Sergei Chemezov was born August 20, 1952 in the city of Cheremkhovo of Irkutsk Oblast.
In 1975 he graduated from the Irkutsk Institute of National Economy, and then worked in the Irkutsk Research Institute of rare and non-ferrous metals and experimental-industrial association "Luch".
In 1983-1988 he headed the office of EPO "Ray" in Dresden (GDR).
In 1989 he was appointed as a deputy general director of the foreign trade association "Sovintersport".
In 1996 he came to the Office of the President, where he headed the department of foreign economic relations, which oversaw Putin.
He became the CEO of "Promeksport" Federal State Unitary Enterprise in 1999.
In November 2000, he was appointed as its first deputy of Rosoboronexport.
In April 2004, he headed by Rosoboronexport.
In April 2006, he headed the "Russian Union of Mechanical Engineers' Office of Public Organization (PCM). In December of the same year he led the board of directors of AvtoVAZ. In the same month, at the Congress of "United Russia", he was elected to the bureau of the supreme council of the party offices.
April 28, 2007 elected as the Chairman of the Russian Engineering Union.
November 26, 2007, Putin appointed Chemezov as a General Director of the state corporation Russian Technologies.
Chemezov - an active member of the Academy of Military Sciences, PhD. Since September 2007 he held the post of the head of the board of trustees of Russian Cycling Federation (FBR).
Order "For Merit" of IV degree
Order of Merit
Order of Legion of Honor (France).
Wife Ekaterina Ignatova. Four children.
According to published information Chemezov earnings for 2009 amounted to 34.5 million rubles, in his property there was a land plot under the individual building, an apartment, a garage and three commercial non-residential buildings, and another apartment in the gratuitous permanent use. He also owned four cars, three ATVs, two snowmobiles, off-road vehicles and tractors. Ekaterina Ignatova earned in the year 427.5 million rubles and owned an apartment, a garage-box and five land plots for individual construction.
By the decree of the President of the Russian Federation on 26 November 2007 dismissed and appointed as a General Director of the State Corporation "Russian Technologies", which in late 2012 was renamed to Rostec.
December 2, 2006 at the VII Congress of the All-Russian political party "United Russia" Sergei Chemezov was elected to the Bureau of the Supreme Council of the party. At the VIII Congress, held May 26, 2012, the head of Rostec was re-elected to the Bureau of the Supreme Council of "United Russia". He is the coordinator of the "United Russia", "IT-breakthrough", implemented from December 2010 to identify and support the extraordinary projects of young innovators in the field of IT-technologies.
In 2014, included in the sanctions list of the European Union and the United States because of the war in the east of Ukraine and the Crimea accession.
A family
Chemezov have four children. The eldest son Stanislaw (b. 1973), according to May 2009, worked in the "Itera", owns 30% of the company "Medfarmtehnologiya" and has business interests, connected with major pharmaceutical supplies, funded from the state budget. Included in the company's "AvtoVAZenergo" board of directors, listed as the chairman of "Interbiznesgrupp" Holding Board of Directors. The latter company owns through the structural companies a business organizations LLC "Insurance Company" Independent Insurance Group", "Company "Oborontsement", LLC "Oborontsement-energy." "Independent Insurance Group» insures a business of major companies of GC "Rostekhnologii". Together with his son Vladimir Artyakov Dmitry since 2003 owns a hotel complex "Meridian" in Gelendzhik.
Stanislav Chemezov - is a companion of previously convicted citizen of St. Petersburg Viktor Petrik by JSC "Russian nanotechnology industry." Petrik and Sergei Chemezov are intimately familiar since the 1990s. According to press reports, they had a joint business interests at the time, related to import and export through the Russian-Finnish border.
As of May 2009, the middle son of Chemezov was a student at the Medical Institute. Junior went to school, and his daughter was graduating MGIMO.
Chemezov does not renounce the fact of the long-standing service acquaintance with Putin: "Indeed, we have worked in the GDR at the same time ... We lived in the same house, and spoke in the service, and a neighbor."
