Born 1972 in Minsk.
•1993: the Moscow State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, major in Mathematics.
•2007: Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO "Mostotrest".
•2007-till present.: "E4 Group", Chairman of the Board of Directors;
•2006: Chairman of the Board of Directors of OOO "RU-COM".
•2005: OAO RCS, Chairman of the Board of Directors;
•2004: OAO "TGC-9", Chairman of the Board of Directors;
•2004: OAO "OGK-5", Councilor of the Board of Directors;
•2004-2005: OAO "Lenenergo", Councilor of the Board of Directors;
•2002: OAO "Federal network company of UES", Councilor of the Board of Directors;
•1999-2005: OAO "Sverdlovenergo", Chairman of the Board of Directors;
•1999-2007: OAO "Kuzbasenergo", Councilor, Chairman of the Board of Directors;
•1999-2000: OAO "Chelyabenergo", Chairman of the Board of Directors;
•1998: OAO "Krasnoyarskenergo", Councilor, Chairman of the Board of Directors;
•1998: RAO "UES", member of the Governing Board, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Chairman of the Board.;
•1998: OAO "Novosibirskenergo", Chairman of the Board of Directors;
•1997: OAO "Joint-stock bank "Sibecobank"(Novosibirsk), Councilor of the Board of Directors;
•1996: ZAO "Federal financial and industrial group", Deputy of the General Director;
•1996: OAO "ORTEC", General Director;
•1992-1996: AOZT "MIB GROUP", President;
•1991-1992: TOO "EMIKA", Commercial Director;
•1989-1991: "Inter Shops", General Director.Married, has two sons.Source: "Wikipedia"
According to the official biography, Abyzov graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Moscow State University with degree in Mathematics. But in the university they say that Abyzov was dismissed from the second grade in 1989 for poor progress. The same year Abyzov became the General Director of a trading company "Inter Shops", and in 1991 — Commercial Director of TOO "EMIKA".Applying for the job in RAO "UES" Abyzov specified that he held a post of the Deputy to the General Director in the Department of Industry and Power of nonexistent Federal Financial and Industrial Group of Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation. But there was no such an organization in the state registry.
Source: "Promyshlennye vedomosti" from 05.2001
Having been dismissed from the faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Abyzov became the assistant to the deputy of the State Duma Ivan Starikov. He introduced Abyzov to the governor of Novosibirsk region Vitaly Mukha who helped him to realize the first scale project.
Source: "Kompaniya" from 2/28/2005
In 1996-1998 the administration of the Novosibirsk region without tenders concluded contracts with firms "ORTEC" and "Agropromcontract" (Abyzov was the director of the first company and concerned the second one) on delivery of fertilizers, agricultural machinery and combustive-lubricating materials. The prices for contracts were overestimated up to 60-80 %. Most part of production was odd. On the security of deliveries «ORTEC» was illegally transferred 20 % of a state block of shares AO "Novosibirskenergo". These shares remained with firm.After that in 1998 Abyzov became the vice-president of Board of Directors of "Novosibirskenergo". Soon he was invited by Anatoly Chubays to RAO "UES" as the assistant. Abyzov had huge sphere of activities: simultaneously he was also the president of AOZT «МIB Group»; also Chubays delegated him to Boards of Directors of six affiliated companies of "Novosibirskenergo", including "Kuzbasenergo" and "Krasnoyarskenergo". He was also entrusted to supervise contracts and calculations on electric power payments in the federal wholesale market.The reason why Chubays hired so young man as an assistant could be their common planned swindle. It began in autumn, 1998 when AO "Krasnoyarskenergo" where Abyzov was a Councilor of the Board of Directors, concluded the contract with ZAO «Independent operator of the energy and capacity market» (NOREM). This enterprise had no license for participation in the wholesale market of the electric power. The contract was signed by M.Kuzichev appointed by Abyzov as the general director of "Krasnoyarskenergo”. It is remarkable that before that Kuzichev was the vice-president of Board of Directors in "Novosibirskenergo".The official purpose of the transaction was decrease in debts of NOREM. But for some reasons NOREM paid a part of deliveries of the electric power from the wholesale market for the region, and "Krasnoyarskenergo" was obliged to take bills of NOREM from the company as payment for the services with 5 years term of repayment. NOREM took a payment from regional consumers, and paid off the bills. Besides the electric power was bought by the region at wholesale price, and was sold much more expensively. Bills in five years should depreciate because of inflation. Krasnoyarsk power supply system and the budget could incur serious losses owing to such swindle.But in 1999 criminal case was brought, and the contract with NOREM was terminated. But the firm managed to receive 60 million in exchange for the pieces of paper. Besides, Abyzov through NOREM operated similarly with "Kuzbasenergo" and "Novosibirskenergo".Chubays and Abyzov for the best control of cash flows got rid of undesirable managers. Bankruptcies were initiated at the enterprises. So, in 1999 with "Kuzbasenergo" was demanded the most part of the redeemed debts of this enterprise. Abyzov especially actively achieved their returning. The arbitration court appointed Sergey Mikhalkov as director, entrusted partner of Abyzov. Soon after that a debt was allowed to be paid with a delay for eight years.It was not always necessary to initiate bankruptcies of the enterprises, as Chubays and Abyzov disposed of controlling interests of many of them that is why they could change managers. So the general director of "Novosibirskenergo" Vitaly Tomilov demanding debt from Abyzov’s company "ORTEC" was dismissed. In 1998 Leonid Melomed participating with Abyzov in Board of Directors of "Novosibirskenergo" was appointed as the head of state concern "Rosenergoatom". Soon after that the concern took bills of NOREM as a payment for the electric power.In 1999 Chubays subordinated the calculating center of the Central dispatching department of RAO UES to Abyzov. So Chubays together with Abyzov had completely an opportunity to withdraw means through NOREM, ORTEC and one more company, "Mezhregion-energo".In June, 1999 the Audit Chamber inspected accounts payable of the RAO "UES". But audit of financial activity of the holding was not completed in the necessary volume. Though there were enough reasons for thorough check, including destruction of innocent people at mass switching-off of consumers from power supply. And in most cases these switching-off were done simply to hurt persons undesirable to Chubays and Abyzov.
