The Biography:
Born November 4, 1974 in the settlement Bavly in the Tatar Autonomous Republic; in 1996 graduated from the Gubkin State Academy of Oil and Gas; in 2007 -from the Diplomatic Academy of Foreign Affairs of Russia, he gained Ph.D. in Economics (defended thesis on "Improvement of economic incentives for oil production from unprofitable marginal wells "); worked in the corporation “Roshlebprodukt"(expert, economist, chief specialist ) and in enterprises of fuel and energy complex; in the late 1990's - expert of the State Duma Committee on Budget, Taxes, Banks and Finance; 2000-2003 - Assistant to the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma, G.Boos; 7 December 2003 was elected as deputy to the State Duma of the fourth convocation under the party lists of association of “Unity” and “Fatherland " parties, was a member of the faction" United Russia ", a member of the Committee on Budget and Taxes; 2 December 2007 he was elected to the State Duma of the fifth convocation as a part of the federal list of candidates nominated by the All-Russian political party "United Russia".
Sourced from http://www.ladno.ru/person/gabdrahmanov/bio/
The Dossier:
In October 2000 Ildar Gabdrakhmanov came in the sight of media for the first time. The newspaper "Business Petersburg" published his name in connection with the initiative of the former deputy chairman of the State Duma Georgy Boos about exemption from VAT and from the import duty of equipment which had been put on the territory of Russia at the expense of the budget before October 1, 2000. At that time Gabdrakhmanov was an assistant of Boos and supported his initiative. The first deputy chief of St. Petersburg Customs, Vladimir Kuzmin and president of OJSC "Mechanobr-Technique" Leonid Vaisberg were in opposition to Boos and Gabdrakhmanov. They claimed that the law infringes on the Russian enterprises’ rights, it is necessary for those who lobbied for the interests of importers.
"Business Petersburg» № 158 (825) from 17.10.2000
In May 2004, Ildar Gabdrakhmanov signed together with his colleagues from the “United Russia” party a «draft law" On Credit Histories ", prepared by the Government of Russia. The bill was submitted to the Duma in a block of the bills on “Nation-building and constitutional rights of citizens”. The following deputies signed the bill together with Gabdrakhmanov: Boris Gryzlov, Georgy Boos, Anatoly Aksakov, Valery Bogomolov, Eugene Bogomolny, Natalia Burykina, Yuri Volkov, Vyacheslav Volodin, Oksana Dmitrieva, Valery Draganov, Valery Zubov, Pavel Krasheninnikov, Gennady Kulik, Andrei Makarov, Vladimir Pekhtin, Viktor Pleskachevsky, Vladislav Reznik, Alexander Tyagunov, Galina Khovanskaya, Artur Chilingarov, Martin Shakkum, Peter Shelishch. The document was developed by the Government under the direction of the former Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Arkady Dvorkovich.
At the same time the general director of a noncommercial partnership (NP) "National Credit Bureau, Vladimir Maleev called the law one-sided, as it captured the relations on bank loan and credit contracts only. From his point of view, the law on credit bureaus should cover all sectors providing goods on credit: communication services, municipal payments, delivery of goods by post and so on. According to Maleev, the law in the proposed form did not solve the main problem: there was no condition on disclosure of information. While in Maleev’s opinion, it was necessary to oblige creditors legislatively to provide the information even against their own will. Maleev was supported by Alexei Volkov, the Director of the Bureau of credit histories established by NP "Inter-bank settlement system”. However, Boris Rumshitsky - a representative of “Schufa”, the largest German office in Russia and CIS also declared that the fact of submission of such a law in the Duma was already a big step forward.
"Credit history went to the Duma in the guise of housing", the newspaper “Kommersant» № 91 P (2930) dated 24.05.2004
In 2004 Gabdrakhmanov, being an assistant to vice-speaker of the State Duma, Georgy Boos, took part in the Commission's General Council of United Russia on formation of the market of reasonable housing market. The newspaper "Kommersant" published his remarks on the subject, but they did not designate his position on this issue in any way.