Top Secret, April 2009
In 1996, firmly established in the Office of the President, Putin took an old friend to him. From that time began the rapid career of Sergey Chemezov that ensured him, in the end, the post of the head of Rosoboronexport. Friendship turned into cooperation. Chemezov come to the head of state's residence in Novo-Ogaryovo and received an hour audience every week.
Russian Forbes, October 2007
With the arrival of Chemezov to "Promeksport", export earnings fell by a half: if earlier they accounted for 230 -260 million dollars, when Chemezov - 120 -130 million dollars. Backlog of Rosvoruzhenie was 12-fold, and from the second place among Russian arms exporters "Promeksport" slipped to fourth.
Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 19.09.2000
Sergei Chemezov did not manage to be an "effective manager", but the first year of his presence in the arms business was marked by a grandiose scandal. Rosvooruzhenie, a competitor to "Promeksport", prepared a contract for the delivery to Colombia Mi-17 helicopters. But at the last moment, when everything was agreed with the buyer, messengers of Chemezov appeared in Bogota, offering the same helicopters cheaper. After that, all the Colombians refused the deal: information about this came to the Russian media.
Similar stories have occurred in other countries - a serious blow was caused to the reputation of the Russian arms that including the impact on the income Rosvoruzhenie.
The New Times, 10.09.2007
Rosoboronexport involved absorption of already existing plants, rather than building new ones. The expansion started in 2002, when Rosoboronexport has established OJSC "OPK" Oboronprom", through which basic organizing events were carried out. In summer 2004 Sergey Chemezov openly admitted that sets the task to receive shares of military enterprises, "Not necessarily blocking stakes. Our task - is to have a minimum number, in order to receive our representation in the board of directors. The best option, of course, that the state has transferred to us in managing their shares of these companies. "
In addition to the military industry, interests of the Rosoboronexport also affected the "citizen."
Financial news, 19.07. 2004
In 2005, Chemezov got AvtoVAZ almost for nothing. Having achieved the resignation of most of the top management of Togliatti auto giant, Rosoboronexport appointed their representatives in the plant's board of directors first, and then to all the key positions on the board. According to the words of Sergey Chemezov, management bias looked like a full-scale troop campaign using operational and even combat capabilities of the Russian special service (FSS and the Interior Ministry), and the General Prosecutor's Office.
As the American edition of The Wall Street Journal wrote, in order to convince the old team to leave, after the resignation of Kadannikov a group of investigators and prosecutors arrived in Togliatti. Soon, the three chief accountants of AvtoVAZ were charged on embezzlement and tax evasion (a few weeks later the charges were dropped).
To bring order the new owner of AvtoVAZ had to change almost the entire police in Togliatti and in the factory. "We very much doubts that any private strategic investor would be able to do it," - said Chemezov.
In December 2005, a half-hour meeting of shareholders, where a new board of directors was elected, been carried out in a tight police cordon, surrounded the headquarters of the company. Names of alternative candidates were not on the ballot papers.
InoSMI.ru, 19.05.2006
In October 2006, Chemezov joined the Board of Directors of AvtoVAZ. The powers of the general director of the plant were transferred to the registered in Moscow management company - LLC "AvtoVAZ Corporate Center." In December of the same year, Chemezov headed the board of directors of AvtoVAZ.
BBC News, 14.12.2006
From the statements of AvtoVAZ it became known that to the board of directors of the "daughter" of the Automobile plant - "AvtoVAZenergo", came Stanislav Chemezov. He is the son of the general director of Rosoboronexport and the chairman of the board of directors of AvtoVAZ Sergei Chemezov.
Vedomosti, 21.08.2007
In May 2006, the shareholders of Titanium Corporation "VSMPO-Avisma" at the annual meeting voted in favor of entering of the state to capital in the company. At the same time, has been named the next shareholder of the company - Rosoboronexport.
