Biography: Marat Khusnullin (tat. Marat Shakirzhan uly Hөsnullin, August 9, 1966, Kazan).
1983-1984 - assistant of the maintenance of pilot plants of Kazan Financial and Economic Institute.
1984-1986 - Service in the Soviet Army.
Of 1986-1987. - Laboratory of TCO of Kazan Financial and Economic Institute.
1987-1995 - Chief accountant, chairman of construction cooperative "Temp" Kazan City.
1995-1997 - General Director of LLC "Interplastservis".
Of 1997-2000. - General Director of LLC Construction Trade and Industry Company "Ak Bars" Kazan City.
Of 1999-2001. - Deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan from Kama Territorial District. After the passing to the service to the Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Tatarstan refused the post of People's Deputy.
2000-2001 - Deputy General Director - Director of the material and technical resources, investments and construction of GUP PEO "Tatenergo".
On 11.05.2001 - 18.11.2010 - the Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Tatarstan.
In Moscow
November 18, 2010 Khusnullin was appointed as the head of the Department of Urban Development of Moscow.
December 2, 2010 he became the Deputy Mayor for urban policy and the construction.
In March 2011 he was appointed as the Chairman of the Board on urban policy and the construction of the city of Moscow. In the same year led the city commission on suppression of the unauthorized construction.
In January - July 2012 was in charge of the examination of the design documentation for the projects of urban order, which resulted the reducing the number of budget expenditure items: the cost of construction decreased by 20%, or 18.8 billion rubles. According to the results of trading on the definition of urban objects contractors have also managed to reduce the starting price by 9%, or 8.4 billion rubles.
Since 2012 Khusnullin in conjunction with the Department of the City Hall began to oversee the project of input of the electronic document management system to simplify the procedures for obtaining documentation in the field of construction, so that all the services, including the receipt of urban land planning, architectural and town-planning decisions, examination findings, building permits and commissioning of facilities were available in electronic form.
Since March 2012 he led the staff on resolving questions and the construction of MIBC "Moscow-City".
Since April 2012, Marat Khusnullin is the co-chairman of the Council on the problems of urban development areas of the Moscow railway junction, the infrastructure of railways and adjacent land.
From 1 July 2012, since joining to Moscow a part of the territory of the Moscow region, Khusnullin also controls building policies in the "new Moscow".
In January 2013, headed the newly created Architecture Board, to oversee the implementation of a single urban planning and architectural policies in the city.
As the chairman of the City Planning Commission of the Government of Moscow, lobbied the demolition of houses of Privalov on the street Sadovnicheskaya (is 9.) - An important part of the historical and cultural heritage of Moscow. January 15, 2015 at the meeting of the Commission, contrary to legislation, voted for the demolition of buildings.
After the start of the demolition, which the developer started the next day, the party "Yabloko" has initiated a collection of signatures for the resignation of Khusnullin - 5 thousand Muscovites voted for it for less than two weeks.
Married, father of three children.
Moscow will invest in constructions nearly 1.4 trillion rubles in the next three years, while one of the objectives of the City Hall - is to attract private investors to the construction of the facilities, needed by the city, says Marat Khusnullin...
- It has always been that the share of corruption component in the construction is up to 30%. What measures are taken to reduce it?
- I have a question - who called this figure and what is the method of calculation?
- Builders are always talking about it informally.
- How many times have I asked that question to investors - no one did not answer me.
- Probably, they are afraid of you.
- What is the sense to fear me? I say at all their meetings: if someone claims rollbacks from you, talk about it directly, personally to me or the police, who deal with these issues. If investors lose heart and are now raising this issue only with each other, then they warmed the corruption themselves. We must be open. We don't have a problem to disperse the investors; there is a task - to make the investors build what is necessary to the city.
Vedomosti, 05.02.2012
"Vedomosti" failed to find traces of tenders for the construction of the Moscow metro at all. First it was held a prequalify selection - figured out, what companies exist, what they can, and then just assigned to each volumes, based on the capabilities, says the manager of one of the companies. The main selection criterion was the ability to build the underground facility by 85% on their own.
