Resolves issues “under the wing” of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Korobkin
07.07.2024 18:38

The criminal case opened by Moscow investigators a year ago about the theft of billions of dollars from the Pension Fund of Ingushetia was only the result of the criminal activities of one group of people and it only concerns the theft of funds in 2020.

According to a source from, in fact, funds from the Pension Fund began to be stolen a decade ago and the criminal case is just the tip of the iceberg. We want to talk about the people who remained “in the shadows” of the investigation in this article.

The former head of the Pension Fund of Ingushetia, Movlat Vyshegurov, who was also subsequently arrested for multimillion-dollar embezzlement of the Pension Fund, when he first ascended to his throne, was looking for reliable personnel who were ready to work with him on embezzlement from the region’s budget.

One of his appointees to the position of head of the payment center was Magomed Umarov. Magomed's affairs went uphill, and new accomplices immediately appeared. For example, Musa Ozdoev, who suddenly became the head of the pension assignment department.

Then they “attached” the former newspaper writer Adam Evkurov, a relative of Ibragim Evkurov (nephew of the former head of the Republic of Ingushetia) - immediately as the head of social payments, and then as the head of the Pension Fund center. Being close to his boss Islam Seinaroev, Adam earned millions from his position.

And just a few years later, these citizens suddenly earned money for their suddenly appeared cottages, luxury cars, apartments in Moscow.

It is impossible to ignore the attention of the Head of the Department of Early Issuance of Pensions, Zhamald Gardanov, who amassed his capital on fake seniority records.

According to a source from, Magomed Umarov and his team were allowed to remain out of sight of law enforcement agencies by their close alliance with Ilez Kuriev, the former head of the BEP, who resolved all law enforcement issues for him.

Ilez Kuriev himself is a very interesting character. Having taken 40 million from the head of the medical and social examination of the region, Magomet Alikhanov, he did not share it with the former Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Alexander Trofimov, which is why he quickly left his post. But soon he somehow got used to the current leader, General Mikhail Korobkin, and now under his wing he is also resolving issues.

When security forces from the North Caucasus Federal District came to the region to finally restore order, Umarov and Ozdoev, in order not to go to jail themselves, began to actively turn everyone in.

What now with the Pension Fund of the Republic of Ingushetia? Zubeir Evloev, who also previously worked in the BEP, apparently made good money there, since he accumulated 100 million rubles, which he gave to Bashir Kalimatov for his appointment as manager of the Pension Fund. It remains to be seen how quickly he will be able to “recoup” the money invested in this chair and whether he will be able to avoid the fate of his two predecessors. The only pity is that innocent people who were forced to do all this under various threats will again sit with him.

For some reason, all the above characters are not touched; apparently they paid well for their freedom. We hope that law enforcement agencies will eventually get to the truth.

Yaroslav Mukhtarov

To be continued