At the capture of "VSMPO-Avisma" Chemezov team used the conflict between major shareholders - Vladislav Tetyukhin, Vyacheslav Bresht and Viktor Vekselberg. Guide of Rosoboronexport intervened in the conflict and offered key enterprise owners to sell their shares to the state.
At the same time in the company appeared Tax Service inspectors that began checking its financial and economic activity. The results of the audit of "VSMPO-AVISMA" were tax claims almost on 2.5 billion rubles. In this situation, all of the major shareholders, except Vyacheslav Bresht, felt it better to sell their stakes to "Rosoboronexport". Bresht, which controlled about 30% of the corporation, continued to play for time. But soon on one of his relatives was initiated a criminal case. As a result, Bresht quickly sold his shares and left the country.
November 8, 2006 that Rosoboronexport has completed the acquisition of 66 percent of shares of the Corporation "VSMPO-Avisma". Chemezov led the Board of Directors of OJSC. The cost of the deal - is about $ 1 billion and a half times lower than the market price. Immediately after that, all tax claims against the corporation were removed and the criminal proceedings are closed.
Kommersant № 235 (3566), 15.12.2006
In 2008, Russian Technologies received an incredibly generous gift from the state - the state blocks of shares of 440 companies worth at least $ 18 billion. Under the control of Chemezov fell not only the lion's share of arms exports, and a third part of the country's defense industry. With such a power, it would seem, only to do great things, and the more the crisis arrived, which, as noted, "will put everything in its places." And it did: "an effective manager" asked for money from the state. In addition to the state-owned stake he took another 7.22 billion dollars in cash and government guarantees.
Kommersant № 25 (4080), 12.02.2009
Son of Chemezov Stanislav listed as a co-owner and chairman of the board (1%; the remaining 99% - in Belizean offshore Uberaba Holding SA) of «Interbiznesgrupp" LLC. This company - is the sole owner of LLC "Standard-real", which, in turn, owns 13.33% of the Independent Insurance Group (NIG). Another 32.47% of the insurer is registered to Vitaly Gerasimov - a partner of Stanislav Chemezov in the firm "Polisos production." NIG - is the insurer of the largest enterprises of the military-industrial complex, customers - are Russian Technologies, "Oboronprom" AvtoVAZ ", "MZ", "Almaz-Antey".
"Interbiznesgrupp" is also engaged in the cement business. 80% of CJSC "Oborontsement" and 50.01% of LLC "Oborontsement-Energo", which build cement plants in the Belgorod region, lists after it. 10% of "Oborontsement" belonged to the Management Company "Oboronpromstroy" (now - JSC "Investbud") - the structure of OPK "Oboronprom" (part of "Russian Technologies", General Director of OPK - is Sergei Chemezov).
Another area of interest of Stanislav Chemezov - is pharmaceuticals. He owns 30% of the company "Medfarmtehnologiya" - the management company of the "Farmopolis" project.
Source: Vedomosti, 28.02.2011
Chemezov's wife, Ekaterina Ignatova, an engineer-economist - the owner of 70% of the company and head of the "Kate" company, which developed automatic transmission. In 2009, the company had not yet been built, but the AvtoVAZ (blocking stake - at Rostekhnologii) concluded a contract with "Kate" for setting the gearbox, developed by it, in production. The amount of contracts - is 300 million rubles.
Vedomosti, 28.05.2009
In April 2010, Ekaterina Ignatova, along with some of the richest people in the world, a shareholder of Evraz Group, Alexander Abramov, owner of Nafta Moskva Suleiman Kerimov, and the beneficiary of "Renova" Viktor Vekselberg, has become one of the owners (13.14 percent) of the bank, "International Financial Club" (IFC), part of the "Onexim Group", owned by Mikhail Prokhorov.