Source: " Promyshlennye vedomosti " from 05.2001
In 2000 the conflict between RAO «UES» and Roman Abramovich with Oleg Deripaska, owners of KrAZ factory which was a part of the company «Russian aluminum» started because the last ones refused to pay "Krasnoyarskenergo" for delivered electric power. The power commission of Krasnoyarsk region established new tariffs for the factory, but Deripaska challenged this decision in arbitration court. Before consideration of new tariffs of UES at new session the court decided to count KrAZ according to old tariffs. After that new session was several times postponed. Abyzov declared in mass-media that «Russian aluminum», in his opinion, used imperfection of the legislation for the sake of own benefit. Abyzov also considered that keeping of former tariffs would lead to deficiency of means and intermittence of "Krasnoyarskenergo".
Source: "Newspaper. Ru" from 11/5/2000
In 2003 Abyzov together with Melomed, and other colleagues helped Chubays to create model under the name «Information model of a finance administration holding». It main task was creation of computer network for gathering and processing of the information on budgeting indexes of the regions, consumers of the electric power and debtors of its payment.
Source: "Stringer" from 01.05.2003
In the summer of 2003 the State Office of Public Prosecutor continued investigation of circumstances of privatization of a state block of shares of AO “Novosibirskenergo”- buying up of a state block of shares by the structures under control of Abyzov. Earlier in 2000 in this connection criminal case concerning the governor of Novosibirsk region Vitaly Mukha was brought, however in 2001 it was stopped on amnesty. It became known about continuation of investigation on the eve of extraordinary meeting of shareholders of the enterprise, where RAO «UES» planned to get at least one place in management board.
Source: "Kommersant" from 18.07.2003
In 2002 there was one more criminal case connected with "Novosibirskenergo". The company was accused of unfair delivery of electric power through network of “Novosibirskoblenergo” owing to the damage of the enterprise. But in the autumn, 2004 the case was closed in the absence of crime.
Source: "Kompaniya" from 2/28/2005
During activity in RAO «UES» Abyzov also supervised the project «Russian municipal systems» (RCS). Within this project Abyzov actually resolved governors and mayors not to pay for the electric power in exchange for the consent to start up RCS in regions. The case in Saratov is indicative: because of debts of the local budget electric power companies refused to turn city heating on. The mayor of Saratov Yury Aksenenko wrote Abyzov the letter, having asked to turn on the heating, and also having mentioned that the debt re-structuring issue would be solved later. Abyzov gave the heat at once.
Source: "Vremya novostey" from 21.10.2003
In 2005 Abyzov was invited by Iskander Makhmudov and Andrey Kozitsyn for transformation of "Kuzbassrazrezugol" to the coal-energy company. But the partnership did not succeed, and already in 2006 Abyzov conceded an operational administration to "UGMK-holding" of Kozitsyn, but stayed in the Board of Directors.In 2007 Abyzov wasn't included into Board of Directors of OAO "Kuzbassrazrezugol" that meant his parting with Iskander Makhmudov and the establishing of own coal energy holding.
Source: Kommersant (Novosibirsk) № 114 (3690) from 03.07.2007
In 2007 Abyzov’s company E4 agreed on purchase of shares of the largest Russian bridges’ construction company "Mostotrest".
Source: «Kommersant» № 119 (3695) from 7/10/2007
Leaving "Kuzbassrazrezugol” of Iskander Makhmudov, Abyzov found another partner – the ex-head of Siberian Coal Energy Company, Oleg Miserva. Together they were engaged in coal sale of OOO "Cannes" Coal Cut”.