In March 2005, at a meeting of the State Duma during discussion of amendments to the Constitutional Law "On the order of adoption in the Russian Federation and the formation of a new constituent entity in its structure”, offering a simplified procedure for entry of the former Soviet republics into Russia, Gabdrakhmanov accused one of the sponsors of the bill Andrei Saveliev (fraction "Motherland”) in “taking an obviously failure path." Gabdrakhmanov pointed to an obvious infringement of the Constitution in the above-stated law. According to Gabdrakhmanov, even if the bill passed, it would be illegitimate, and the Constitutional Court would consider it untenable. Gabdrakhmanov wondered why Saveliev and his associates did not choose the path of making amendments to the Constitution first and why not to adopt the law after that. In response to him Andrei Saveliev said that there was no contradiction with the Constitution. According to him, all arguments were for the new subjects’ inclusion into the structure of the Russia on the basis of the former division of USSR into autonomies. Saveliev said then that Gabdrakhmanov presented abstract arguments about international law without referring to any specific provisions of the law, without specifying on what exactly the bill violated. Besides that the latter accused Gabdrakhmanov of the absence of arguments and misunderstanding of legal component of the given bill.
From the transcript of the meeting of the State Duma, March 11, 2005
In due time Ildar Gabdrakhmanov opposed the imposition of excise tax on denatured alcohol and alcohol-containing products. In June 2005, the government brought to the deputies this offer in order to eliminate "diluting", which meant adding additives to straight-run gasoline, designed for the petrochemical needs. Freed from the excise duty it could be sold as an automobile gas. The petrochemical enterprises disliked this innovation because it increased the tax burden. Then Mikhail Motorin, the Director of Department of tax and customs tariff policy of the Finance Ministry, said at the committee session that the Government was ready to soften the position, for example, through developing a mechanism of taxes return to the factories. As for Gabdrakhmanov, he opposed the tax set-off, saying that the Duma group could not come up with an effective credit system, and in his opinion diligent petrochemicals companies should not suffer because of someone making a home-made gasoline.
"Duma-yourself struggling with home-made gasoline and threefold cologne ", "Kommersant» № 117 (3201) from 29.06.2005
In 2005 Gabdrakhmanov was one of the developers of the bill "On Participation in the shared building of apartment blocks and other objects of the real estate and on amending some legislative acts of the RF". He supported reducing the size of penalties for late transfer of flats into property; he considered it correct to allow the developer not to publish the project declaration in case he was not planning on advertising his project to attract the co-investors; to allow developers to issue the bonds; to decline a financial control of the builder activity by elimination of state regulatory agencies authority to check the targeted use of the borrowed funds.” The head of headquarters of the “PIK Holding”, Artem Eyramdzhants was not satisfied with these concessions and declaired about that to the correspondent of the newspaper “Kommersant”.
"The Law on joint constructions will take into account the developers’ point view", the newspaper "Kommersant» № 52 (3136) from 25.03.2005
Gabdrakhmanov participated in the discussion of government proposals for value-added tax, on the transfer of businessesmen way of VAT payment on an accrual basis and maintaining the practice of charging VAT of advance payments in July 2005. His opinion coincided with the opinion of the "United Russia" - in the opinion of the deputies of the party, the governmental proposals worsened the conditions of taxpayers. The party members considered the amendments to the Tax code developed by the Ministry of Finance contradicting the public promises of the president and party headquarters. Deputy Director of the Department of tax and customs tariff policy of the MOF, Natalia Komova opposed to Gabdrakhmanov. The head of the Agricultural Committee of the State Duma Gennady Kulik had also supported Komova. The deputy chairman of budget committee Andrei Makarov, the leader of “United Russia" Boris Gryzlov, the head of the banking committee, Vyacheslav Reznik went indignant in regard of the government ideas. Gabdrakhmanov spoke against the transfer of businessesmen to VAT payments on an accrual basis.