Kommersant №70 (4370) 21.04.2010
In December 2010, it became known that Chemezov's wife is the main owner of the restaurant network "Floor". As of February 2011, its share in the capital of "Risont-Holding", controlling the network "Floor" and the club Ye, DJ-bar Picasso, pizzeria "dal Capo", bar "Water Park", restaurant "Troy" and cafe - confectionery "Eclair", amounted to 99.98%.
Vedomosti, 28.02.2011
In March 2011, information about Ekaterina Ignatova, a co-owner of oil and gas holding company "Itera" (1.1 percent), was made public: according to information by September 2009 a Belize company Elsamex Enterprises Ltd, owned by the spouse of Chemezov, held 5.1% stake in the holding company, and by July 2010 4% of them sold to the offshore Symius Global Corp.
BBC News, 04.03.2011
In November 2005, the General Prosecutor's General Office brigade appeared at the plant, accompanied by OMON - the company was tested for illegal embezzlement in the privatization process. When the guard asked them to show documents, they wrung his hands and kicked several times. Later, the Tax service also presented claims to "VSMPO-AVISMA - revealed arrears for 2005, 2 billion rubles. “Bresht underestimated the situation then - says Rizanenko - he was sure that victory is already after him - the courts seemed to be futile, the "Mask Show" was not frightened also."
The owners were invited "to speak" in the "Rosoboronexport" and the presidential administration. "The main motive of such conversations, - tells the familiar business - Good for them that they put a global aviation industry on the titanium needle," homeland "thanks you and asks to give everything to "Rosoboronexport". “In 2006, the main customers of "VSMPO-Avisma” were concerned about a joint stock crisis in the company and were considering options of the long-term maintenance of their requirements by the purchase from American and Japanese producers, and Russia could lose its place in the global market", - explains the need for the intervention of the state the representative of "Rostec ".
At the end of February 2006 the two owners of "VSMPO-Avisma" were called in "Rosoboronexport". In the office, as their friends tell, sat a few people - the head of the FSS, assistant to the president, the deputy head of the Interior Ministry and Chemezov. In fact, the terms of surrender were read out. The decision was made, allegedly said Chemezov. "We must pay a tribute to Bresht shrewdness, he worked for the KGB and said once that he understands the importance of the moment, and all agree. He asked only where and when to send lawyers to issue papers, "- says the familiar of Bresht. And the next day Bresht packed his bags and flew to Germany.
Compromat, 05/20/2013
In the property of the top manager are the land area of 62 thousand 957 square meters (according to "Vedomosti", it is located in the Sub-Moscow, in the village of Akulinino), a house (1 thousand 673 square meters), a guest house (513.3 square meters), a flat (385.6 square meters) and a garage (182 square meters). Chemezov also owns a quarter shares in the non-residential premises (97.57 square meters) and four commercial non-residential premises (159, 150, 39 and 466 square meters respectively). In use of Chemezov there is flat (259.7 square meters).
Car park of Chemezov consists of a GAZ-13, VAZ-11193 "Kalina", ZIL-410470, Cadillac Eldorado, Mercedes-Benz 280 SL, electric car "Lada" Hellas ", as well as a trailer, tractor, two ATVs, motorcycles Harley-Davidson FLHTCVTG TRIG, two snowmobiles and a snow cross-country vehicle.
Wife of Chemezov Ekaterina Ignatova (according to the media, she is the second wife of a top manager) reported an income of $ 747 million 128 thousand Rubles, which is almost twice more that Ignatova earned at the end of 2012, when she noted the income in the declaration in 455, 5 million rubles. In use of Ekaterina Ignatova is listed an apartment in 385.6 square meters. In her property - Apartment (259.7 square meters) and seven plots of land (2 thousand 630, 4 thousand 299, 2 thousand 217, 13 thousand 763, 3 thousand 934, 1 thousand 776, 3 thousand 70 square meters). A car park of Chemezov's wife consists of vehicles GAZ M21 and Mitsubishi L200.
