(Was born April 30, 1961, the settlement Kedrovka, Kemerovo region.) - In 1983 he graduated from the Moscow Mining Institute, specializing in "mining engineer". In 1991 he graduated from the Higher School of Management at the State Academy of Management behalf of Sergo Ordzhonikidze on the specialty "Organizer of the Management of foreign economic activity." Candidate of Technical Sciences, Doctor of Economic Sciences.
In the years 1983-1988 - Head of the mining area, the mountain master of the mine "Neryungrinskiy" of production association "Yakutugol". In 1988-1989 - Chief Engineer of the Pavlovsk coal mine of production association "Primorskugol". In 1989-1990 - Head of Planning and Economic Department of the NGO "Polimerbyt".
In 1990-1992 - Deputy Director of the Economic edition of "Nezavisimaya Gazeta".
In 1992-1995 - Director of Closed Joint-Stock Company" ARS-C1." In 1995-1997 - General Director of CJSC "Investment Company" MirInvest ". In 1997-1998 - General Director of OJSC "Pinnacle world invest".
President of OJSC "Oil Company" Evikhon "- in 1998-2000. In 2000-2000 years - the first Vice-President, Managing Director of OJSC "Moscow Oil Company."
In 2000-2003 - President of OJSC "Krasnoyarskkrayugol". In 2003-2004 - General Director of CJSC "Management Company" Russian coal ". In 2004-2005 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Estar".
In 2005-2007 - deputy of the State Duma of the fourth convocation, a member of the State Duma Committee for Industry, Construction and High Technology. In 2007-2011 - deputy of the State Duma of the fifth convocation, a member of the State Duma Committee on Industry.
Since 2012 - General Director of LLC "Management Company" Russian agro-trust ", as well as chairman of the" DonBioTeh 'Council.
Wife - Elena AlekseevnaVarshavskaya. Daughters Eugene and Anna were born in marriage- both are graduates of MGIMO, married. He has grandchildren: Julia (born. 2007) and Leonard (born 2010).
Today, the public reception of the State Duma deputy Vadim Varshavskiy, located on a Zachateisk side street, law enforcement officers seized a technical device, transmitting information. Employees of Khamovniki Inter-district Prosecutor's Office of the Central Administrative District of Moscow, the FSS and the Interior Ministry carried out a preliminary test, seized a found device, and sent to the technical study. According to the test participants, the device was in working condition. If, after further inspection is finally confirmed, the prosecutor's office opened a criminal case under Part 2 of Art. 138 of the Criminal Code "Violation of the secrecy of correspondence, telephone conversations, postal, telegraph or other communications, committed by a person using his official position or special technical equipment, presented for secret information obtainment."
Skandaly.ru, 09.03.2006
"The owner of the plant as part of the management company "Estar" became a businessman Abukar Bekov", - reported in the April news agencies. The transaction is suspended, and the plant, likely, is to continue to return to the owner, a co-owner of the group "Russian coal" Vadim Varshavskiy, told local reporters the Minister of Industry of the Chelyabinsk region Evgeniy Teftelev. "Bekov came the other day, heard questions about salaries and future layoffs and said: I do not want to fight with people, waved a hand to everyone and departed. So that the owner, it turns out, is the former Varshavskiy ", - told correspondent of the Forbes a member of the trade union of the plant. And Vadim Varshavskiy, which carefully concealed from the press all spring, called to the editor of Forbes himself, to announce: "The company [" Estar "] is sold, I have all the papers in my hands, anyone, who says that it is not, I'll give in Judgment!" The sale of "ESTAR" is more like the signing of the act of surrender: the holding of the 10 metallurgical plants, which in the last year could be sold for $ 3 billion, will cease to exist in its present form and is about to be divided into parts by the new owners.
... And what Varshavskiy is about to do after the collapse of the already third major project in their life? "Plans will appear in three months. I think that my song is not yet sung, "- he told Forbes.
Forbes, 03.07.2009
Varshavskiy property is seized, and he himself is restricted to travel abroad, reported the Bank of Moscow. Novosibirsk Metallurgical Works and trading house
"Estar" owe the bank more than 364 million rubles, and their owner, Vadim Varshavskiy, acts as a guarantor for these loans.
By decision of the district court of Moscow and Novosibirsk, officers have already arrested two residential premises in Moscow, belonging to the Varshavskiy, and imposed a penalty of 50% of all earnings of Varshavskiy in the State Duma (he is a member of the Committee on Industry).
