Yury Petrov was born April 10, 1947 in Leningrad. He worked as an apprentice of the locksmith assembler at the Lomonosov repair mechanical plant. From 1966 to 1991 - student, graduate student, assistant, associate professor of Leningrad State University. In 1971 he graduated from the Law Department of Leningrad State University. From 1991 to 1995 he worked as a lawyer in "Priboy" company in St. Petersburg. From 1995 to 2000, he led the legal practice in St. Petersburg Bar Association. In 2000-2002 - senior lecturer of the law faculty of St. Petersburg State University.
Since August 2002, Yuri Petrov worked in the Russian Federal Property Fund (RFBR) Presidential Advisor, Head of the Legal Department. September 9, 2004 he was appointed a Deputy Chairman of the Russian Federal Property Fund (coordinated and controlled the activities of the Accounting and Reporting Office and Financial Control Office). By the decree of the Russian Federation October 4, 2004 he was appointed an Acting Chairman of the Russian Federal Property Fund on April 12, 2006 - the chairman of the Russian Federal Property Fund.
May 26, 2008, Yuri Petrov was appointed a head of the Federal Agency for State Property Management (FAUGI).
Since June 2008, included in "Rosneft" company's Board of Directors since June 2009, is in the position of Deputy Chairman of the Board.
C September 14, 2011 Yuri Alexandrovich Petrov left the "Rosneft" company's board of directors. September 13, 2011 Matthias Warnig is elected to the "Rosneft" board of directors on the place of Yuri Alexandrovich Petrov.
In connection with the election to the State Duma is dismissed from the post of the head of the Federal Property Agency (Decree of the Russian Government dated 20 December 2011 № 2243-p).
According to the official declaration, Petrov and his wife received the revenue of more than 28.8 million rubles in 2011. The family owned a land plot, residential and a guest house, an apartment, a car and a boat.
As we have noted, at the time of the arrival of Petrov, Russian Federal Property Fund remained one of the few departments, not affected by a wave of expansion of St. Petersburg. The new chief began to correct this deficiency with all possible speed. But one problem prevented the rapid and complete change in the composition of the central apparatus: Malin left a few deputies after him, and it was not possible to get rid of them with a single stroke of the pen.
Such are the nuances of the civil service: the official, the more senior, cannot be dismissed just. It is necessary either a statement of their own volition or an offense, falling under the Article of the Labour Code, or the transfer of a not necessary companion to another responsible position, preserving if not the scope of authority, or at least the former status and providing level of material benefits. (The classic example is the sensational castling, when the ex-General Prosecutor Vladimir Ustinov has not been dismissed or retired, and got a chair of Minister of Justice.)
Realizing that advance units should not have problems with logistics, Petrov, first of all, tried to solve for new associates a housing problem, historically fundamental for Moscow.
Just five or six members of the apparatus, even before he could get rid of acting prefix, replaced the St. Petersburg residence on Moscow. And they got not communal, but quite comfortable apartments in not the worst areas of the capital.
So, the apartment area of 67.5 square meters was acquired for Beliy Valeriy Vasilievich over 220 thousand Dollars at University Avenue; for Savvin Yury Viktorovich - an apartment on the Krylatskie Hills Street of 73.2 square meters (transaction amount - US $ 221.5 thousand.); for Korobov Aleksey Valerievich - "treshka" (three-room) on the High street (over 220 thousand dollars.); for Korovkevich Vladimir Vladimirovich - the same size apartment on the Kravchenko street for the same 220 thousand. Dollars; for Shestreryuk Anatoly Stepanovich - 100.5 square meters apartment in Mir lane, as you can guess, for 220 thousand. Only Alexey Bocharov dropped below this bar for some reason: his apartment on the Maria Ulyanova Street was bought for 205,530 dollars. But the apartment of Petrov Yuri Alexandrovich himself at the Taras Shevchenko embankment cost the Russian Federal Property Fund to 408,080 dollars - probably for reasons of subordination.