ZNAK, 19.05.2014
They appeared to be neighbors not by an accident, the land under the village and houses, which are home to the generals, belong to Eroschenko S.V. It becomes clear, why these leaders instead of responding on the chaos in the expenditure of budgetary funds are engaging in mopping up persons, unwanted to governor and those who dare to "blather something."
All have heard (and the governor actively replicates these rumors) that the all-powerful head of "Russian Technologies" - Sergey Victorovich Chemezov, is in his patrons, and his right hand Maschitsky Vitaly Lvovich.
pisma-prezidentu.ru, 24.09.2014
The eldest son of Sergei Chemezov, Stanislav, lives near the new Olympic Village, but he beats records not in sports, but in business - dozens of different companies a connected with him, most of which work in the same areas of the economy that Rostec of his father: "Light helicopters ", "Morspetstehnika", "Systems and technology" and so on.
Nothing personal - even a business is not always only personal. So, the Gelendzhik resort complex "Meridian" Stanislav also bought on shares with Dmitry Artyakov (the son of Vladimir Artyakov [Stanislav Chemezov also friends with his brother Yuri Vladimirovich Artyakov]) and Maya Bolotova (the daughter of the head of "Transneft" Nikolay Tokarev).
Some firms earn on state contracts, such as "Interbiznesgrupp". Through the "Real Standard" this company owns an independent insurance group, which is engaged, inter alia, in the insurance of military enterprises. And military enterprises - is the sphere of responsibility of his father exactly.
Some earn on a state participation. The same "Interbiznesgrupp" has a CJSC "StandartTsement", among the co-founders of which - is CJSC "Investbud" - the "daughter" of "Oboronprom" and "granddaughter" of Rosoboronexport, Council of which is headed by Chemezov-elder.
So Stanislav Chemezov is not a freeloader, he -is a partner. However, some companies, associated with him, receive state funds exactly for free. For example, his companions at OJSC "Rosatom" (Rosaviaspetskomplekt) took an advance of 7.7 million from a chemical plant in Bryansk (included in Rostec) for the supply of parts, but the contract was never fulfilled. Because Rostec, as a sin, just did not give an approval for the transaction, as it is required by law with large amounts. Two years passed, before the court ordered the business friends of Chemezov Jr. to return the money to the plant, which is in the responsibility of his father. What is this if not a long-term and an interest-free loan?
Ruspres, 08/01/2015
The question, if Sergei Chemezov manages to expand their empire at the present or not, is controversial. You may recall that the project of creation of another state-owned airline, lobbied by him not so long ago, was unable to "get off the ground and fly." And in the space industry the estimated flight conditions are times more difficult "- sums up the analyst.
No wonder that many call "Rostec" Russia's largest operator of "recycling of high-tech industries." "Under the hood of "Rostec" are cornered nearly 700 enterprises and organizations, located in 60 regions of the country. Developers and manufacturers of aircraft engines are included in the "Rostec" structure, as well as the manufacturers of aviation materials and aircraft equipment. The crown of Sergei Chemezov lacks only "nameplates" from the producers of aircraft,"- wrote the "Federal Investigation Agency ". Soon, apparently, there will be not only nameplates, but the fairings for launch vehicles.
Scandals, 01/04/2015
There is a popular expression that "money does not smell." It seems that a way to obtain funds really does not matter for the head of state corporation "Rostec" Sergei Chemezov. As they say, if only finances were. So Sergei Chemezov decided to learn a new giant cash flow in the form of budget billions, allocated for the garbage disposal.
Of course, the garbage area is not the profile of "Rostec", but, it seems that the greed of Chemezov knows no bounds. So only in 2012, the recycling also entered the area of responsibility of "Rostec", as under this business in February of the same year was created the subsidiary of the State Corporation "National Environmental statement" (OJSC NEO), which creates the technology and infrastructure for waste disposal .
In other words, though "Rostec" was "broken off" from the federal status of the operator, but it was allowed still allowed to the "trough" in the form of federal programs. In essence, it was the second goal tantamount of Chemezov for amendments - and not less important than the federal operator status.