"In the standard tender documentation preparation process for the complexity of the underground object it takes two years - explained "Vedomosti" Khusnullin. - But the situation with transport in Moscow demanded a quick solution, so we had to find a way out - on a ready documentation in 2011. The competitions were held on 17 billion rubles, the remaining funding for the work was carried out by another scheme. All the money was transferred to the authorized capital of the State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Metro", which held a competition for the design and client functions of the construction of the metro. It was won by "Mosinzhproekt". And "Mosinzhproekt" at least of the appearance of design and estimate documentation, holds competitions on local operation.
That's just not on the website "Mosinzhproekt" or on the official website zakupki.gov.ru could not find anything about these competitions.
Ruspres, 04.06.2012
And what if is still really? Flashing at least a weak spark of reason. The money can be found fast. For example, the joyful announcement: "The Chinese will invest about $ 2 billion» in the construction of the subway in Moscow (interfax.by). But it is joyful for the Chinese. Russians and Russian people will not see this money already as well as the construction of the Moscow metro will go to the Chinese.
Typically, a modest pullback is about 10 percent. The Russian officials have come up with their own customs. In most offices rollback is 60 percent. This $ 1.2 billion from the amount of the Chinese of the Moscow metro.
But to who will fall "on the Oxford" the "Chinese" money, is almost understandable. Not to the one, who now is so actively lobbying them? Lobbying such actively, if the Chinese inserted a bamboo in his one well known place and now water it abundantly.
Bamboo grows to 20 centimeters per day; of course, it puts pressure on all the organs, including the corrupted brain. Therefore such "linden" is published as: "Investors from China can invest in the construction of the subway in the capital of about $ 2 billion." Who publishes? It is knows, who does - a complex urban policy and the construction of Moscow, which refers to the Deputy Mayor for urban policy and the construction Marat Khusnullin.
Yes, and Marat himself is very glad to speak. "Chinese investors will build a subway line in the of the "new Moscow "- from the station to the Innovators street to Stolbovo station," - he said, adding that about $ 4 billion, as expected, will be directed to the construction of real estate "in the course of the metro line." Here's another 2.4 billion of the rollback dibs. The entire Municipality will rush to Oxford!
www.dazzle.ru, 20.06.2014
The wife of the "King of the Moscow construction projects," Deputy Mayor Marat Khusnullin, arrived to the white-stone from Kazan at the end of 2010, is not known to the public of the capital. Lily Khusnullina doesn't attend social events with her husband, does not give an interview to journalists, there is no her photos in the Internet. It is considered to be a housewife, raising children. Khusnullin have three children.
Meanwhile, Lily Nailevna Khusnullina, after moving to Moscow, continues to hold in the Republic of Tatarstan (RT) land, hunting farm and farming company, engaged in freight transportation. It was only in early 2012, she sold the quarry, which supplied the clay for one of the largest and most modern plants for the production of bricks in Tatarstan. But this information is not reflected at Marat Khusnullin declarations, available on the website of the Moscow government. Press Secretary of Marat Khusnullin Svetlana Mudraya reported that full declarations are filed in the tax office. She refused to familiarize with this declaration. I.e., it can be assumed that the Declaration, which is publicly available, is actually incomplete.
In the income declaration of Marat Khusnullina for 2013 is stated that he earned 9.7 million rubles, and his wife - 32.7 million rubles. Compared with last year, the family of the Vice-Mayor became richer by 4.5 times; then their total revenue amounted to RUR 9,240,000. Marat Shakirzyanovich owns two apartments with total area of 213.7 square meters, three homes (1519 sq. m) and a pair of land (1867 sq. m). Lily Khusnullina has in property two plots of land 2924 square meters, a house with buildings (110.3 sq. m), a garden house (14.4 sq. m), a flat, the Yamaha motorcycle, two jet skis, and a car Mercedes CLS 350. A markedly raised income of Lily Khusnullina is associated with the sale of the share (70%) in the Ltd "The Quarry", which owns the largest clay deposits (a face brick is produced from it).
In addition, Ms. Khusnullina, according to the register, has four firms, where he still appears as the founder. And there were eight, when she lived in Kazan, and her husband worked for the Minister of Construction and Housing of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Ruspres, 24/04/2014
In particular, in March 2014, Deputy Mayor for urban policy and the construction Marat Khusnullin publicly stated that "since the beginning of the events in Ukraine deliveries of tubing, which we used to strengthen the underground tunnels, to Moscow had stopped,"
Since then, almost a year had passed, however, the main supplier of tubing for underground still Ukrainian plant "Dneprotyazhmash", belonging to the group "Dneprotechservice". It turns out that Khusnullin and Zhukov Muscovites lied about what will replace the City Hall of Dnepropetrovsk provider to the Urals.
