The secret witness did not understand why he was classified
11.07.2024 18:40

In the Komsomolsky Court of the city of Tolyatti, legal chaos continues during the consideration of criminal case No. 1-31/2024.

Галина Королева

In the photo, judge of the Komsomolsky Court, Tolyatti Koroleva (Beketova) Galina


In addition to the fact that since June, hearings have been held tightly 5 times a week from 10 to 18, often with going beyond the court session, this week the judge of the Komsomolsky court, the city of Togliatti, Galina Aleksandrovna Koroleva (Beketova), does not release the defense, lawyers and state prosecutor Domnikova Victoria until 00:10, thus violating not only the Code of Criminal Procedure (night time, in which procedural investigative actions are prohibited), but also the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Obviously, this acceleration is due to the arrival on Friday of the judge of the Samara regional court O.A. Melnikova. (apparently the case and terms are under the control of Vadim Kudinov), who, apparently, is precisely that curator, the link between the chairman of the Samara Regional Court Vadim Kudinov and Koroleva (Beketova) Galina Alexandrovna.

To all the complaints of the defense, either from the chairman of the Komsomolsky District Court of the city of Tolyatti, Alexandra Vladimirovna Winter, or from the deputy Vadim Kudinov, or from the KKS, the same answer was received with the same content, the meaning of which boiled down to the fact that the defense itself was to blame, since has the courage to provide evidence of the innocence of the defendants.


In the photo, judge of the Samara regional court Oksana Aleksandrovna Melnikova


In addition, by scheduling 5-day hearings, Judge Galina Aleksandrovna Koroleva (apparently with an idea from her supervisors) had the goal of minimizing or completely depriving the defense of time for preparing for the interrogation of witnesses and preparing various motions. But nothing came of it. Absolutely all the prosecution witnesses floundered in court, numerous contradictions and outright lies are what emerged from the interrogations of charged witnesses from the prosecution side. Some witnesses decided not to come to court at all, avoided being brought in, wrote and sent a statement that they completely trusted the court and could not appear in court, apparently they were afraid that the lies in their testimony would be revealed and they would have to answer under the article on giving false testimony. Particularly epic was the interrogation of Arkady Ishutin, owner and general director of Agropromtrade LLC, who at the end of the interrogation admitted that his testimony was nothing more than FANTASY, and he did not know what the market prices of mineral fertilizers were. And in general, the interrogation of Arkady Ishutin was full of contradictions, outright lies, and he realized this at the end of the interrogation in court and completely began to refuse to give answers to the defense’s questions. The secret witness in the person of Sergei Aleksandrovich Kalinin, who confirmed in court that no one threatened him, could not answer why he was being interrogated with classified status; it is still absolutely unknown why he was given the status of a secret classified witness by the investigation, and indeed gave testimony in favor of the defendants. Dmitry Petrunin (ex-commercial director of a chemical giant), who during interrogation in court insisted that he actively voted against prices at the Price Committee, was very confused or lied when the defense presented him with the decisions of the Price Committee for review, where he voted “for”, and not “against”, as he stubbornly insisted on this earlier during the investigation and at the meeting during the interrogation of state prosecutor Victoria Domnikova, that he allegedly voted against and objected. Specialist Grechanik Lyudmila, who is a partner of DRG-consulting (formerly Delloit) and who during the investigation gave negative testimony against the accused in the form of interrogation of a specialist without a specialist’s conclusion (!) at the time of interrogation, suddenly left the country, enclosing a copy of her visa to the UK in 2023 , and the court refused to bring the bailiffs to her place of residence, although a copy of the passport with registration in Moscow is on file. More details here