Thus, mass migration from St. Petersburg to Moscow was recorded not only in jokes, but also in the Order of the Russian Federal Property Fund of 17.01.2005 of a very revealing number 1. What to say: New Year gifts appeared to be luxurious.
Leningradskaya Pravda, 06.11.2006
Head of Russian Federal Property Fund Yuri Petrov in an interview with Kommersant says that the fund has not only survived in 2007, but has built a new structure, through which in the future he intends to sell everything that the state can sell: from customs confiscate and property of Yukos to federal lands and non-core assets of "Gazprom ".
- What's the problem with the implementation of confiscated goods through the RFPF? There have been many scandals to this thread...
- The problem that confronts us with the sale of seized and confiscated assets - is a problem of non-working legal basis to these sales. Periodically there are scandals around this theme: it turns out that the Russian Federal Property Fund was implementing a batch of mobile phones for five rubles each. For the layman, who reads a newspaper, it looks horrible. But, I'm sorry; we're now guilty because we stand last in the chain of the whole process. On mobile phones, which in 2006 were implemented on our behalf as evidence, assessment was given by the investigating authorities.
Kommersant, 01.02.2007
Head of the Privatization Management Knyazev, who has worked in the Russian Federal Property Fund since the foundation, was replaced by an unknown Adashkin Edward, which, as some internet portals say, Yuri Petrov advised his friend Victor Hmarin - a Honorary Consul of the Seychelles (!). By the way, a protégé of the consul, it seems, has already managed to "be incorporated" in a series of scandals. In particular, his name has been associated with an unexpected postponement of receiving of applications for purchase of Tyumen airport "Roschino".
Management of released military property was being mentioned in connection with the history of the sale of four combat helicopters. On the head of the department Anatoly Shesteryuk was filed a criminal case. After a while he was quietly dismissed, and the case was closed. The most interesting thing is that, as often happens in Russia; someone from the side was convicted in this case. In this case, this one was businessman Stanislav Čech, the intermediary in this transaction, and on a completely different article.
Compromising, 15.02.2007
Head of the Russian Federal Property Fund (RFPF), Yuri Petrov, while in Japan with an official visit, urged businessmen from the country of a rising sun to take part in the "sale" of the Russian enterprises.
Case is glaring. Firstly, foreign nationals cannot, at least officially, participate in the "sale of Russia." Secondly, it can be attributed to a reservation on the savagery of "semi-literate officer," but this does not apply to Petrov - a professional lawyer and a teacher.
Special piquancy to the history with the calling of the chief Russian privatizer to the Japanese today gives the fact that while the performance of Petrov in Japan at the forum "Investment opportunities in Russia: the stock market, industry, real estate" in Moscow in the middle of broad daylight, the Main Department of Interior Ministry officers in the Central Federal district conducted searches and interrogations at the RFPF building. According to investigators, some officials of the government organization dispose of confiscated goods too freely, blowing it on sale through "their" companies on apparently low price. They sold the property to the same "their" businessmen, who - one can argue - certainly do not suffer greed and generously share "joys of life" with "their" fellows from the Russian Federal Property Fund regularly.
Compromat, 13.07.2007
A deputy head of the Federal Property Agency, Yuri Medvedev in the interests of a third party more than a year is trying to take away the building from OJSC "Institute of Microeconomics", which is owned by the Institute. For this, he went to the falsification of orders of the Head of the Presidential Administration and the Office of the Government of Russia. His actions, which, apparently, can also be attributed to corruption, directly violate the norm of n. 3 of Art. 35 of the Russian Constitution, which prohibits the extra-judicial expropriation. At an event looks the head of the Federal Property Agency Yuri Petrov with indifference.
As you know, fish is more easily caught in the muddy water. What causes liberalism in the use of budgetary funds; it can be clearly seen on the example of the same competition in the automotive maintenance of the Property Management Agency. In the so-called technical building of the agency there is indicated the need in 73 vehicles, of which 70 - are "cool" representative foreign cars (see the table).
