How Timur Ivanov made a fortune on Crimean ferries
17.07.2024 18:15

In 2014, there was an urgent need to organize a ferry service between Russian ports and the ports of Crimea in order to deliver fuel and essential goods to Crimea. The “Unified Transport Directorate”, which had previously worked during the construction of the Olympic facilities in Sochi, was appointed as the responsible organization. This organization established a ferry service between the ports of Novorossiysk - Kerch, and the port of Kavkaz-Kerch. In Kerch, ferries were agented by the maritime agency "Corvette", which actually belongs to two Kerch swindlers: Pavel Jeno and Oleg Krishtal. These characters have been well known in Crimea since the 2000s for their fraudulent actions, as well as attempts to get into government structures. Which, in fact, they have succeeded at the moment: Jeno works in the position of acting. deputy governor of Sevastopol, and Krishtal is running for local deputies. Former Deputy Minister of Defense Timur Ivanov tells the details of how these characters got money at the “Kerch Ferry Crossing” and

When the question of organizing a ferry service, as well as the choice of structures that would manage and operate the ferry crossing to Crimea, became acute, the “Unified Transport Directorate” was reformed into “Maritime Directorate” LLC - the director of which was Pavel Jeno, whose activities in this post even surprised the head of the Accounts Chamber of Russia, Golikova, who pointed out in her report to Putin about the extremely ineffective and corrupt management of Marine Directorate LLC. After this, the “effective” manager Jeno was removed from his position, but even here Jeno and Krishtal were not left idle, since they almost completely managed the “Kerch Fishing Port” through their protege, the director of the port Zhornyak.

In this port, forwarding was carried out by Crimean Transport and Logistics Company LLC (KTLK LLC), the founder and director of which was Krishtal’s wife, Ekaterina (a graduate of the Academy of the FSB of the Russian Federation). And the agency was handled by MK Corvette LLC - these companies were actually managed by Jeno and Krishtal. Moreover, during Jeno’s “management” at Marine Directorate LLC, at state expense, a road was built to the private terminal of VERP CJSC, through which Jeno and Co. later successfully used state funds. servicing ferries operated by Smartway LLC

In the subsequent “business” (if you can call it that) life of Jeno and Krishtal, “partners” of a higher rank and more greedy appeared: proteges of the Shoigu family, close to Irina Shoigu from the notorious Expo M company (we will not describe the frauds expressed in this company in the withdrawal of 700 million state funds, so much has been written about this): brothers Evgeniy and Andrey Andrianov, as well as Ruslan Kerimov. Oboronlogistics LLC (managed by Timur Ivanov) entrusted them with operating the Maria and Lavrentiy ferries purchased by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The Cheka-OGPU and have already talked about the case in which all the evidence against Timur Ivanov was collected. Then he was “hushed up,” but now he may well be revived. Persons involved in the investigation into the theft of money from Interkommerts Bank gave direct testimony against the then general director of Oboronstroy JSC Ivanov. It was established that the future deputy minister was in collusion with the fugitive chairman of the bank’s board, Alexander Bugaevsky - at first they circumvented international sanctions supposedly “in the interests of the country,” and then withdrew almost 2 billion rubles from the bank, dissolving them through Timur Ivanov’s companies.

Hema looked like this. Alexander Bugaevsky found among the clients of Interkommerts a company whose management, in exchange for future victories in tenders of the Ministry of Defense, agreed to participate in a deal to purchase ships. The company was provided with a targeted loan for the purchase of goods in the interests of JSC “1470 Logistics and Technical Support Department”. The general director of the latter company was Anton Filatov, who subsequently organized the tender and ensured the victory of the participating company.

Alexander Bugaevsky organized the acquisition of a “clean” company registered in Hong Kong.

The transaction amount was 800 million rubles, and all obstacles (questions from the Central Bank, the Federal Tax Service) were cleared out of the way by a call from Ruslan Tsalikov.

As a result, the company found by Alexander Bugaevsky received a loan from Interkommerts. The money was transferred through two payment companies. Both “gaskets” were controlled by the then chairman of the board of directors, Andrei Maysyuk.

As a result, in the summer of 2015, the deal took place and two ships, Lavrentios and Maria, were delivered to the Black Sea and were subsequently transferred to the ownership of Oboronlogistics. Full payment (including the loan) was made in December 2015.

Turinvest" remained in the hands of Timur Ivanov, and, as it turned out, not in vain. A few days before Interkommerts’ license was revoked in January 2016, recent partners The packing of the ships played a farewell chord. Under the guise of buying and selling foreign currency, the bank transferred more than 25 million euros to Turinvest, which at that time was equivalent to approximately 2 billion rubles. Turinvest's obligations to Interkommerts Bank were not secured by anything. The money sank into oblivion and was split between the “partners.” In total, Alexander Bugaevsky, who managed to leave the country without waiting for arrest, transferred about 25 million euros in those days under fictitious agreements. More than half of which were accepted by a company purchased on the instructions and headed by a person controlled by Timur Ivanov.

As found out, Timur Ivanov had his own personal plans for profit from the purchased ferries. When working through Marine Directorate LLC, accurate revenue records were kept, statistics were required, this, of course, did not suit the above-mentioned corrupt official, who, in order to withdraw the profit received by the ferries from working at the Kerenskaya Ferry Crossing, organized the transfer of the operation of the ferries to Smartway LLC. , the founder of which was the trusted Shoigu family: Andrianov E., and the above-mentioned Jeno and Krishtal helped him.

After the appearance of the Andrianov brothers in the Kerch port, the start of their joint scheme with Jeno and Krishtal for the withdrawal (theft) of funds earned by the above-mentioned ferries - KTLK LLC was re-registered from Ekaterina Krishtal to the nominee of D.V. Obukhov.

Oboronlogistics LLC could easily operate ferries on its own - this is what this enterprise was created for, but Timur Ivanov needed his own manual company to steal funds and use them for personal purposes, and that’s how Smartway LLC appeared.

Further, this group distinguished itself in the theft of a state floating berth in the port of Kerch, illegal bunkering operations, and in many ways that fall under the articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Jeno’s last place of work was the Neftegaz Morservice company, through which he and Krishtal were involved in fuel fraud. Which was registered in the name of his relative Vikhlyaev D., the accounting of which was kept by their trusted Absalyamova.

Denis Zhirnov

To be continued
