Mary's children Ilya and Lucia. With their father, three times convicted Vladimir Tyurin, who appears in the documents of Interpol as a leader of «Bratsk" OCG, Maria Maksakova lived for several years. Five years ago, in various interviews, she called him a husband and told how he actively sought her. But then, when Maksakova ran for the council, she said she had never been married.
"His life was ready for my appearance in it: a ready frame waiting for their gem ... He offered me everything at once: their feelings, their home, have children," - described Mary the love affair with the father of their children.
Back in October of last year Maksakova and Tyurin with children, a nanny and a bunch of guard came to the premiere of "Cinderella" at the Small Theatre, where they have organized the first children's dance on a small stage. Bodyguards blocked Ordynka to put the boss in the SUV with a lady and children.
Denis Voronenkov also was still newly married, and he also has two children. "Actually, we are all shocked by this wedding, because their marriage with Julia, the former wife, seemed to be very strong and prosperous. Their daughter Ksenia in January won the Moscow dancing championship among juniors; she is very seriously engaged in ballroom dancing, "- said a family friend.
“Gazeta.ru” 03/28/2015
Communist Voronenkov has a distinguished political career, he is in the civil service since 1995- worked in the Military Prosecutor's Office, the Supreme Court, 5 years he was a deputy mayor of Naryan-Mar, then a deputy head of the Administration of the Nenets Autonomous District, now he is a deputy. A member of the Duma Committee on Anti-Corruption.
Denis Voronenkov is one of the poorest in the State Duma deputies and in good tradition; he becomes the new hero of our column # 20.
Last year Voronenkov earned less than 2.5 million rubles. And this is a good year! In 2012, he earned 2 million rubles, and in 2011 generally only 300,000 rubles, 25,000 rubles a month. The income of his wife (now ex) never exceeded 1 million rubles.
In general, look at the section "income" in the Declaration of the Communist Voronenkov and eyes rejoices - the deputy lives exclusively on the parliamentary salary, his wife is not a billionaire, there are no options and blind trusts.
But the joy did not last long, but it was before, if not pay attention to the sections on "real estate" and "vehicles".
Here is the list of real estate of the State Duma committee of anti-corruption member, an official with 20 years’ experience: 5 apartments with a total area of 1088 m2, 2 car garages, and cottage 887 m2 with 189 m2 of non-residential premises.
Especially the fleet of Communist Voronenkov over-looks as deputy’s. Once again, Voronenkov is not an "official from business" at all, a lifetime or in the civil service or in teaching: car fleet of the fighter against corruption: Mercedes S350, Bentley Continental, two Range Rover and Land Cruiser. In the framework of the campaign # 20 we have identified a few of the apartments of Voronenkov. We thought at first, they may be in the Nenets Autonomous District, the gift went, but no.
The biggest apartment 446.4 m2 is not in any Naryan-Mar, but on the Tverskaya Street in Moscow. A 2-storied apartment with 9 bedrooms of the son of Voronenkov on Tverskaya Street.
The apartment is located on the top two floors of the house near the Mayakovskaya metro station. The property is registered in half on a son and some Alexander Nikolayevich Plotnikov. Judging by the ads, the average price per square meter in this house is about 653 thousand rubles. That is Voronenkov apartment is worth more than 291 million rubles.
Another slightly more modest apartment 226.6 m2 is situated on the intersection of Rublevskoe and Mozhaiskoe highway (again not in Naryan-Mar), in a luxury residential complex. This apartment is registered on Julia Alexandrovna Voronenkova, already ex-wife of Communist Voronenkov. The price tag for an apartment, identical to the footage in the house, is from 92 to 120 million rubles.
The cost of Voronenkov family assets nearing a billion rubles - only two of his apartment worth nearly 400 million. And also the cottage, 3 other rather big apartment (70.6 m2 and 170.3 m2 and 174 m2) and 5 very expensive cars. At the same time, the official claims that he earns 2 million rubles a year. In this family income, Voronenkov needs 500 (!) years of continuous work to afford to buy what he declared.
"Rospres". 03/31/2015
Investigative Committee intends to raise a State Duma deputy, Denis Voronenkov as a defendant in a criminal case of fraud embezzlement of the building in Moscow, worth over 120 million rubles, said agency spokesman Vladimir Markin.