"United Russia" did not give VAT to the Government ", the newspaper Kommersant», № 116 (3200) on 28.06.2005
In due time, Ildar Gabdrakhmanov participated in the session of tax subcommittee of the State Duma to consider a bill on the tax differentiation of mining operations (severance tax). At the meeting there was a scandal. Deputy Head of the Department of Economic Development and Trade, Alexander Gladkov, while representing the document, said that the privilege had been intended primarily for companies that were developing the "old" deposits - "Bashneft", "Tatneft" and "Rosneft". The second privilege offered in the project was tax holidays of 10-15 years (zero rate of severance tax) for the new deposits in the East Siberian oil and gas province (Ministry of Economic Development considered the new exploration areas either those without the development license issued yet or develop not more than on 5%). The deputies led by Natalia Burykina, recommended the Chamber rejecting the project; they referred to the corrupt and selective format of the given tax incentives. Ildar Gabdrakhmanova spoke with harsh criticism of the bill. He also had support of the deputy chairman of the Budget Committee Sergei Shtogrin, who said that the privilege had been designed under a "certain company". The newspaper Kommersant, designated Rosneft to be such a company as it had lobbied for that bill in the government).
"The State Duma criticized the differentiated severance tax" Kommersant »№ 91 (3422) on 24.05.2006
The confrontation between the “United Russia” and the “Fair Russia” made Ildar Gabdrakhmanov speak in the press. A struggle for pensioners caused a conflict. Ildar Gabdrakhmanov had been acting from the side of United Russia when he announced the plan, according to which the portion of the UST (6%) used to fund the basic pension, was to be transferred to the funded scheme, and the resulting deficit was supposed to be compensated with subsidies to the Pension Fund from the budget or a part of the stabilization fund. Oksana Dmitrieva, member of the "Fair Russia" called the plan voiced by Gabdrakhmanov meaningless in terms of economy.
"Just Russia" pull themselves retired, "Kommersant», № 19 (3595) on 08.02.2007
According to the newspaper "Kommersant", in 2007 Chief of the Budget Policy Department of the Ministry of Finance, Alexei Lavrov and Ildar Gabdrakhmanov cooperated in order to expand the governmental amendments to the Budget Code, in view of the replacement of the stabilization fund by the fund of the future generations and annex to the Code with articles about the oil and gas transfer in the economy. At some point difficulties with the implementation of this task appeared, but officials decided that the Budget Code could be changed at the request of deputies. Conversation on that topic occurred between Alexander Lavrov and a member of the State Duma Budget Committee Ildar Gabdrakhmanov.
Ministry of Finance prepares the budget coup, "Kommersant» № 29 (3605) on 22.02.2007
The name of Ildar Gabdrakhmanov was mentioned in the article "Lobbyists of the fourth convocation" as one of the " most successful" members. By that time he had introduced 44 bills and approved passed 28 of them.
"Lobbyists of the fourth convocation, 10.12.2007, Internet resource" Kompromat.ru"
Later the press designated that Ildar Gabdrakhmanova supported a law on promotion of the voluntary pension savings. Gabdrakhmanov believed that this measure would force employers to cease their violations of labor laws. His opponents in this matter were: the State Duma deputy from the Communist Party faction, Boris Kashin, the State Duma deputy from the "Fair Russia” Oksana Dmitrieva (she considered that in fact they had enshrined in the law a"fraudulent scheme” of retirement savings for working pensioners), the State Duma deputy from the Communist Party Pavel Obukhov.
"The deputies are living with a dream of retirement", "Business Petersburg" 18.04.2008 18:59, Internet resource http://www.dp.ru/a/2008/04/18/Deputati_zhivut_mechtoj_o_p
In February 2009, Ildar Gabdrakhmanov participated in a round table discussion on the situation in Tatarstan in the labor market, and supported the conclusion of an agreement under which over one billion rubles was allocated from the republic federal budget to warsle unemployment. This statement had been signed by the Prime Minister of Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov and the head of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment, Yuri Hertz. Gabdrakhmanov assured that the money were going to be spent on retraining, concessional terms opening of new businesses in the small business, increase of labor migration in Russia, and remuneration of the unemployed who could be involved into public works enterprises, seeking for unskilled labor.
«Tension has been withdrawn by a billion, the newspaper Kommersant (Kazan) № 23 (4078) on 10.02.2009 g.
December 21, 2009 the Kremlin announced 500 names of "thousands of the president", which would add to reserve of the management personnel under the patronage of the Head of State. Ildar Gabdrakhmanov was among them.