The "coolest", elongated Audi A8L with a powerful engine of 450 horse powers are intended, it seems, for the agency head Y. A. Petrov, and two such cars were needed for the safety net. They cost about 5.5 million rubles each. His 9 deputies drive 9 cars a little "worse" - Audi 8 without the letter L that is, not elongated. Persons with even lower rank are maintained, apparently, with Audi 6 (26 pcs.) And the S60 Volvo (13 pcs.).
Ruspres, 02.11.2009
The result of inspection may be a criminal case, brought against Yury Petrov under the article 293 of the Criminal Code "Negligence", said officials from the Kremlin to the edition of The Moscow Post. In particular, the questions to him may appear about the bankruptcy of OJSC "Federal Logistics Center" (FTSL), which officials from the Federal Property Management Agency decided to "liquidate" without the consent of the head of the Board of Directors - after administrative errors committed. In addition, according to The Moscow Post, Petrov, while being the head of the Federal Property Management Agency, "closed eyes" on "corruption offenses" of his own subordinates. Some of these facts were revealed in 2009, with the Federal Property Agency verification by the General Prosecutor's Office. A case in this point is about the contract of the Federal Property Agency on vehicle maintenance, signed by the head of the Office Pikulin, the cost of which, estimated, and exceeded the department's needs at 120 million rubles. The publication considers it possible that this amount was intended to "rollback". Moreover, the deputy head of the Federal Property Agency, Yuri Medvedev in the interests of a third party more than a year was trying to take away the building from OJSC "Institute of Microeconomics", which is owned by the Institute. For this he went to the falsification of orders of the Head of the presidential administration and the Russian government apparatus. As a result, employees have complained to the Minister of Economic Development Elvira Nabiullina, writes the newspaper.
Zampolit 2011
But why Yuri Petrov did not react to the "cuts" and "rollbacks" in the department? Maybe he was "in proportion" and now moved to the State Duma to obtain parliamentary immunity and avoid criminal liability?
It does not, "Mr.-good"! A lot of senior employees of Rosimushchestvo proved behind bars earlier. Take, for example, the criminal case of the ex-head of the Federal Property Management Agency of Primorsky Region Igor Meshcheryakov, who was actively "manipulating" with the Russian Federal Property Fund Property. Or take the case on the application of the state of damage by the Federal Property Management Agency of the Moscow region. As it turned out, the staff of the Federal Agency for State Property Management didn't properly check the conditions of contracts of sale of two large parcels of land in the Moscow region Kotelniki. As a result, the state suffered damage, amounting to more than 370 million rubles. Just do not forget about the criminal case against the deputy head of the regional Federal Property Management Agency in the Chelyabinsk region Evgeny Semenov, who is accused of abuse of power. According to police, he initiated the illegal trades in the implementation of enviable facilities in the city center. It is noteworthy that this is the second criminal case, in which the official became a defendant.
And this is just the latest scandals of the Federal Property Agency. Thus, criminal proceedings (in the same article 293 of the Criminal Code) may well be opened and on Yuri Petrov.
moscow-post, 23.11.2011
"We'll discuss, we'll discuss. Homeland - what it is: it asks, rather than just sending. It is to people, who are already working in the civil service, should not be abandoned, and we, free people from business, is simpler in this sense "- so Dergounova commented in spring 2010 to "Vedomosti" about a possible move to the civil service. A year later, there were rumors that she may lead the Federal Property Management Agency: First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov was extremely dissatisfied with the work of the Agency under the guidance of Yuri Petrov. "There are many problems, because of the lack of professionalism of its employees", - said Shuvalov.
In December Petrov elected deputies, and, an acting head of department became Gleb Nikitin. But to he failed to gain a foothold in his new position.