Source: «Kommersant» № 120 (3696) from 7/11/2007
In the beginning of 2008 it became known that Abyzov was going to be engaged in poultry industry. His “Russian management company” declared that it was looking for the general director of the poultry-farming enterprise in Volgograd region.
Source: «Kommersant» № 35 (3852) from 3/4/2008
In 2008 Abyzov became the official co-owner of Power Company TGK-11, having purchased its shares at RAO «UES». But "Rosneft" having blocked placing additional issues through the court did not let him become a supervising shareholder.
Source: «Kommersant» № 82 (3899) from 5/16/2008
The company «Transneftservice C», belonging to Abyzov, Alexander Rubanov and Alfred Koch, wanted to get OAO "Mosenergosbyt", but refusal from FAS was received. However in several months FAS changed the mind and it became known that now the company had the chance. Under the informal version, such decision of FAS could be connected with the fact Abyzov was not beneficial owner anymore, but officially these gossips were not proved.
Source: «Kommersant» № 148 (3965) from 8/21/2008
In 2008 the cut "Sereulsky" which under the informal information was under Abyzov’s control, won auction for a coal site Uregolsky New, but it did not get the license because of non-payment of amount which was record for the coal auctions in Russia – 13,5 billion rubles. "Sereulsky" applied to arbitration court to challenge auction results, asserting that they did not receive the full data on a site. Experts say as an overall objective of the claim was returning of 50 million roubles deposit.
Source: «Kommersant» № 193 (4010) from 10/23/2008
In the beginning of 2009 there was a conflict between Abyzov’s Е4 and OGC-2, supervised by Gazprom. OGC-2 declared that Е4 didn't carry out contractual obligations on building of two steam blocks on Stavropol state district power station and didn't want to return the advance payment. In Е4 they said that they did not build up by the request of OGC-2 and they were ready to return advance payment partially. Managers of Gazprom indeed said that they wanted to transfer building of one block to Moscow. Abyzov declared that he was interested to handle the conflict for further cooperation with structures of "Gazprom". OGC-2 also declared that they were interested in the further work. The head of Minenergo Sergey Shmatko took part in the conflict, having written the letter to vice-governor Igor Sechin in which he said about necessity of return of the most part of advance payment.
Source: Kommersant (Rostov) № 153 (4208) from 8/21/2009
The cut "Sereulsky" (according to unofficial sources, it is controlled by Mikhail Abyzov) is challenging in court the results of sensational auction on a coal site Uregolsky New. "Sereulsky" won the auctions, but did not receive the license because of non-payment amount which was record for the coal auctions in Russia — 13.5 billion rubles. Now the claimant asserts that he had not received any full data about the site. Experts believe that the objective of the claim is returning about 50 million rubles of the deposit.
Source: Kommersant (Rostov) № 190 (4245) from 10/13/2009
In 2010 Abyzov’s company RU-COM sold packages of four energy supplying companies in Siberia - "Buryatenergosbyt", «Omsk Power Supplying Company», «Tomsk Power Supplying Company » and «Chita Power Supplying Company». Before transaction RU-COM was the largest player in power supplying business of Siberia.
Source: Kommersant (Omsk) № 2 (4300) from 1/12/2010
In 2010 the company «Logistic Trade», supervised by Abyzov, acquired the right to acquisition of a property complex OOO "Cut "Cheremshansky» in Kemerovo region because OOO "Cut "Uropsky» belonging to businessman Alexander Polyakov, which earlier won the auction on sale of "Cheremshansky", couldn't find money for purchase. Earlier at the enterprise external management was initiated, and then competitive manufacture was opened. Then Abyzov’s structures actively struggled in court against its termination and opening of competitive manufacture, motivating that it was possible to improve enterprise with external management. Experts explained Abyzov’s position as it was more favorable to receive the company at external management, than at the auctions. But court did not help, and property was tendered.
Kommersant (Novosibirsk) № 2 (4300)from 1/12/2010
In 2010, mass-media informed that Abyzov ("E4 Group") acquired the companies: "Antares", "Arktur" and "Integral", owning licenses for use of frequencies in a range of 1900-1920 MHz in all regions of Russia. This range is a part of channel identified for LTE networks – the advanced technology of 4G communication. Abyzov neither confirmed the deal, nor denied it.
Source: «Kommersant» № 138/P (4438) from 8/2/2010
In 2010 it became known that Abyzov was going to sell shares of the Mostotrest Company. Abyzov confirmed those intentions. Thus Abyzov decided to keep a post of the Chairman of Board of Directors in "Mostotrest". Probably the company will participate in building of a line "Moscow-Petersburg".
Source: "Vedomosti" from 9/20/2010