Head of Moscow Customs Caught in Case
28.09.2024 16:08

The VChK-OGPU Telegram channel learned of a major scandal in the Federal Customs Service related to the illegal receipt of information on the declaration of goods transported across the border. The Investigative Committee has opened a criminal case under Part 4 of Article 274.1 (illegal influence on the critical information infrastructure of the Russian Federation) and Part 6 of Article 290 (accepting a bribe on an especially large scale) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. So far, two defendants are known: Roman Tarkhov and a certain Sheinikov, both are employees of the FCS and have been arrested. Tarkhov has been charged under both articles, Sheinikov has been charged with accepting a bribe.

The charges are based on a confession and the testimony of an intermediary that he transferred money to Sheinikov for obtaining information. According to the investigation, Tarkhov and Sheinikov had access to the Malakhit ISS and could create requests to obtain data contained in the system. The case also includes employees of Tarkhov's unit as witnesses and suspects. He himself declared his readiness to cooperate with the investigation. The customs officer's defense asked the court to release him under house arrest, but the judge decided that the information presented at this stage of the case was sufficient to conclude that the suspicions of Tarkhov's involvement in the acts under investigation were justified. According to a source of Rucriminal.info, Tarkhov R.V. served in the Moscow Customs as the head of the operational and analytical department, and everyone has long known that he and his employees have long been trading in closed official databases. But this is only the tip of the iceberg in a chain of abuses and gross violations of information security that systematically occur in this customs office. A very large leak of official information comes from a number of departments. At a number of customs posts, completely unauthorized persons have access to various programs for performing customs operations and "Malachite". No work is being done to prevent these abuses at Moscow Customs, and all because in the event of the establishment of illegal actions that clearly fall under Article 274 of the Criminal Code, the head of Moscow Customs, V.A. Romanovsky, takes all measures to conceal these crimes.

In particular, at the Novomoskovsky customs post, employees of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Federal Customs Service uncovered and documented facts of the post head, A.N. Antonov, providing his account, access to all KPS and "Malachite" to unidentified persons.

At the request of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Federal Customs Service, an official investigation was ordered at Moscow Customs in August, which, at the direction of V.A. Romanovsky, was carried out formally and superficially and without an in-depth study of all the circumstances of the illegal impact on the critical information infrastructure of the Russian Federation, as interpreted by the Criminal Code. The outcome of the official investigation was based on fictitious explanations given by customs officers who took the blame upon themselves, having been pressured and intimidated by Antonov A.N.

Вячеслав Романовский

Romanovsky V.A., knowing the details of what happened very well, in order to protect Antonov A.N., to whom he is very favorable, possibly due to his informal relations with him at work, not only from dismissal on discrediting grounds, but also from possible criminal prosecution, gives the order to conduct the investigation superficially and without sending the materials to the Investigative Committee.

At the same time, real persecution and harassment began on the part of Romanovsky V.A. of the head of the Moscow CED Zverev R.A. and his subordinate employees for minor violations, in comparison with those indicated above. And all this because the head of the CED never agreed to any dubious service proposals, to which the head of the Moscow Customs repeatedly inclined him.

These facts, as well as the history of dubious relations of Romanovsky V.A. with the TLC "Elektrougli" received wide publicity and resonance in the Federal Customs Service, which will undoubtedly have a deplorable effect on the future career of Lieutenant General Romanovsky V.A., despite all his efforts to remain in this customs office. 

Yaroslav Mukhtarov

Source: www.rucriminal.info