Vedomosti, 09.11.09
The founder of holding "Estar" Vadim Varshavskiy (UR; region) in the Declaration of 2006 stated that he owns two plots in the Moscow region, the two non-residential premises in the capital, as well as a fleet of two "Mercedes", the BMW 760Li (2005) and Ferrari Scaglietti (2004). From the former property, according to data for 2009, remain only non-residential premises (516 sq. m), and the income of 1.95 million rubles, but the wife, two Mercedes GL 450 and 350, a flat and a land plot. In late 2009, his property was seized, and he himself was limited to travel abroad: Varshavskiy companies owed the Bank of Moscow more than 364 million rubles, and Varshavskiy himself acted as the guarantor of the loan. The request for his name left unanswered in "ESTAR".
Vedomosti, 19.05.2010
Mobilization reserves, pledged under the loan, withdrawing funds, allocated for the plant, the threat of bankruptcy of the main enterprise ... to what the State Duma deputy Vadim Varshavskiy put his hand, is dealt with the investigators now.
We believe that there are facts of output of assets and current assets from the factory and attempt to premeditated bankruptcy." And one of the locals in another interview to "Vesti" said even harsher: "They took the credit for the plant and stripped is as a linden".
So who were the previous careless owners and where went loans, taken by them? Before joining "Mechel" in 2005, the plant was managed, and owned, by the holding "Estar", part of the empire, created by well-known businessman Vadim Varshavskiy, by the way, a member of the "United Russia", too. Management Company "Estar" enter into contracts with lending institutions on behalf of the "ZMZ".
Top Secret, 01.01.2011
According to the documents, in early October 2009 the owner of 100% shares of ZMZ was Ltd. "Metallurgical Company" Estar", but in the end of October, the company owner became a Cyprus company. At the same time the powers of a single governing body were transferred to Ltd. "NK Invest".
Recall that the story of the search of the owner of the Zlatoust Steel Plant wore a detective character. In mid-April 2009, when the factory stopped production, a new head Abukar Bekov appeared at the Group of companies "Estar". It was reported then that Bekov acquired a group of companies, which included ten steel plants, located in the Urals, in the Rostov region, the Volga region, as well as the trading house "Estar" and the scrap metal industry "Lomprom", from a State Duma deputy Vadim Varshavskiy. However, the deal was reversed in June, and metallurgical holding came back to Varshavskiy, but he claimed that he no longer has any relations to the plant and to other companies of the Group in any way.
To find out, who owns the plant and is responsible for its deplorable state, Chelyabinsk Region authorities had to draw the prosecutor's office. In the end, they agreed on the fact that the owner of ZMZ is Varshavskiy, and actually - once in July ZMZ entered a bankruptcy proceeding - a group Mechel established control over the enterprise.
Rusmet 2014
The creator of the group "Estar", a former State Duma deputy Vadim Varshavskiy, appealed to the metropolitan court against the OJSC "Mechel" on the establishment of property rights to his "daughter" - a Cyprus company Daveze Ltd. It is the owner of the Donetsk steel plant (DEMZ), exactly. The businessman told "Izvestiya" that 2 years ago he paid for the shares of Daveze Ltd, but didn't receive them so far. In "Mechel" believe that Varshavskiy is trying to use an advantage of an unfavorable situation for the group and actually get a free attractive asset.
As for 2013-2015, according to SPARK, under the control of Varshavskiy there are only five companies, where he acts as a co-owner or holds a senior position. Among them - is an LLC "REMZ", similar to Donetsk plant - Rostov Electro-Metallurgical factory, where Varshavskiy is a Director. As of 2014, he owns a small stake in the company "Rostovstalbeton".
Izvestiya, 23.04.2015
A Moscow court is currently hearing the case of an underground brothel, located in the heart of the capital. Unlike many other similar cases, Themis has all chances to punish not only the ordinary performers here, but also the main organizer of this slippery business, a major Russian businessman.
An elite brothel, prices for sexual services of girls-models started from 16 thousand rubles per hour, was focused exclusively on the rich clientele - politicians, senior-level officials, successful entrepreneurs and gangsters. Sophisticated variety of sexual services was registered directly in the price list of the shebang. For example, to take any girl from the working shift with you - from the dancers to the waitresses - was able for 35-45 thousand rubles, and lovers of thrills with tight purse were offered to spank a Club art director with a whip for only half a million rubles.