"Vedomosti". 20.06.2012
Recently it became known that the Federal Property Management Agency in the Supreme Arbitration Court suspended a fraud, started by itself earlier (when the previous head Yury Petrov), in result of which from the state property into private hands for peanuts was nearly moved 28 architect monuments in the capital. Among them - are "Ensemble of Rogozhskaya Yamskaya Sloboda», XIX century (18 buildings on Shkolnaya Street), Chambers of XVII-XVIII centuries on Kozhevnicheskaya street, house of Dolgorukovy of the middle of the XVIII century, manor Snegirev XIX century Plyushchikha house of Dolgorukov by the middle of the XVIII century in Kolpachny Lane, printing plant by 1936, Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul on Novoyasenevsky Avenue and some other objects of historical and cultural heritage. ..
According to some reports, behind this whole story stands the former head of the Federal Property Agency Yuri Petrov, who left the post to become a State Duma deputy from the party "United Russia" last December. It is not clear whether "the focus succeed" - the process is supposedly stopped. As the official representative of the Federal Property Agency said, "the court's decision, which was adopted today - it's a definite win, because now, let's say, "the athletes, participating in the race", are "returned to the starting point."
"Ruspres". 27.08.2012
The ex-head of the Federal Property Management Agency of sub-Moscow Ivan Ilyinsky is arrested.
This is, apparently, an unenviable fate of all civil servants in the Russian Federation as soon as changes in the department head, and all the previous management is on trial. So, who made a spectacular career with Yuri Petrov, head of the Regional Federal Property Agency Ivan Ilyinsky, deprived of the patronage positions and immediately became a suspect. It is said that officially it was a very modest official (see. Official declaration for the year 2010), but "inappropriate use" of position enabled him to roll the millions.
"Ruspres". 07/22/2013
Recall, the former head of the Federal Property Agency Yuri Petrov, who left his seat to get rid of unnecessary questions from the Interior Ministry and prosecutor's office, became a State Duma deputy from the "United Russia".
A transfer to the State Duma coincided with the beginning of a comprehensive inspection of the Federal Property Agency, initiated at the highest level - by the President Dmitri Medvedev. The aim of the inspection was to investigate the activities of agencies for effective management of federal property. Earlier, Yuri Alexandrovich gathered around him "effective managers" who "sawed" all of Moscow. Inefficient use of budgetary funds and inefficient use of state property, as an example, 120 million on the department’s vehicles service annually.
When Petrov, renting 1.1 million of federal property, and about 0.5 million of land plots with total area of 571 million hectares, Federal Property Agency does not bring revenue estimates in the budget. In 2010, federal expenditures on Federal Property Agency amounted to 12.5 billion, while revenues - total 72 billion. The fact that the Federal Property Agency assets were leased not at market prices, but at prices that are about 10 times less than the market value. If Petrov and staff under his control passed objects at reasonable prices, the federal budget revenues from the Federal Property Management Agency have reached 1 trillion rubles.
«The Morning News», 20.01.2015
On Twitter, there were photos of black BMW with blue flashing lights, twice violated the parking rules. The car is parked at a Moscow restaurant on the zebra and the bike path at the same time.
User, which uploads photos, believes that in the car-offender drives one of the State Duma deputies.
Photos are taken at the corner of Petrovka and Petrovsky Boulevard.
The fact that the car is assigned to the deputy Yuri Petrov confirms the table of correspondence of the government a series of USAID of the community Blue Buckets.
"Moslenta". 03/21/2016
In contrast to the popular media colleagues in the Party, State Duma Deputy Yury Petrov finishes conducting the election campaign, without attracting the mass media attention. Famous for his links with the major financial-industrial groups from the time of the head of the Federal Property Management Agency and the work of a member of the board of directors of Rosneft, Petrov took part in the debate and focused on negotiating with public opinion leaders, counting with their support to bypass many competitors on the preliminary voting.
"Rosbalt". 05/16/2016