"The investigation produced with the data that the deputy of the State Duma Denis Voronenkov organized a crime and led it» - Markin said on Monday to "Interfax".
Interfax, 04.06.2015
Russian Investigative Committee (RIC) has sent to the General Prosecutor's office documents for the submission to the State Duma of the petition on the prosecution of the deputy from the Communist Party Denis Voronenkov, said yesterday the representative of the RIC Vladimir Markin. Investigative Committee wants to initiate criminal case in respect of the deputy under Art. 159 h. 4 (fraud, to 10 years in prison) for already investigated raider capture of the building in central of Moscow, worth 127 million rubles. According to a source in the prosecutor's office, RIC treatment is received and will be considered.
According to investigators, Voronenkov is the organizer of the theft of the building, owned by the businessman Otari Kobakhidze. The case was initiated in 2011 at the request of Kobakhidze. According to published judicial verdicts in the case, Kobakhidze transferred the building to a temporary control of the general director of "Tom" LLC Marina Vladimirskaya. But she, with the help of a retired colonel of the Interior Security Department of the Interior Ministry, Vyacheslav Polozkov and FSS officers Andrei Murzikov and Sergey Shishakov through Voronenkov found a buyer of the building - businessman Vitaly Kachur, who bought it for $ 2 million. Then Kachur with the assistance of a lawyer Vitaly Chaban redesigned the building to one of the construction companies, forging, according to investigators, with the help of Voronenkov, necessary documents for re-registration. Vladimirskaya, Polozkov, Shishakov and Murzikov made a deal with the investigation and were sentenced last year to suspended prison sentences, have gone to such a deal and later arrested Kachur and Chaban. The building itself Kobakhidze has seized.
Vedomosti, 04.07.2015
... And RIC recently have questions to the deputy of the State Duma Denis Voronenkov - he is suspected of fraud. But experts are also surprised by his declaration. Communist Voronenkov since 1995 in the civil service: he worked in the prosecutor's office, court executive. Now he is a lawmaker, among other things, a member of the Committee on Anti-Corruption. According to the declaration, he lives on one salary not for the first year. The wife, however, already former, also showed no more than 1 million a year. But there are 4 apartments in the ownership (the biggest is 446.6 square meters on Tverskaya) and the house, plus the non-residential premises (189 square meters.). And Communist also has 4 limousine, including "Bentley Continental"!
AIF, 06/05/2015
General Prosecutor's Office requested the Investigative Committee of Russia (RIC) to find out the legality of the origin of premium pistols Glock-19, which were found at a State Duma deputy from the Communist Party Denis Voronenkov and two figurants of a criminal case of fraud in which he is a witness. They were awarded by the Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan with pistols in 2011, when they made, according to investigators, the raider seizure of building in Moscow. The supervisory authority is interested in a scale of significant contribution to the development of material and technical base of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kyrgyzstan, which made the figurants of the controversial case, for which they have received a gunshot awards.
From sources in the General Prosecutor's Office became known that the supervisory authority is interested in the legality of origin of pistols Glock-19, found during searches, belonging to the deputy from the Communist Party Denis Voronenkov, businessman Vitaly Kachur and former FSS colonel Andrei Murzikov. According to seized documents, pistols and 50 rounds for them were issued by order of the Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev N217- b dated June 9, 2011, "for significant contribution to the development of material-technical base of" Ministry of Internal Affairs of that country.
"Kommersant". 07/21/2015
The most resonant of them was "the work of translators," in which the former head of the Moscow department of the Judicial Department under the Supreme Court of Russia Vyacheslav Lipezin was arrested. The Head of the structure, which is responsible for the maintenance of economic activities of vessels, is suspected of embezzling more than 300 million rubles, which, according to the documents, have been spent on interpreters' fees in court. Bogus documents were processed through the company "Rabikon K", whose leaders are also detained....