Thus, its participation in this process can explicitly indicate the lush restaurant owner. But there is another line of evidence for such a conclusion. It is known that Varshavskiy controls a banquet service "Art Club", which also includes the recently closed Art Club "Karaoke on Plyushchikha", located in the same building of the Club of the plant "Rubber". And a contact phone number of the Art Club is fully coincided with the "Golden Dragon" number. Another part of the banquet service is an Art dining in Ostozhenka, its premises belong to Varshavskiy family, and a dining room itself is located in the house, where the oligarch lives.
Vadim Varshavskiy, probably, managed to increase their profits even when he was a State Duma deputy. Investigators were very interested in his role in the global problems of the Zlatoust Metallurgical Plant at the time. The various "strange" work schemes do not always went of the hands of the oligarch - there were references of possible bankruptcy and deprivation of the half of the parliamentary salary and even the arrest of his property for corporate debt in his biography. However, despite these minor setbacks, Vadim Varshavskiy continues to accumulate capital, adding together the income from their "doubtful" project. After all, the money, as it is known, does not smell.
The version 7.12.2015
Former State Duma deputy Vadim Varshavskiy, controlling group "Estar", continues to collect debts. Thus, the "Rostov electrometallurgy plant" (REMZ) filed a lawsuit to the Arbitration Court of Chelyabinsk region on recovery of vicarious liability to Ltd. "NK Invest" (the structure of "Mechel" - Ed.) on the debts of OJSC "Zlatoust Metallurgical Plant" (ZMZ).
Recall that in 2013, ZMZ is in bankruptcy with the total size of the claims of creditors 13.7 billion rubles. This company previously was a part of the group "Estar" of Vadim Varshavskiy.
In 2009, the assets of the group went on the debts to the Group "Mechel" of Igor Zyuzin as the main creditor. In late 2013, the Management of the ZMZ passed to the factory "Red October" (Volgograd). At the same time, Mr. Varshavskiy regained control of the REMZ, paying the debt to "Mechel". Varshavskiy now claims ZMZ debts from the "Mechel".
"Dubious machinations" with debts often occur inside "Estar" groups. Take, for example, the story of Ltd. "Metallplat" - modest Dagestan Company that has managed to increase the debt to "Estar" to 5 billion rubles. Despite the fact that we are not talking about bills, but the real, according to "Estar", supply of the metal. In this case, the representatives of "Metallplat" may be suspected in the withdrawal of assets.
Moscvu-post.com, 17.03.2016
Difficult times have come for a former State Duma deputy Vadim Varshavskiy, controlling the group "Estar". At the end of March 2016 it became known that representatives of Rostekhnadzor, Rosprirodnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor and the Government of the Rostov region "ganged up" on Varshavskiy.
As a result, in the Rostov region, as well as in Moscow protest rallies were held, in which citizens were outraged by the activities of Mr. Varshavskiy, and he himself became suspected in a deliberate destabilization of the political situation. The case immediately took a serious turn, and the owner of «Estar», rumored, has already got into the field of view of law enforcement agencies.
However, it seems that Varshavskiy got a lobbyist for the banking sector. In particular, mass media said that the representative of Vadim Varshavskiy in the banking community is Timothy (Teimuraz) Kurgin - a former boxer, entree to the brothers Ananiev, controlling "Promsvyazbank".
In fact, Mr. Kurgin plays the role of "a solver" at Varshavskiy. By the way, Mr. Kurgin has a quite developed "persuasion" skill, as he had previously engaged in professional boxing and in the "dashing 90-th" used a "of force methods" to solve their problems.
Now Timothy Kurgin is known as an influential businessman, "a friend of bankers" and a "timber tycoon," but in the "dashing 90's," he was a frequent defendant in criminal news. Mr. Kurgin even won a mention in the documentary series "Criminal Russia", which came out on the NTV channel and told about the most high-profile criminal cases of the 90-th.
However, in those years, friends, or rather accomplices, named Timothy Kurgin or "Teimuraz", or Timur. So, "Teimuraz" Kurgin "lit up" in a scandal, related to the murder of the State Duma deputy Sergei Skorochkin in 1995.
Rumafia.com. 04/16/2016