By the way, due to the adoption of the amendments and the emergence of new lines in the corresponding receipts for utility bills, the prices on the utilities in Russia may rise to 15%. This was confirmed by a co-chairman of the Russian Consumers' Union Anatoly Golov. The cost of utility bills, by the way, has already jumped. For example, only in Moscow tariffs for housing and communal services has increased by 10%.
It turns out that after the adoption of "amendments of Chemezov" the ordinary Russians began to pay more for utilities, and the head of "Rostec" "sucked" to the next government program.
VEK, 25.05.2015
The proposal to make a 100-percent "daughter" of "Rostec" - National immuno-biological company ("Natsimbio") - the only supplier of pharmaceuticals for the treatment of tuberculosis, HIV and viral hepatitis, purchased at the expense of the federal budget, is set out in a letter to the general director of state corporation Sergei Chemezov to Russian President Vladimir Putin. We are talking about preferences for the period up to 2020. Chemezov also proposes to make "Natsimbio" the sole seller of blood products for the country for the period until 2025.
RBC, 22.07.2015
Sanitation the bank "Tavrichesky" turned into the collapse of business empires of the two former senators from St. Petersburg Alexander Sabadash and Evgeny Samoylov: one is already serving a sentence for fraud; another was arrested last week together with the governor of Komi Vyacheslav Gaizer and 18 other officials of his team. The storm is passing by the clan of the offspring of the Ministry of Defence (and also a former senator) Gregory Naginsky, but the clouds are gathering over the heads of the governor of the Pskov region Andrei Turchak and his father Anatoly, who own an industrial holding "Leninist".
The beneficiary of these large-scale fighting is called the head of the state corporation "Rostec" Sergei Chemezov. His wife Ekaterina Ignatova - is a major shareholder of the bank "International Financial Club" (IFC), sanitizing "Tavrichesky". Accordingly, depending on how much money, withdrawn from the bank by Sabadash, Samoilov and others (see. "Loans to ..."), will be able to return to a credit institution, is directly depends if the reorganization will be profitable for his family.
On the other hand, "Rostec" is long been eyeing on the assets of "Lenints", which, according to some experts, can be absorbed by the state corporation as a result of this attack.
DP, 22.09.2015
CEO of "Rostec" Sergei Chemezov explained the appointment of Anatoly Serdyukov, dismissed from the Ministry of Defense with the scandal, as an industrial director of the state corporation for the aviation industry. According to Chemezov, Serdyukov's qualification is enough for the new post. He headed the supervisory board of "Rostec" for 5 years and 2.5 years was an adviser to the First Deputy of Chemezov.
DP, 09.11.2015
Just a few years ago, the future of the plant looked rosy. In the mid-2000s, the general director of the fledgling state corporation "Russian Technologies" Sergey Chemezov has decided to make "Red October" a major asset of the holding, planned by him, for the production of special steels, used in the defense industry. In 2007, CJSC "Russpetsstal", specially created for this purpose, acquired 100% shares of the plant from a Ukrainian businessman Eduard Shifrin. Chemezov and his first deputy Alexei Aleshin went into "Russpetsstal" Board of Directors, and it was headed by the deputy chairman of VTB Igor Zavyalov, which soon became the deputy of Chemezov.
Formally, "Rostec" had 25.1% from "Russpetsstal". Another 24.9% received Eduard Shifrin, and the remaining 50% divided Cypriot Vriefway Lacoveta Management and Briefway Trading. From the materials of the High Court of London follows that offshore were under the control of "Troika Dialog", which helped "Rostec" to buy shares of Russian companies then (including, for example, KamAZ and AvtoVAZ). Managing Director of "Troika" Sergey Skvortsov (now works as deputy director of the "Rostec") told "Vedomosti" that the investment company owned shares of "Russpetsstal" in the interests of "Rostec".
RBC, 26.05.2016