Sergei Protosenya was born in 1966.
In 1991 he graduated from Kuibyshev civil engineers' training school in Moscow, having acquired a profession of engineer and economist
In 1995-1997 he was deputy director of Nova corporation.
In 1997- 2001 he was CFO of Tarkosaleneftegaz oil company.
In 2001- 2002 he managed accountant department of Pour-Land public corporation.
In 2002 he became chief accountant of Novatek public corporation.
In 2011 Protosenya's wealth was estimated at 440 million dollars.
Sources: Ruspres
In April 2009 Protosenya and some other top managers of Novotek purchased company's shares. Their stakes, however, were not big enough to influence strategy of the company. Protosenya purchased 0.0864% of shares, but it sufficed to increase his wealth. In 2009-2010 he went up from 160 to 370 million dollars. It was a great breakthrough after the crisis when Protosenya's $ 1.97 billion capital was considerably reduced. In 2008-2009 other top managers of the company lost significant amounts of money, too.
Their synchronized losses and profits indicate that there is an interest group among managers of the company.
Sources: Finance, 15 February 2010
In March 2011 Novotek was getting bigger and bigger profits, as it was believed, owing to one of the major shareholders Gennady Timchenko, "a friend of Vladimir Putin". Management system of the company grew complicated and needed restructuring. Company's managing director removed many managers from the board, including Protosenya. Despite still being a chief accountant, he nevertheless lost his seat on the board of Novotek.
Source: Moskovskie novosti, 21 April 2011