If you think that the farce of this criminal case and the obvious nature of its order has reached its climax, then no. Here are some more facts that bring Spanish shame to our Samara Investigative Committee, the regional prosecutor's office and the Komsomolsky district court of the city of Tolyatti. Local residents correctly point out that if the regional prosecutor’s office itself violates the law, what kind of adherence to the law can we talk about in the region? So, as in any other economic criminal case, there is an expert opinion, in this case for 0.5 billion rubles. allegedly damage. The examination was made methodologically, arithmetically and technically with numerous significant errors, which the defense drew attention to. Judge Koroleva Galina refused to call a specialist for questioning in court, apparently now the number one priority is to proceed to the debate as soon as possible. Moreover, in the criminal case itself there is only a copy of the expert’s signature, not certified by the organization’s seal. The signatures of the expert himself in his work are also not certified by a seal. During the year, the defense complained to both the Investigative Directorate and the Regional Prosecutor's Office about this significant violation, the response was - everything is fine, the copy was taken from the original, and it doesn’t matter that there is no original. As a result, during the interrogation of the general director of the organization on whose staff the specialist worked, who performed his work with significant distortions and errors, it turned out that the original subscription was never sent to the city of Samara, to the Investigative Directorate for the Samara Region, and is kept by the expert, which means , that the investigator certified the copy from the copy, and the director did not have the right to take a signature from the expert, since the organization is not a forensic institution. But this does not bother either the prosecutor or the judge yet. In addition, the subscription was taken AFTER the examination, the specialist did his work without knowing about criminal liability, as they say, write what they tell you, there will be no liability. Investigators, of course, could have worked better to give this criminal case at least some kind of legalized and logical character.

In addition to the above facts, there is a whole list of violations of the Code of Criminal Procedure by investigators and by judge Galina Aleksandrovna Koroleva, if they were all described in an article, it would not be enough to read them in an hour.


I would also like to add a few words about the chairman of the Samara Regional Court, Vadim Kudinov - as Chronograph points out, since 2022, Kudinov has not disclosed his declaration of income and property. “The basis for concealment looks strange: it contains a reference to paragraphs. “g” clause 1 of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2022 No. 968, although the entire decree applies only to employees of the law enforcement and judicial system, as well as their close relatives who take part in the SVO. It would be a stretch to call Kudinov involved in the SVO.


In the photo, Chairman of the Samara Regional Court Vadim Kudinov


In total, during his tenure as chairman of the SOS (since March 18, 2019), Vadim Kudinov disclosed information about income and property three times - based on the results of 2019-2021. And three times in the public declaration there was no information about the vehicles in his personal use (by ownership, lease or other type of ownership). The documents reported only about the vehicle owned by the spouse of the reporting person. In 2019-2020 it was a Mitsubishi Outlander, in 2021 it is a Lexus RX 300.


At the same time, there is a version that even before being confirmed in his current status, Vadim Kudinov could drive a Volkswagen Touareg. And already when he was the chairman of the SOS, another vehicle of a similar class could appear in his use, allegedly accepted as a gift from certain entrepreneurs operating, including in the territory of the Krasnoglinsky district of Samara, where in 2008-2013 . Kudinov worked as chairman of the local district court. One of the authors of the Russian Criminal portal Alexey Ermakov, in the publication “For money, yes” on January 10 of this year, emphasized: “Kudinov was seen in business with the king of the scorched Hennessy Sako (aka Sarkis Melekbekyan) and accepting a used car as a gift from the “lads.” "Audi". Melekbekyan once created an organized crime group for the sale of burnt alcohol. Unfortunately, direct evidence of the connection between Vadim Kudinov and Sako, namely the recording of their conversation, magically disappeared from criminal case 201223521.”


The question “who are the judges?” in the Samara region, unfortunately, is eternal. With great difficulty, the region got rid of, as people in the Samara region say, Efanovshchina; it remains apparently to get rid of Kudinovshchina in order to enable district courts not to violate the Code of Criminal Procedure and to be independent. But, are such judges needed in district courts, such as Galina Aleksandrovna Koroleva of the same Komsomolsky District Court of the city of Togliatti, who accept custom cases and do not resist orders from outside, violate all possible norms of the Code of Criminal Procedure, communicate with the prosecutor during breaks in meetings and force lawyers to sit until 12 nights in progress 5 days a week. Let us remind you that over the past year, about 20 ministers have been in custody. The purges are being carried out by the federal center; currently the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation is checking the former governor of the Samara region. It is striking, of course, how, against the backdrop of all this, they continue to churn out custom cases in the Komsomolsky District Court of the city of Togliatti, because this is not the only custom-made criminal case, similar processes are going on in parallel in the same court, Judge Galina Aleksandrovna Koroleva and prosecutor V.A. Domnikova is actively helping her . By the way, having participated in such a contract case against former top managers of a chemical giant, it is strange how prosecutor Victoria Domnikova can teach something good by giving lectures to schoolchildren about the profession of “Prosecutor”.


In the photo is prosecutor Victoria Domnikova

All of the above says only one thing - the performers have lost touch with reality due to their impunity. What motivates them? Career growth, transfer to a desired position in the region, or simply an order is an order - to condemn as soon as possible without unnecessary noise.