It is worth mentioning that with the direct superior of Lipezin - General Director of the Judicial Department under the Supreme Court of Alexander Gusev, all is not well with the law, too. His former adviser, State Duma deputy from the Communist Party faction Denis Voronenkov is involved in a criminal investigation into fraud and abduction of a building in the center of Moscow. According to investigators, the deputy stole a two-storied house on the Mezhdunarodnaya Street, 38 with an area of about 1.5 thousand square meters. As previously reported, a criminal group of deputies and three security officials acquainted with each other Alexander Gusev.
"Rospres". 08/26/2015
In turn, the security officers, according to the materials of the case, forwarded a proposal to a member of the State Duma Security Committee and the Anti-Corruption Communist Denis Voronenkov. A Deputy, according to investigators, came to the former director of "Vikta" LLC Vitaly Kachur, offering him to purchase a property for $ 2 million (as it is claimed by the entrepreneur himself, he really wanted to buy the building for its subsequent lease). Mr. Kachur in April 2011, according to the materials of the criminal case, gave the deputy Voronenkov $ 100 thousand at start-up costs, and to make the transaction of legal type, counsel asked to help a friend lawyer Vitaly Chaban. To make a deal, a lawyer, according to the investigation, appealed to the head of a construction company with a request to issue a loan of 20 million rubles allegedly for the purchase of the building at the Mezhdunarodnaya Street. Money was immediately returned to the builder, and it was made by an entrepreneur Kachur at their own expense. The loan itself, received in cash, according to the testimony of figurants of the case, the deputy Voronenkov distributed among several figurants of the case: FSS officers Andrei Murzikov and Sergei Shishakov and, participated in the transaction, lawyer Oleg Krylov received from 2 to 4 million rubles, and the rest of the money, according to testimony of the accused, took a communist.
"Kommersant". 09/24/2015
The information appeared in the network that in September this year, Maria Maksakova with her husband Denis Voronenkov could come to Munich. Apparently, it is not nostalgia for the past of Maria Petrovna led them there, and, on the other hand, concerns about the future. The couple, as reported the newspaper "Noviy vzglyad", were present at the acquisition of apartments in the capital of Bavaria, and, according to the material, this apartment was shaped not on any of them, but on the eldest daughter of Voronenkov (from his first marriage) Katerina. About this girl is known, that she is registered in Moscow, at Malaya Gruzinskaya Street, living in the same place, but she has, according to the same publication, not Russian, but Belarusian passport. Here's a family obtained International.
Also an intra-family resource could be used to withdraw money for the purchase of German real estate. Funds seem to be transferred in cash to Maksakova father Peter Igenbergs, which can have not only a registered business in Germany, but also assets under control in Russia. Through this channel, the money could be transferred to a German bank. Apparently, the elder brother of Mary on father - Andy Igenbergs was looking for an apartment for newlyweds, and the employee of Igenbergs Sr. Natalia von Schirachl could solve problems with registration of residence (and subsequently citizenship) for Voronenkov in parallel. To help her in this might spouse Klaus von Schirach - a professional lawyer. Last question, particularly, should extra-concern Denis Voronenkov, because at home he began to emerge major problems. Not so long ago it was reported that in relation to the Deputy from the Communist Party Investigative Committee intends to initiate a criminal case, related to the fraudulent theft of building in Moscow. Special piquancy of the situation makes the fact that in the State Duma Voronenkov enters the Committee on Anti-Corruption. The point seems to be hushed up, but it cost a lot of nerves to deputy. It was, I must say, the second episode of the miraculous rescue from prison for Voronenkov, thanks largely to the deputy status. In 2000, his name appeared in the history of mediation in the transfer of bribes - 10 thousand dollars. Apparently, connecting "the right people", Voronenkov also managed to pull the case on the brakes then, but times change, and - you never know! - The third time may not be possible. Therefore the probability of taking care of "spare airfield" in Munich looks fully justified for Voronenkov.
"Versiya", 11/16/2015
... The investigation suggests a group of people, which included two former police officers, realtors and other partners, in 2010-2011 committed "criminal acts which resulted in the only member of "TOM" company had been deprived of the ownership of 100% of shares in its authorized capital." In addition, forging documents, accomplices have stolen the building, cost 127 million rubles, also belonged to this organization, believes an investigation. According to the RF IC, the organizer of the fraud was the people's choice Voronenkov. Six partners have already been convicted for fraud.
AIF, 02/10/2016