Of course, this is only a guess, but the version that Khusnullin Zhukov and can receive "kickbacks" from Zinoviev, explains everything.
Experts believe that political correctness in the dealing with Husnullin and Zhukov to leave as a supplier of the tubing exactly "Dneprotyazhmash" is completely absent, as "Dneprotyazhmash" taxes, registered and located in Dnepropetrovsk, pays the budget of the Ukraine.
Recall that the governor of the Dnepropetrovsk region is the owner of the industrial and financial group "Privat" Igor Kolomoisky, which finances nationalistic battalions, which are increasingly referred to as "Ukrainian punitive" or directly - "the Army of Kolomoisky."
Moscvu-post.com, 05.02.2015
A new scandal inflamed around the vice-mayor of Moscow Marat Khusnullin. It is possible that a senior Moscow official could receive "rollbacks" from the head of the construction JSC "Mosinzhproekt" Andrew Archangelskiy, who was arrested the day before, when receiving a bribe of 5 million rubles.
Archangelskiy "sell" their lobbying services in the appointment of a subcontractor of construction of metro station "Kotelniki". Let's note, that "Mosinzhproekt" performs most of the major orders from the Moscow authorities and the company's board of directors includes the head of the Moscow construction complex, Deputy Mayor Marat Khusnullin personally.
The Board of Directors of "Mosinzhproekt" in addition to Marat Khusnullin includes his friend, Vladimir Shvetsov, Deputy Head of the Department for the construction of subways and transport infrastructure, which worked in Tatarstan Minister of Transport and Roads of the government for 6 years, as well as Advisor to the Deputy Mayor Rauf Nurullin. Some observers are already calling "Husnullin group" a kind of "construction mafia".
slivcompromata.com, 15.04.2015
However, much later, when Marat Shakirzyanovich was already being managed the building complex of Pervoprestolnya; an interesting material appeared in the electronic media. Its authors, in particular, argued that "Tatstroy", which had stable contracts and absorb millions of investment in the framework of the program "Affordable Housing" at Khusnullin time, more than 50 percent - is the property of some offshore company Wetanix Enterprises Ltd. And who is behind the offshore company - is a mystery. But now, perhaps, it is not so interesting - after the departure of Marat Shakirzyanovich to Moscow, the company had serious state contracts and quickly found itself on the edge of bankruptcy...
By the way, sometimes Marat Shakirzyanovich still betrayed his principles and showed, to say, the imprudence. Two such cases are commemorative. Once he on the Ministry office meeting "hit" on the head of the State housing fund RT Talgat Abdullin, because he ordered the contractors of the social mortgage constrictions to purchase materials only at the subsidiary of GGF structure. According to Husnullin, it hindered the supply of materials on objects. Then Abdullin clearly outplayed his opponent, declaring that the implemented system of procurement has reduced costs to 600 million rubles. Even the uninitiated realizes that the cause of the conflict of parties - is not the schedule: at the stake - are the supplies by about three billion rubles a year.
On another occasion, the president "landed" the idea of Husnullin. It happened when Marat Shakirzyanovich proposed to spend "only" 100-150 million rubles for it to prepare an estimate of the overhaul in the next ten years. "Making estimates for ten years - is a useless work, they will become obsolete, - eagerly responded Rustam Minnikhanov. - Do not fly in the air "!
Tatarstan 2015
The situation has arisen in connection with the construction of the LCD "Festival" in the New Moscow. As Mr. Kaluzhin told, in July 2014 "Sabidom" concluded an agreement on the transfer to a certain CJSC "Zoom" of 106 million rubles for the construction of the school. No school has erected yet, says the entrepreneur. "Mashtab" - is supposedly one of the firms under the control of Marat Khusnullin, and money, in fact, was a bribe, because the head of building complex extort them personally, under the threat of the demolition of the constructing residential complex "Festival".
ZaNoStroy, 24/05/2016